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Combinatory Automatic Differentiation

Combinatory AD

This implementation of combinatory AD is a standalone tool, which provides for both forward-mode AD (FAD) and reverse-mode AD (RAD). The ultimate aim is for the implementation to generate efficient gradient code (in different languages; e.g., Futhark) for code specified in a high-level (domain-specific) functional language. The implementation first turns source code into combinatory form, which can then be differentiated, resulting in (1) code for evaluating the zero-order representation of the program and (2) a linear-map representation of the derivative. The linear-map is an abstract structure, which can be interpreted in a forward-mode setting (for generating code according to a forward-mode AD strategy) or be transposed (forming an adjoint) before being interpreted, which will generate code according to a reverse-mode AD strategy.

The implementation takes care of avoiding expression swell by differentiating and interpreting linear maps in a statement monad.

An Introductory Example

We first give a simple introductory example before we describe the implementation.

Consider the function

let f (x1,x2) = ln (x1 * cos x2)

This function is turned into the following definition in point-free notation format:

let f = ln ○ ((*) ○ ((π 1 × (cos ○ π 2)) ○ Δ))

The combinatory AD framework defines a differentiation operator D of the following type:

D : (V → W) ⇒ V ⇒ (W × (V ↦ W)) M

Here denotes a function at the meta level, whereas denotes a function at the expression level. Further, we use to indicate that a function is a linear map. The type constructor M denotes a let-binding context monad, which is used for avoiding expression swell (the monad keeps track of a series of let-bindings).

The result of differentiating f is thus a pair of a term representing the expression f(x1,x2) and a linear map, both appearing inside a let-binding context:

D f (x1,x2) =
   let v9 = cos x2
   in ( ln(x1*v9)
      , pow(~1.0)(x1*v9)*) •
        (+) •
        ((*v9) ⊕ (x1*)) •
        (π 1 ⊕ (~(sin x2)*) • π 2) •

Notice how the let-binding context ensures that the term cos x2 is evaluated only once.

For reverse-mode AD, the linear map is transposed into the following linear map:

let f^ (x1,x2) =
  let v9 = cos x2
  in (+) •
     ((Id ⊕ zero) • Δ ⊕ (zero ⊕ id) • Δ • (~(sin(x2)) *)) •
     ((*v9) ⊕ (x1*)) •
     Δ •

Notice that v9 appears twice in the linear map definition. If D f has type V ⇒ (W × (V ↦ W)) M, f^ has type V ⇒ (W ↦ V) M. For the concrete case, f^ (x1,x2) has type (ℝ ↦ ℝ×ℝ) M.

By "applying" the linear map to the value 1.0, we get the following term (in a let-binding context):

let f^ (x1,x2) 1.0 =
   let v9 = cos x2
   let v10 = pow(~1.0)(x1*v9)
   let v11 = v10*v9
   let v12 = ~(sin(x2)) * (x1*v10)
   in (v11, v12)


We use r to range over reals (ℝ). Unary operators (⍴) and binary operators (◇) are the following:

⍴ ::= ln | sin | cos | exp | pow r | ~
◇ ::= + | * | -

Expressions take the following forms:

e ::= r | x | ⍴ e | e ◇ e | (e,e) | π i e | (e)
    | let x = e in e

Point-Free Notation

Point-free notation is defined according to the following grammar:

p ::= p ○ p | π i | K e | p × p | Δ | Id | ⍴ | ◇ | (p)

Here is an overview of the semantics of the main point-free combinators:

⟦Δ⟧   : V → V × V
      = λx.(x,x)
⟦π 1⟧ : A × B → A
      = λ(x,y).x
⟦π 2⟧ : A × B → B
      = λ(x,y).y
⟦K e⟧ : A → B
      = λ_.e
⟦Id⟧  : V → V
      = λx.x
⟦×⟧   : (A → B) × (C → D) → (A × C) → (B × D)
      = λ(f,g).λ(x,y).(f x,g y)
⟦○⟧   : (B → C) × (A → B) → A → C
      = λ(f,g).λx.f(g x)

Expressions can be translated into point-free expressions by explicit environment-passing, which also supports let-bindings. In the following, we use δ to range over variable assignments, written x1:p1,...,xn:pn, which are used to map variables to compositions of projections. When δ = x1:p1,...,xn:pn, we write δ ○ p to mean x1:(p1 ○ p),...,xn:(pn ○ p). When e is an expression and δ is a variable assignment, we define the point-free translation of e, written |e|δ, as follows:

               |x|δ   =   δ(x)
               |r|δ   =   K r
             |⍴ e|δ   =   ⍴ ○ |e|δ
         |e₁ ◇ e₂|δ   =   ◇ ○ (|e₁|δ × |e₂|δ) ○ Δ
|let x = e₁ in e₂|δ   =   |e₂|(δ ○ π 2, x:π 1) ○ (|e₁|δ × Id) ○ Δ
        |(e₁, e₂)|δ   =   (|e₁|δ × |e₂|δ) ○ Δ
           |π i e|δ   =   π i ○ |e|δ
             |(e)|δ   =   |e|δ

