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537 lines (410 loc) · 59.1 KB

PostgreSQL 12 preview - partitions pruned at plan time. 原生分区表性能提升23.5倍,已与pg_pathman持平。






PostgreSQL , 原生分区表 , ppas , lock , cache , plan , 性能 , pg_pathman


PostgreSQL 12 原生分区表性能大幅度提升。已与pg_pathman持平。此前用户可以使用pg_pathman加速或者使用阿里云PPAS。

《PostgreSQL 商用版本EPAS(阿里云ppas(Oracle 兼容版)) - 分区表性能优化 (堪比pg_pathman)》


版本 TPS
PG 11 11348
PG 12 267447


pg_pathman插件的分区功能使用custom plan的方式,没有以上问题。所以很多用户会选择PG_PATHMAN来作为分区表使用。(当然pg_pathman还支持interval分区(自动添加分区)等功能。)

现在PG 12,原生分区功能,已经不存在如上问题。

PG 12带来的提升包括:




Speed up planning when partitions can be pruned at plan time.  
Previously, the planner created RangeTblEntry and RelOptInfo structs  
for every partition of a partitioned table, even though many of them  
might later be deemed uninteresting thanks to partition pruning logic.  
This incurred significant overhead when there are many partitions.  
Arrange to postpone creation of these data structures until after  
we've processed the query enough to identify restriction quals for  
the partitioned table, and then apply partition pruning before not  
after creation of each partition's data structures.  In this way  
we need not open the partition relations at all for partitions that  
the planner has no real interest in.  
For queries that can be proven at plan time to access only a small  
number of partitions, this patch improves the practical maximum  
number of partitions from under 100 to perhaps a few thousand.  
Amit Langote, reviewed at various times by Dilip Kumar, Jesper Pedersen,  
Yoshikazu Imai, and David Rowley  


do language plpgsql $$  
  execute format('create unlogged table p (id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp) partition by hash (id)');  
  for i in 0..255 loop  
    execute format('create unlogged table p%s partition of p for values WITH (MODULUS %s, REMAINDER %s)', i, 256, i);  
  end loop;  

1、PG 12

PG 12 在操作单一分区时,很简单的方法可以界定以上PATCH,LOCK仅单个分区以及主分区。

postgres=# begin;  
postgres=# insert into p values (1,'test',now());  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# select pid,relation::regclass,* from pg_locks ;  
  pid  | relation |   locktype    | database | relation | page | tuple | virtualxid | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | virtualtransaction |  pid  |       mode       | granted | fastpath   
 57519 | p184     | relation      |    13577 |    21711 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/1106134          | 57519 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57519 | pg_locks | relation      |    13577 |    12137 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/1106134          | 57519 | AccessShareLock  | t       | t  
 57519 | p        | relation      |    13577 |    20234 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/1106134          | 57519 | AccessShareLock  | t       | t  
 57519 | p        | relation      |    13577 |    20234 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/1106134          | 57519 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57519 |          | virtualxid    |          |          |      |       | 3/1106134  |               |         |       |          | 3/1106134          | 57519 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t  
 57519 |          | transactionid |          |          |      |       |            |      34480647 |         |       |          | 3/1106134          | 57519 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | f  
(6 rows)  

