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Digital Waybill API


The Digital Waybill API is a RESTful web services gateway to services provided by the Digital Waybill OrderPanel. This includes services such as querying for existing orders, placing new orders, accessing customer information, and various other functionality that was previously only available directly through the OrderPanel itself, or through other Digital Waybill client software such as the RemotePanel, QuickEntry, and 2-Way apps.

Language-Specific Libraries and Examples

Language-specific libraries and examples of implementation of the Digital Waybill API can be found in the subdirectories of this repository.



Access to the Digital Waybill API is closely tied to existing access-control features of the panel, and follows two main schemes: RemotePanel access and QuickEntry access. Access to all API features is granted through an API key, which is directly linked to either of these two schemes. API clients providing a RemotePanel API key are given full access with no further information. API clients providing a QuickEntry API key are granted customer-specific information only after providing a customer number and password in addition to the API key.

RemotePanel Access

RemotePanel API access provides the highest level of access to an API client user. Access is essentially the same as the access granted to a RemotePanel user, that is, full access is granted to all orders, customers, and courier information. This type of access should generally only be used when integrating the OrderPanel with a system completely trusted by the courier.

QuickEntry Access

QuickEntry API access provides access similar to the access provided by the QuickEntry software, the order entry apps for mobile devices, and the web ordering system. This access is intended for customer-level access, and grants access to customer-level data only. This type of access is appropriate when integrating with systems directly used by a customer, such that the customer would be able to provide login information to gain access to that customer's data. An example of such a system might be a courier company's website which places an order on behalf of the customer, or allows a customer to get order status information on previously-placed orders.


Access to the Digital Waybill API is controlled through the Settings > Advanced menu. Two API keys are automatically generated the first time the system is configured: one for RemotePanel access and one for QuickEntry access. Next to each API key field is a Generate button. This button is used to regenerate a new API key for either access scheme. Be aware that generating a new key will immediately invalidate the old key, and in general should only be necessary if there is a security concern.

Request Format


All API requests are made through the web service gateway at using the HTTP protocol. Unencrypted, plaintext requests are accepted on TCP port 80, and SSL/TLS encrypted requests are accepted on TCP port 443. The API request format is detailed in this section. For your convenience, you may use the following credentials to test any API functionality described in this document:

Remote API Keyd9e8df23d7149ed1c70a9b98539ec776539ec776
QuickEntry API Keyf1d621905cece65bcbbb5018adacdd39adacdd39
Customer NumberDYN833
Customer Passwordpass

Identifying the Courier

All API requests are handled through the gateway at In order to properly route the request to the correct OrderPanel, the courier's CID must be provided as the first segment of the URI path for all requests. For example, for a courier with CID 2000105850, all request URIs will begin with /2000105850.

Providing the API version number

All requests must specify the API version number as the query string parameter v. The current API version is 1.0. The values 1 or 1.0 are both acceptable.

Providing Credentials

Every request made to the API gateway must provide access credentials as part of the request URI's query string. These parameters may appear anywhere within the query string.

Query Parameter Description
key The RemotePanel or QuickEntry API key. Required.
customer_number The client's customer number. Required only if the API key is for QuickEntry access. Ignored otherwise.
password The client's password. Required only if the API key is for QuickEntry access. Ignored otherwise.

A valid request URI for the method /orders.json made by a client using a QuickEntry API key might look like this:

Important Remarks Regarding Date/Time Fields

Some requests require you to provide date/time information. Date/time data should be provided as a localtime representation (local to the OrderPanel) in RFC 822/1123 format with no timezone offset information. Alternatively, the date/time can be represented in the format described in section Important Remarks Regarding Date/Time Fields in the Types section of this document.

Response Format


All API requests that are able to reach the OrderPanel (that is, the order panel is runnning and has successfully connected to Digital Waybill's servers) will receive an HTTP response with a JSON-encoded body with this top-level format:

  "status" : status_code,
  "error" : error_message,
  "body" : body_content
Key Description
status Value will always be equal to the HTTP response code value. Successful requests return with status code 200. Other possible status codes are described throughout this document.
error Value may contain a textual description of any errors or warnings that may have occurred while processing the request.
body Value will contain the requested information for successful requests.


Some errors may be returned from the API gateway service itself. These responses contain an empty HTTP body with a meaningful HTTP status code. Possible status codes that can originate from the API gateway include:

Status Code Description
400 Bad Request Gateway unable to handle the request URI provided, or the HTTP request itself was invalid.
404 Not Found Gateway was unable to recognize the CID provided in the request.
502 Bad Gateway Unable to communicate with the gateway servers at this time. Please contact Digital Waybill support for assistance.
503 Service Unavailable Gateway recognizes the provided CID as valid, but is unable to contact the OrderPanel at this time. If you receive this message, you may retry your request, but we request that you do so by implementing an exponential backoff algorithm to prevent excessive server load. If the problem persists, please contact the courier company for more information.

GET Methods


All API requests for information are made using the HTTP GET method. Valid GET methods are described in the following sections.