The result of the translation is a point-free expression. We shall not here provide type systems for expressions and point-free expressions. Notice, however, that the point-free translation of an expression e assumes that the provided variable assignment gives definitions (e.g., projections from the main argument tuple) for all the free identifiers of e.

Linear maps

Let V and W be vector spaces over a field K. Semantically then, a function f from V to W is a linear map, written f: V ↦ W, if the following two properties hold:

1. f (x + y) = f(x) + f(y)     ∀x,y ∈ V
2. f (c * x) = c * f(x)        ∀c ∈ K, ∀x ∈ V

In the following, we shall define a language for composing linear maps from simpler linear maps. The composed maps are then linear by construction.

We define linear maps according to the following grammar:

m ::= Δ | (+) | ~ | π i | 0 | Id | m ⊕ m
    | m • m | (e◇) | (◇e) | (m)

Here represents bi-linear functions and represents the linear-map counterpart of the point-free × operator. Similar to how we define the semantics of point-free expressions, we define the semantics of linear-map representations as follows:

⟦Δ⟧  : V ↦ V × V
     = λx.(x,x)

⟦(+)⟧  : V × V ↦ V
     = λ(x,x).x+x


⟦⊕⟧  : (A ↦ B) × (C ↦ D) → (A × C) ↦ (B × D)
     = λ(f,g).λ(x,y).(f x,g y)

⟦•⟧  : (B ↦ C) × (A ↦ B) → A ↦ C
     = λ(f,g).λx.f(g x)

⟦(e◇)⟧  : V ↦ V
     = λx.⟦e⟧◇x

⟦(◇e)⟧  : V ↦ V
     = λx.x◇⟦e⟧

By giving a grammar for linear maps, and by treating them as separate semantic objects, we an later choose different representations for them, such as a combination of composition of dense and sparse matrices.


Differentiation is defined on point-free expressions. Here we give a non-monadic version of differentiation. Notice again that A ⇒ B denotes a function from A to B at the meta-level. We use V → W to denote expressions that represent functions taking a value of type V as input and returns a value of type W as a result. We use the notation A ⊠ B to denote the type of meta pairs and we allow ourselves to use Let-notation to deconstruct such meta pairs. We also assume a function D⍴ : V ⇒ W ⊠ (V ↦ W) that specifies how primitives are differentiated. For instance, Dcos : ℝ ⇒ ℝ ⊠ (ℝ ↦ ℝ) is defined by Dcos (x) = (cos x, ((~sin x)*)). Here is the definition of differentiation:

D : (V → W) ⇒ V ⇒ W ⊠ (V ↦ W)

D (g ○ f) x =
  Let (fx, f'x) = D f x
  Let (gfx,g'fx) = D g fx
  In (gfx, g'fx • f'x)

D (K y) x = (y, 0)

D (π i) x = (π i x, π i)

D (f × g) x =
  Let (fx, f'x) = D f (π 1 x)
  Let (gy, g'y) = D g (π 2 x)
  In ((fx,gy), f'x ⊕ g'y)

D (Δ) x = ((x,x), Δ)

D (Id) x = (x, Id)

D (⍴) x = D⍴ x

D (◇) x = (◇ x, (+) • ((◇ π 2) ⊕ (π 1 ◇)))

D (+) x = ((+)x, (+))

Now, forward-mode automatic-differentiation of a point-free expression p with respect to an argument x, written p'(x), is defined by the equation

p' : V ⇒ V ↦ W
p' (x) = Let (_, m) = D p x
         In m

To give a definition for reverse-mode automatic-differentiation, we first need to give a definition for what it means to take the adjoint of a linear map.