2、PG 12以前的版本

PG 12 以前的版本,在操作单一分区时,LOCK所有分区。

postgres=# begin;  
postgres=# insert into p values (1,'test',now());  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# select pid,relation::regclass,* from pg_locks ;  
  pid  | relation |   locktype    | database | relation | page | tuple | virtualxid | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | virtualtransaction |  pid  |       mode       | granted | fastpath   
 57451 | p13      | relation      |    13285 |  1920786 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p12      | relation      |    13285 |  1920778 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p11      | relation      |    13285 |  1920770 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p10      | relation      |    13285 |  1920762 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p9       | relation      |    13285 |  1920754 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p8       | relation      |    13285 |  1920746 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p7       | relation      |    13285 |  1920738 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p6       | relation      |    13285 |  1920730 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p5       | relation      |    13285 |  1920722 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p4       | relation      |    13285 |  1920714 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p3       | relation      |    13285 |  1920706 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p2       | relation      |    13285 |  1920698 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p1       | relation      |    13285 |  1920690 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | p0       | relation      |    13285 |  1920682 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 | pg_locks | relation      |    13285 |    11645 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | AccessShareLock  | t       | t  
 57451 | p        | relation      |    13285 |  1920677 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t  
 57451 |          | virtualxid    |          |          |      |       | 3/60843    |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t  
 57451 | p197     | relation      |    13285 |  1922258 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p250     | relation      |    13285 |  1922682 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p152     | relation      |    13285 |  1921898 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p20      | relation      |    13285 |  1920842 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p150     | relation      |    13285 |  1921882 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p112     | relation      |    13285 |  1921578 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p210     | relation      |    13285 |  1922362 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p131     | relation      |    13285 |  1921730 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p198     | relation      |    13285 |  1922266 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p223     | relation      |    13285 |  1922466 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p165     | relation      |    13285 |  1922002 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p43      | relation      |    13285 |  1921026 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p168     | relation      |    13285 |  1922026 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p95      | relation      |    13285 |  1921442 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p98      | relation      |    13285 |  1921466 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p160     | relation      |    13285 |  1921962 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p50      | relation      |    13285 |  1921082 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p71      | relation      |    13285 |  1921250 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p44      | relation      |    13285 |  1921034 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p51      | relation      |    13285 |  1921090 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p216     | relation      |    13285 |  1922410 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p63      | relation      |    13285 |  1921186 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p18      | relation      |    13285 |  1920826 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p101     | relation      |    13285 |  1921490 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p253     | relation      |    13285 |  1922706 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p215     | relation      |    13285 |  1922402 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p48      | relation      |    13285 |  1921066 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p225     | relation      |    13285 |  1922482 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p97      | relation      |    13285 |  1921458 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p36      | relation      |    13285 |  1920970 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p17      | relation      |    13285 |  1920818 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p142     | relation      |    13285 |  1921818 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p171     | relation      |    13285 |  1922050 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p237     | relation      |    13285 |  1922578 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p94      | relation      |    13285 |  1921434 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p76      | relation      |    13285 |  1921290 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p147     | relation      |    13285 |  1921858 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p231     | relation      |    13285 |  1922530 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p187     | relation      |    13285 |  1922178 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p30      | relation      |    13285 |  1920922 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p108     | relation      |    13285 |  1921546 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p177     | relation      |    13285 |  1922098 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p64      | relation      |    13285 |  1921194 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p175     | relation      |    13285 |  1922082 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p54      | relation      |    13285 |  1921114 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p207     | relation      |    13285 |  1922338 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p243     | relation      |    13285 |  1922626 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p217     | relation      |    13285 |  1922418 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p119     | relation      |    13285 |  1921634 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p45      | relation      |    13285 |  1921042 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p73      | relation      |    13285 |  1921266 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p83      | relation      |    13285 |  1921346 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p103     | relation      |    13285 |  1921506 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p55      | relation      |    13285 |  1921122 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p52      | relation      |    13285 |  1921098 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p251     | relation      |    13285 |  1922690 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p34      | relation      |    13285 |  1920954 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p32      | relation      |    13285 |  1920938 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p69      | relation      |    13285 |  1921234 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p185     | relation      |    13285 |  1922162 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p65      | relation      |    13285 |  1921202 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p192     | relation      |    13285 |  1922218 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p236     | relation      |    13285 |  1922570 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p137     | relation      |    13285 |  1921778 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p252     | relation      |    13285 |  1922698 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p218     | relation      |    13285 |  1922426 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p179     | relation      |    13285 |  1922114 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p129     | relation      |    13285 |  1921714 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p158     | relation      |    13285 |  1921946 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p213     | relation      |    13285 |  1922386 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p208     | relation      |    13285 |  1922346 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p59      | relation      |    13285 |  1921154 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p15      | relation      |    13285 |  1920802 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p234     | relation      |    13285 |  1922554 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p28      | relation      |    13285 |  1920906 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p24      | relation      |    13285 |  1920874 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p27      | relation      |    13285 |  1920898 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p123     | relation      |    13285 |  1921666 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p202     | relation      |    13285 |  1922298 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p102     | relation      |    13285 |  1921498 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p60      | relation      |    13285 |  1921162 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p173     | relation      |    13285 |  1922066 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p186     | relation      |    13285 |  1922170 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p33      | relation      |    13285 |  1920946 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p88      | relation      |    13285 |  1921386 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p39      | relation      |    13285 |  1920994 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p82      | relation      |    13285 |  1921338 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p81      | relation      |    13285 |  1921330 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p143     | relation      |    13285 |  1921826 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p167     | relation      |    13285 |  1922018 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p87      | relation      |    13285 |  1921378 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p154     | relation      |    13285 |  1921914 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p148     | relation      |    13285 |  1921866 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p191     | relation      |    13285 |  1922210 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p125     | relation      |    13285 |  1921682 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p178     | relation      |    13285 |  1922106 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p127     | relation      |    13285 |  1921698 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p233     | relation      |    13285 |  1922546 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p211     | relation      |    13285 |  1922370 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p144     | relation      |    13285 |  1921834 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p86      | relation      |    13285 |  1921370 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p106     | relation      |    13285 |  1921530 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p162     | relation      |    13285 |  1921978 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p109     | relation      |    13285 |  1921554 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p205     | relation      |    13285 |  1922322 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p190     | relation      |    13285 |  1922202 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p91      | relation      |    13285 |  1921410 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p209     | relation      |    13285 |  1922354 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p242     | relation      |    13285 |  1922618 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p78      | relation      |    13285 |  1921306 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p156     | relation      |    13285 |  1921930 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p        | relation      |    13285 |  1920677 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | AccessShareLock  | t       | f  