Retrieving Order Information

Order information can be retrieved using the GET /orders.json method. When using this method, the value for the response's body key will contain the following structure:

  "count" : number_of_orders_in_response,
  "page_num" : page_number_within_paginated_result_set,
  "page_size" : number_of_orders_per_page,
  "orders" : [array_of_Order_objects]

If the URI is given with no additional query parameters (/{CID}/orders.json), the default behavior is to return all orders that the client has access to. If the client is using a RemotePanel API key, this will include all orders. For QuickEntry API keys, this will include all orders for the corresponding customer.

To retrieve details for a specific order, you may include the order number directly in the URI. For example, to retrieve details for order number 12345, your request URI would be /{CID}/orders.json/12345.

Result sets may be very large. To avoid excessive load on both the client and server side, results can be paginated and retrieved through multiple requests. To paginate a result set, use the query parameters page_size and page_num. page_size is an optional parameter that specifies how many orders should be returned per page. If the parameter is too large or is omitted, a default maximum page size may be enforced. The actual page size is returned as part of the response. The page_num parameter specifies which page of the result set you are requesting. The first page of a paginated result set is page 1. The page number is also returned as part of the response. All result sets include the count parameter, which indicates the full size of the paginated result set.

The order information is returned within a JSON array under the orders key. Each member of the array is a JSON object of type Orders. The Orders type is described in the Types section of this document.

Possible status codes for this method include:

Status Code Description
200 OK Success
403 Forbidden You do not have appropriate permissions to access this order.
404 Not Found No order was found matching the given parameters.

Retrieving Valid Package Types

Valid package types can be retrieved using the GET /packages.json method. When using this method, the value for the response's body key will contain the following structure:

  "packages": [array_of_valid_package_types]

Retrieving Valid Service Types

Valid package types can be retrieved using the GET /service_types.json method. When using this method, the value for the response's body key will contain the following structure:

  "service_types": [array_of_valid_service_types]

Possible status codes for this method include:

Status Code Description
200 OK Success
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Generally, this is a temporary state.

POST Methods


API requests which create new entities are submitted as HTTP POST requests. Valid POST requests are described in the following sections.

Placing an Order

To place an order, an HTTP POST request is made to the URI /{CID}/orders.json. The body of the POST message should contain the JSON-encoded data described below:

    "customer_number" : String,
    "cost_center" : String,
    "order_type" : String,
    "ready_time" : String,
    "round_trip" : Boolean,
    "route_stops" : [
            "company" : String,
            "address" : String,
            "suite" : String,
            "city" : String,
            "state" : String,
            "postal_code" : String,
            "country" : String,
            "contact" : {
                "name" : String,
                "phone" : String
            "company" : String,
            "address" : String,
            "suite" : String,
            "city" : String,
            "state" : String,
            "postal_code" : String,
            "country" : String,
            "contact" : {
                "name" : String,
                "phone" : String
            "notes" : String,
            "reference" : String,
            "special_instructions" : String,
            "service_type" : String,
            "package" : String,
            "number_of_pieces" : Integer,
            "weight" : Integer,
            "vehicle" : String
Value Description
customer_number The customer number for this order.
cost_center The cost center for this order. Must be a cost center under the given customer_number.
order_type The order's type. May be "Pickup", "Delivery", or "Third-Party".
ready_time The time at which the package(s) will be ready for pickup.
round_trip True if a round-trip order.
route_stops An array with two elements. The first element contains the pickup stop information, and the second contains the deliver stop information. These objects are described in the next table.

The first item in the route_stops array is a PickupStop object:

Value Description
company Company name
address Street address
suite Suite number
city City
state State
postal_code Postal code/Zip code
country Country
name Contact name
phone Contact phone number

The second item in the route_stops array is a DeliverStop object:

Value Description
company Company name
address Street address
suite Suite number
city City
state State
postal_code Postal code/Zip code
country Country
name Contact name
phone Contact phone number
notes Notes for this order
special_instructions Special instructions for this order
service_type The service type for this order
package The package type for this order (only one package per order is supported at this time)
number_of_pieces The number of pieces for this package type for this order
weight The weight of this package for this order
vehicle The vehicle type for this order

Possible status codes for this method include:

Status Code Description
200 OK Order was placed successfully. The resulting order number is returned in the response. This order number can be used with the /{CID}/orders.json/{order_number} method to confirm details, get price, etc.
403 Forbidden You are not authorized to place orders using this customer number.
404 Not Found No order was found matching the given parameters.



The following sections describe the various object types returned in API gateway responses. Each section begins with a type definition for the object, followed by a description of each field in the object. Important: The API gateway may return fields which are not described in this documentation. These fields may represent deprecated values, or values which have not yet been provisioned for API usage. Using any field which is not contained in the documentation is not supported.

Important Remarks Regarding Date/Time Fields

As the JSON format does not implement a date/time type, fields specified as type Date are JSON string types which represent a date/time in the format: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (i.e. Tue, 08 Jan 2013 08:58:59), where:

%a - An abbreviated textual representation of the day (Sun through Sat)
%d - Two-digit day of the month (with leading zeros)
%b - Abbreviated month name (Jan through Dec)
%Y - Four digit representation for the year
%H - Two digit representation of the hour in 24-hour format
%M - Two digit representation of the minute
%S - Two digit representation of the second


The OrderType type is an enumeration including the following values:

Value Description
Pickup The order's cost center is attached to the pickup stop.
Delivery The order's cost center is attached to the delivery stop.
Third-Party The order's cost center is not attached to any of the stops.