The Adjoint of a Linear Map

When m : V ↦ W is a linear map expression, the adjoint of m, written Adj(m), is a linear map of type W ↦ V, defined according to the following rules:

Adj : (V ↦ W) ⇒ (W ↦ V)

Adj (0) = 0

Adj (Id) = Id

Adj (Δ) = (+)

Adj ((+)) = Δ

Adj (~) = ~

Adj (π 1) = (Id ⊕ 0) • Δ

Adj (π 2) = (0 ⊕ Id) • Δ

Adj (m₁ • m₂) = Adj (m₂) • Adj (m₁)

Adj (m₁ ⊕ m₂) = Adj (m₁) ⊕ Adj (m₂)

Adj ((e*)) = (e*)     if * : ℝ × ℝ → ℝ           (multiplication)
Adj ((*e)) = (*e)     if * : ℝ × ℝ → ℝ           (multiplication)

Adj ((e·)) = (*e)     if · : ℝⁿ × ℝⁿ → ℝ            (dot product)
Adj ((·e)) = (*e)     if · : ℝⁿ × ℝⁿ → ℝ            (dot product)

Adj ((e×)) = (e×)     if × : ℝ × ℝⁿ → ℝⁿ         (scalar product)
Adj ((×e)) = (·e)     if × : ℝ × ℝⁿ → ℝⁿ         (scalar product)

Notice that taking the adjoint of a linear map defined as a section operator is inherently dependent on the particular binary operator. For instance, we see that the adjoint of a right-section (×e) : ℝ → ℝⁿ of a partially applied scalar product is defined in terms of a dot product (·e) : ℝⁿ → ℝ.

It holds that if m : V ↦ W and Adj m is defined, then Adj (Adj m) = m.

As an example, we see that Adj (Adj (π 1)) = Adj((Id ⊕ 0) • Δ) = Adj(Δ) • Adj(Id ⊕ 0) = (+) • (Adj(Id) ⊕ Adj(0)) = (+) • (Id ⊕ 0) = ((+) • (Id ⊕ 0)) • (π 1 ⊕ π 2) = (+) • ((Id ⊕ 0) • (π 1 ⊕ π 2)) = (+) • ((Id • π 1) ⊕ (0 • π 2)) = (+) • (π 1 ⊕ 0) = π 1.

Reverse-mode Automatic Differentiation

We can now define reverse-mode automatic-differentiation of a point-free expression p with respect to an argument x, written p^(x), by the equation

p^ : V ⇒ W ↦ V
p^ (x) = Let (_, m) = D p x
         In Adj m

Value Domains

We have not yet said anything about how value domains (e.g., the V in the type for p^ above) are implemented. In fact, the implementation is parametric in the choice of the value domain. In other words, the implementation, which is written in Standard ML, can choose to use the underlying ML value domain for representing values. Another representation is to use a term representation, which allows for term inspection and for emitting residual code in a suitable language of choice (e.g., Futhark).

Running the Examples

Try run the examples using make. The example definitions are located in the src/tests directory (see for instance ad_ex0.sml, rad_ex1.sml, and ba.sml). The implementation does not yet feature a parser, which means that new examples are required to be embedded in SML source code.

Here is an overview over the examples:

Source Output
ad_ex0.sml ad_ex0.out
ad_ex1.sml ad_ex1.out
ba.sml ba.out
rad_ex0.sml rad_ex0.out
rad_ex1.sml rad_ex1.out


Conditional expressions and point-free notation for conditionals are added as follows:

e ::= ... | if e then e else e

p ::= ... | if e then p else p

The semantics of the point-free conditional expression syntax is defined, straightforwardly, as follows:

⟦if e then p1 else p2⟧ : V → W
  = if ⟦e⟧ then ⟦p1⟧ else ⟦p2⟧

Similarly, linear-map support for conditionals can be provided as follows.

m ::= ... | if e then m M else m M

Notice that a linear-map expression results in a linear map when evaluated. The semantics of the linear-map conditional construct is defined as follows:

⟦if e then m1 else m2⟧ : V ↦ W
  = if ⟦e⟧ then ⟦m1⟧ else ⟦m2⟧

We can now extend the definition of the D function to work for conditional point-free notation:

D (if e then p1 else p2) v =
  = Let M1 = D p1 v
    Let M2 = D p2 v
    Let (e1M,m1M) = Split M1
    Let (e2M,m2M) = Split M2
    ret ( if e then e1M else e2M,
          if e then m1M else m2M)

D (if e then p1 else p2) v =
  = Let (C1,e1,m1) = run(D p1 v) In
    Let (C2,e2,m2) = run(D p2 v) In
    ret ( if e then C1 e1 else C2 e2,
          if e then m1 else m2)

Array Combinators

e ::= ... | map (λx.e) e | repl e e

p ::= ... | map p | repl

m ::= ... | repl e

Translation to point-free notation:

|map (λx.e₁) e₂|δ   =   map (|e₁|(δ ○ π₂, x: π₁)) ○ (|e₂|δ × Id) ○ Δ


  1. Can we differentiate map p?


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