 57451 |          | transactionid |          |          |      |       |            |    1330243980 |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | f  
 57451 | p196     | relation      |    13285 |  1922250 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p203     | relation      |    13285 |  1922306 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p164     | relation      |    13285 |  1921994 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p90      | relation      |    13285 |  1921402 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p135     | relation      |    13285 |  1921762 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p232     | relation      |    13285 |  1922538 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p22      | relation      |    13285 |  1920858 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p182     | relation      |    13285 |  1922138 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p38      | relation      |    13285 |  1920986 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p166     | relation      |    13285 |  1922010 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p96      | relation      |    13285 |  1921450 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p14      | relation      |    13285 |  1920794 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p92      | relation      |    13285 |  1921418 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p247     | relation      |    13285 |  1922658 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p238     | relation      |    13285 |  1922586 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p107     | relation      |    13285 |  1921538 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p116     | relation      |    13285 |  1921610 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p79      | relation      |    13285 |  1921314 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p181     | relation      |    13285 |  1922130 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p134     | relation      |    13285 |  1921754 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p117     | relation      |    13285 |  1921618 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p228     | relation      |    13285 |  1922506 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p245     | relation      |    13285 |  1922642 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p118     | relation      |    13285 |  1921626 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p31      | relation      |    13285 |  1920930 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p121     | relation      |    13285 |  1921650 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p229     | relation      |    13285 |  1922514 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p141     | relation      |    13285 |  1921810 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p246     | relation      |    13285 |  1922650 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p220     | relation      |    13285 |  1922442 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p58      | relation      |    13285 |  1921146 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p104     | relation      |    13285 |  1921514 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p226     | relation      |    13285 |  1922490 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p159     | relation      |    13285 |  1921954 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p75      | relation      |    13285 |  1921282 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p199     | relation      |    13285 |  1922274 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p189     | relation      |    13285 |  1922194 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p176     | relation      |    13285 |  1922090 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p42      | relation      |    13285 |  1921018 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p89      | relation      |    13285 |  1921394 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p85      | relation      |    13285 |  1921362 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p46      | relation      |    13285 |  1921050 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p169     | relation      |    13285 |  1922034 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p115     | relation      |    13285 |  1921602 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p62      | relation      |    13285 |  1921178 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p26      | relation      |    13285 |  1920890 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p132     | relation      |    13285 |  1921738 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p163     | relation      |    13285 |  1921986 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p170     | relation      |    13285 |  1922042 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p35      | relation      |    13285 |  1920962 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p200     | relation      |    13285 |  1922282 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p74      | relation      |    13285 |  1921274 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p230     | relation      |    13285 |  1922522 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p122     | relation      |    13285 |  1921658 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p126     | relation      |    13285 |  1921690 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p180     | relation      |    13285 |  1922122 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p149     | relation      |    13285 |  1921874 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p194     | relation      |    13285 |  1922234 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p201     | relation      |    13285 |  1922290 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p77      | relation      |    13285 |  1921298 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p111     | relation      |    13285 |  1921570 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p206     | relation      |    13285 |  1922330 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p128     | relation      |    13285 |  1921706 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p29      | relation      |    13285 |  1920914 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p193     | relation      |    13285 |  1922226 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p240     | relation      |    13285 |  1922602 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p72      | relation      |    13285 |  1921258 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p184     | relation      |    13285 |  1922154 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p56      | relation      |    13285 |  1921130 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p37      | relation      |    13285 |  1920978 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p110     | relation      |    13285 |  1921562 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p244     | relation      |    13285 |  1922634 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p99      | relation      |    13285 |  1921474 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p67      | relation      |    13285 |  1921218 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p227     | relation      |    13285 |  1922498 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p113     | relation      |    13285 |  1921586 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p68      | relation      |    13285 |  1921226 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p80      | relation      |    13285 |  1921322 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p161     | relation      |    13285 |  1921970 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p248     | relation      |    13285 |  1922666 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p25      | relation      |    13285 |  1920882 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p214     | relation      |    13285 |  1922394 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p157     | relation      |    13285 |  1921938 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p153     | relation      |    13285 |  1921906 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p47      | relation      |    13285 |  1921058 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p66      | relation      |    13285 |  1921210 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p21      | relation      |    13285 |  1920850 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p84      | relation      |    13285 |  1921354 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p241     | relation      |    13285 |  1922610 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p41      | relation      |    13285 |  1921010 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p19      | relation      |    13285 |  1920834 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p235     | relation      |    13285 |  1922562 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p255     | relation      |    13285 |  1922722 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p130     | relation      |    13285 |  1921722 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p219     | relation      |    13285 |  1922434 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p140     | relation      |    13285 |  1921802 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p188     | relation      |    13285 |  1922186 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p138     | relation      |    13285 |  1921786 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p212     | relation      |    13285 |  1922378 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p61      | relation      |    13285 |  1921170 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p249     | relation      |    13285 |  1922674 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p155     | relation      |    13285 |  1921922 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p114     | relation      |    13285 |  1921594 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p53      | relation      |    13285 |  1921106 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p136     | relation      |    13285 |  1921770 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p23      | relation      |    13285 |  1920866 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p16      | relation      |    13285 |  1920810 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p222     | relation      |    13285 |  1922458 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p239     | relation      |    13285 |  1922594 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p183     | relation      |    13285 |  1922146 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p93      | relation      |    13285 |  1921426 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p204     | relation      |    13285 |  1922314 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p224     | relation      |    13285 |  1922474 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p221     | relation      |    13285 |  1922450 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p105     | relation      |    13285 |  1921522 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p151     | relation      |    13285 |  1921890 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p100     | relation      |    13285 |  1921482 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p133     | relation      |    13285 |  1921746 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p254     | relation      |    13285 |  1922714 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p174     | relation      |    13285 |  1922074 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p124     | relation      |    13285 |  1921674 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p120     | relation      |    13285 |  1921642 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p40      | relation      |    13285 |  1921002 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p146     | relation      |    13285 |  1921850 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p195     | relation      |    13285 |  1922242 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p139     | relation      |    13285 |  1921794 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p70      | relation      |    13285 |  1921242 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p57      | relation      |    13285 |  1921138 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p49      | relation      |    13285 |  1921074 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p172     | relation      |    13285 |  1922058 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
 57451 | p145     | relation      |    13285 |  1921842 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/60843            | 57451 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f  
(261 rows)  



