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PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - orafce介绍






PostgreSQL , Oracle , 兼容性 , 包 , 函数 , 类型





1. 类型 date, varchar2 and nvarchar2

2. 函数 concat, nvl, nvl2, lnnvl, decode, bitand, nanvl, sinh, cosh, tanh and oracle.substr

3. dual 表

4. package :

        PLVstr and PLVchr  





mv orafce-3.1.2 /opt/soft_bak/postgresql-9.4.5/contrib  
cd /opt/soft_bak/postgresql-9.4.5/contrib/orafce-3.1.2  


export PATH=/opt/pgsql/bin:$PATH  
make clean  
make install  


su - postgres  
postgres=# create extension orafce;  

Oracle兼容 函数列表:

postgres=# \df  
                                                                                                            List of functions  
 Schema |        Name         |      Result data type       |                                                                        Argument data types                                                                         |  Type    
 public | bitand              | bigint                      | bigint, bigint                                                                                                                                                     | normal  
 public | cosh                | double precision            | double precision                                                                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint                                                                                                                                     | normal  
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint                                                                                                                 | normal  
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint                                                                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, bigint                                                                                     | normal  
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, bigint                                                                                                         | normal  
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, bigint                                                                                                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character                                                                                                                                  | normal  
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, anyelement, character                                                                                    | normal  
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, character                                                                         | normal  
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, character                                                                                                | normal  
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, character                                                                                                                       | normal  
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date                                                                                                                                       | normal  
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date                                                                                                                     | normal  
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, anyelement, date                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, date                                                                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, date                                                                                                               | normal  
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, date                                                                                                                                 | normal  
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer                                                                                                                                    | normal  
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer                                                                                                               | normal  
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer                                                                                          | normal  
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, integer                                                                                 | normal  
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, integer                                                                                                      | normal  
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, integer                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric                                                                                                                                    | normal  
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric                                                                                                               | normal  
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric                                                                                          | normal  
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, numeric                                                                                 | normal  
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, numeric                                                                                                      | normal  
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, numeric                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text                                                                                                                                       | normal  
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text                                                                                                                     | normal  
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, anyelement, text                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, text                                                                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, text                                                                                                               | normal  
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, text                                                                                                                                 | normal  
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone                                                                                                                     | normal  
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone                                                                                 | normal  
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone                     | normal  
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone                                                         | normal  
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone                                                                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone                                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone                                                                             | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone                                       | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone             | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone                                                   | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone                                                                                         | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone                                                                                                                | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone                                                                       | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone                              | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone                                          | normal  
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone                                                                                   | normal  
 public | dump                | character varying           | "any"                                                                                                                                                              | normal  
 public | dump                | character varying           | "any", integer                                                                                                                                                     | normal  
 public | dump                | character varying           | text                                                                                                                                                               | normal  
 public | dump                | character varying           | text, integer                                                                                                                                                      | normal  
 public | nanvl               | double precision            | double precision, character varying                                                                                                                                | normal  
 public | nanvl               | double precision            | double precision, double precision                                                                                                                                 | normal  
 public | nanvl               | numeric                     | numeric, character varying                                                                                                                                         | normal  
 public | nanvl               | numeric                     | numeric, numeric                                                                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | nanvl               | real                        | real, character varying                                                                                                                                            | normal  
 public | nanvl               | real                        | real, real                                                                                                                                                         | normal  
 public | nvarchar2           | nvarchar2                   | nvarchar2, integer, boolean                                                                                                                                        | normal  
 public | nvarchar2_transform | internal                    | internal                                                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | nvarchar2in         | nvarchar2                   | cstring, oid, integer                                                                                                                                              | normal  
 public | nvarchar2out        | cstring                     | nvarchar2                                                                                                                                                          | normal  
 public | nvarchar2recv       | nvarchar2                   | internal, oid, integer                                                                                                                                             | normal  
 public | nvarchar2send       | bytea                       | nvarchar2                                                                                                                                                          | normal  
 public | nvarchar2typmodin   | integer                     | cstring[]                                                                                                                                                          | normal  
 public | nvarchar2typmodout  | cstring                     | integer                                                                                                                                                            | normal  
 public | nvl                 | anyelement                  | anyelement, anyelement                                                                                                                                             | normal  
 public | nvl2                | anyelement                  | anyelement, anyelement, anyelement                                                                                                                                 | normal  
 public | sinh                | double precision            | double precision                                                                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | tanh                | double precision            | double precision                                                                                                                                                   | normal  
 public | to_multi_byte       | text                        | str text                                                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | to_single_byte      | text                        | str text                                                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | varchar2            | varchar2                    | varchar2, integer, boolean                                                                                                                                         | normal  
 public | varchar2_transform  | internal                    | internal                                                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | varchar2in          | varchar2                    | cstring, oid, integer                                                                                                                                              | normal  
 public | varchar2out         | cstring                     | varchar2                                                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | varchar2recv        | varchar2                    | internal, oid, integer                                                                                                                                             | normal  
 public | varchar2send        | bytea                       | varchar2                                                                                                                                                           | normal  
 public | varchar2typmodin    | integer                     | cstring[]                                                                                                                                                          | normal  
 public | varchar2typmodout   | cstring                     | integer                                                                                                                                                            | normal  
(88 rows)  

Oracle兼容 dual表,在PG里用了一个视图来实现。

postgres=#  \dv  
        List of relations  
 Schema | Name | Type |  Owner     
 public | dual | view | postgres  
(1 row)  
postgres=# \d+ dual  
                       View "public.dual"  
 Column |       Type        | Modifiers | Storage  | Description   
 dummy  | character varying |           | extended |   
View definition:  
 SELECT 'X'::character varying AS dummy;  
postgres=# select * from dual;  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select 1 from dual;  
(1 row)  

Oracle兼容 包列表:


postgres=# \dn  
     List of schemas  
     Name     |  Owner     
 dbms_alert   | postgres  
 dbms_assert  | postgres  
 dbms_output  | postgres  
 dbms_pipe    | postgres  
 dbms_random  | postgres  
 dbms_utility | postgres  
 madlib       | postgres  
 oracle       | postgres  
 plunit       | postgres  
 plvchr       | postgres  
 plvdate      | postgres  
 plvlex       | postgres  
 plvstr       | postgres  
 plvsubst     | postgres  
 public       | postgres  
 utl_file     | postgres  
(16 rows)  


postgres=# \df dbms_alert.*  
                                                            List of functions  
   Schema   |      Name      | Result data type |                              Argument data types                              |  Type     
 dbms_alert | _signal        | void             | name text, message text                                                       | normal  
 dbms_alert | defered_signal | trigger          |                                                                               | trigger  
 dbms_alert | register       | void             | name text                                                                     | normal  
 dbms_alert | remove         | void             | name text                                                                     | normal  
 dbms_alert | removeall      | void             |                                                                               | normal  
 dbms_alert | set_defaults   | void             | sensitivity double precision                                                  | normal  
 dbms_alert | signal         | void             | _event text, _message text                                                    | normal  
 dbms_alert | waitany        | record           | OUT name text, OUT message text, OUT status integer, timeout double precision | normal  
 dbms_alert | waitone        | record           | name text, OUT message text, OUT status integer, timeout double precision     | normal  
(9 rows)  

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