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DigitalSamba native app example

This example requires media device permissions to be present in Info.plist, namely "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description" and "Privacy - Camera Usage Description".

There are a few components to this example. We create JS environment for embedded app in frame.html, similarly to how we would do on web. Few things of note

  • we create a plain frame without any adornments (so that it better fits native view) and load it immediately
  • room URL can be configured in multiple ways. We support dynamic room URL by passing it as a part of query string from native app. Alternatively, it can be hardcoded in frame.html or, you could pass room properties inside evaluateJavaScript() call for more drill-down configuration
  • frame.html comes with SDK version from the CDN. Integrators might want to bundle js files locally and include them during build time

Native app loads JS environment using WKWebView class, see ViewController.swift for details. In the example we simply load the frame and expose view.sendCommand method that allows executing arbitrary commands against SDK handle. See docs for details on available commands and payloads. Native app exposes a messageHandler (available as window.webkit.messageHandlers.messageHandler in JS environment) to listen to embedded app events. Multiple listeners can be set up for different events.


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