vi test.sql  
\set id random(1,1000000000)  
insert into p values (:id,md5(random()::text),now()) on conflict(id) do nothing;  

1、PG 11

pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120 -h /tmp -p 8001 -U postgres postgres  
transaction type: ./test.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 32  
number of threads: 32  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 1361828  
latency average = 2.820 ms  
latency stddev = 0.831 ms  
tps = 11348.115169 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 11348.492358 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.001  \set id random(1,1000000000)  
         2.818  insert into p values (:id,md5(random()::text),now()) on conflict(id) do nothing;  

2、PG 12

/home/digoal/pg12/bin/pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120 -h /tmp -p 3335 -U postgres postgres  
transaction type: ./test.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 32  
number of threads: 32  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 32093836  
latency average = 0.119 ms  
latency stddev = 0.058 ms  
tps = 267447.357761 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 267456.481028 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.000  \set id random(1,1000000000)  
         0.119  insert into p values (:id,md5(random()::text),now()) on conflict(id) do nothing;  


版本 TPS
PG 11 11348
PG 12 267447


《PostgreSQL native partition 分区表性能优化之 - 动态SQL+服务端绑定变量》

《PostgreSQL 9.x, 10, 11 hash分区表 用法举例》

《分区表锁粒度差异 - pg_pathman VS native partition table》

《PostgreSQL 查询涉及分区表过多导致的性能问题 - 性能诊断与优化(大量BIND, spin lock, SLEEP进程)》

《PostgreSQL 商用版本EPAS(阿里云ppas(Oracle 兼容版)) - 分区表性能优化 (堪比pg_pathman)》

《PostgreSQL 9.5+ 高效分区表实现 - pg_pathman》

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