The Origin type is an enumeration including the following values:

Value Description
ClientOrder The order was placed using one of the Digital Waybill client applications.
TelephoneOrder The order was placed directly from the OrderPanel.
WebOrder The order was placed from the web interface at{CID}


The Status type is an enumeration including the following values:

Value Description
New The order is a new order.
Dispatched The order has been dispatched to a driver.
PickedUp The order has been picked up by the driver.
Completed The order has been completed.
Cancelled The order has been cancelled.
Delivered The order has been delivered by the driver.
Confirmed The order has been acknowledged and accepted by the driver.
Undefined The order is not in any of the defined states.


The Order type describes an order:

    "time" : Date,
    "order_number" : Integer,
    "price" : Float,
    "customer_number" : String,
    "cost_center" : String,
    "final_price" : Float,
    "pending" : Boolean,
    "origin" : Origin,
    "status_date" : Date,
    "ready_time" : Date,
    "deliver_by" : Date,
    "dispatch_driver" : String,
    "version" : String,
    "status" : Status,
    "order_type" : OrderType,
    "route_stops" : Array,
Key Description
time The time the order was placed.
order_number The order number.
customer_number The customer number attached to the order.
cost_center The cost center attached to the order.
final_price The order's price.
pending True if the order has not yet been completed.
origin The order's origin.
status_date Time of order's last change in status.
ready_time The ready for pickup time for the order.
deliver_by The deliver by time for the order.
dispatch_driver Driver to which this order is dispatched.
version A string uniquely representing the order's current state.
status The order's current status.
order_type The order's type.
route_stops An array of PickupStop/DeliverStop objects. For non-route orders, the array will contain two elements: the first will be a PickupStop object, and the second will be a DeliverStop object. For route orders, the array will contain only DeliverStop objects, with each object corresponding to a single stop along the route.


The Contact type describes a contact:

    "name" : String,
    "phone" : String
Key Description
name Contact name
phone Contact phone number


The PickupStop type describes pickup stop for a non-route order:

    "company" : String,
    "address" : String,
    "suite" : String,
    "city" : String,
    "state" : String,
    "postal_code" : String,
    "country" : String,
    "contact" : Contact
Key Description
company Company name
address Street address
suite Suite number
city City
state State
postal_code Postal code/Zip code
country Country
contact Point of contact



The DeliverStop type describes delivery stop for any type of order.

Signature Images

If a captured signature is available for a particular DeliverStop object, the signature field will contain the URI for that signature's image. OrderPanel versions prior to 4.3.1 give URI paths that do not include the cid path segment. This is a bug that was corrected in version 4.3.1.

For example, the following is a complete URL to a valid signature image:

JSON Format

    "company" : String,
    "address" : String,
    "suite" : String,
    "city" : String,
    "state" : String,
    "postal_code" : String,
    "country" : String,
    "contact" : Contact,
    "paper_waybill" : String,
    "special_instructions" : String,
    "service_type" : String,
    "package" : String,
    "number_of_pieces" : Integer,
    "weight" : Integer,
    "packages" : Array<Package>,
    "vehicle" : String,
    "driver_number" : String,
    "dispatch_message" : String,
    "notes" : String,
    "signature" : String,
    "signature_contact" : String,
    "reference" : String,
    "distance" : Integer
    "air_distance" : Integer
    "driver_pricelist" : String,
    "receive_date" : Date,
    "dispatch_date" : Date,
    "pickup_date" : Date,
    "delivery_date" : Date,
    "cancel_date" : Date,
    "confirm_date" : Date
    "route_stop_id" : Integer

Field Descriptions

Key Description
company Company name
address Street address
suite Suite number
city City
state State
postal_code Postal code/Zip code
country Country
contact Point of contact
paper_waybill Paper waybill number
special_instructions Special instructions
service_type Service type
package Package type of first package in this stop
number_of_pieces Number of pieces for the first package in this stop
weight Package weight for first package in this stop
packages All packages in this order
vehicle Vehicle type
driver_number Dispatched driver's driver number
dispatch_message Dispatch message for driver
notes Notes
signature If a signature is available, this field contains the URI used to access the SVG image of the signature.
signature_contact Signature contact
reference Reference
distance Street distance in meters
air_distance Straight-line distance is meters
driver_pricelist Driver pricelist for this stop
receive_date Date the order was received
dispatch_date Date the order was dispatched
pickup_date Date the order was picked up
delivery_date Date the order was delivered
cancel_date Date the order was canceled
confirm_date Date the order was acknowledged and accepted by the driver
route_stop_id Route stop ID


The Package type describes a package:

    "package" : String,
    "number_of_pieces" : Integer,
    "weight" : Integer
Key Description
package Package type
number_of_pieces Number of pieces of this package type
weight Weight of each piece of this package type


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