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Machine Learning Methods

K-Nearest Algorithm

k-nearest neighbor

A dataset which has categorical data (men-woman) has defined.

data = [["man",180,80], ["woman",160,60], ["man",170,70], ["man",175,74], ["man",175,70], ["man",160,69], ["woman",170,68], ["man",170,55], ["woman",155,55], ["woman",150,54], ["woman",152,60], ["woman",165,60]]

Requested input from user for weight and height and they have been assigned to new variable.

height = input("Enter height: \n")
height = float(height) 
weight = input("Enter weight: \n")
weight = float(weight) 
new = [height,weight]

A function has been created appropriate to dataset for calculate the eucledian distance. In here, input from user and dataset has been used as a parameter of function. In function, differences beetween requested input from user and dataset rows has been calculated and taken its square root. As a result of this calculations, euclidian distance has been found.

def euclidean_distance(data,new):
 distance = ((data[1] - new[0]) ** 2) + ((data[2] - new[1]) ** 2)
    return math.sqrt(distance)

A new list has been created. Created list has been defined as data = [“kategori”, “boy”, “kilo”, “girilen değer ile öklit uzaklığı”]. And then, this list has been sorted by distances.

for i in range(len(new)):
data.sort(key = lambda data: data[3])

An input refers k value requested from user.

k = input("Please enter k value:\n")
k = int(k)

Here, calculations has been done with two diferent approaches:

  • Plurality Vote Approach: Smallest values has been choose according to k value. Which categories of chosen one was more than others, this category determined as predicted category.
woman = 0
man = 0

for i in range(0,k):
    if data[i][0] == "man":
        man += 1
    elif data[i][0] == "woman":
        woman += 1 
if woman > man:
    print("Plurality vote: Gender = woman")
    print("Plurality vote: Gender = man")
  • Weighted Vote Approach: Here, the smallest distances to k value has been calculated. As a result of calculation; the category that gives biggest value is assinged as category of prediction.
for i in range(0,k):
    if (data[i][3] != 0):
weights.sort(key = lambda data: data[1],reverse=True)
print("Weighted vote: Gender = ", data[weights[0][0]][0])

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


dataX and dataY determinde manually.

dataX = 	[2.5,0.5,2.2,1.9,3.1,2.3,2,1,1.5,1.1]

dataY = 	[2.4,0.7,2.9,2.2,3,2.7,1.6,1.1,1.6,0.9]

Average values of each column has been calculated. With this, “covariance matrix” will created.

for i in range(len(dataX)):
    meanX += dataX[i] 
meanX =  meanX /len(dataX)

for i in range(len(dataY)):
    meanY += dataY[i] 
meanY =  meanY /len(dataY)

The mean of each X and Y value was subtracted.

for i in range(len(dataX)):
    dataX[i] = dataX[i] - meanX
for i in range(len(dataY)):
    dataY[i] = dataY[i] - meanY

X,X; X,Y; Y,X; Y,Y values has been calculated for “covariance matrix” components and each value has been assigned its related component.

  • X,X
sum = 0.0
for i in range(len(dataX)):
    sum = sum +(dataX[i] * dataX[i])
sum = sum / (len(dataX)-1)
  • X,Y
sum = 0.0
for i in range(len(dataX)):
    sum = sum +(dataX[i] * dataY[i])
sum = sum / (len(dataX)-1)
  • Y,X
sum = 0.0
for i in range(len(dataX)):
    sum = sum +(dataX[i] * dataY[i])
sum = sum / (len(dataX)-1)
  • Y,Y
sum = 0.0
for i in range(len(dataY)):
    sum = sum +(dataY[i] * dataY[i])
sum = sum / (len(dataX)-1)

Printing “covariance matrix” to the screen.

print("Covariance Matrix: ",cov_matrix)

K-means Clustering

k-means clustering

The dataset has 200 exampke and in start position, 4 "center" has been determined.

dataset, classes = make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=4, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=0)

Columns of dataset, has 200 random examples, has been determined as "var1" and "var2".

df = pd.DataFrame(dataset, columns=['var1', 'var2'])
sns.scatterplot(data=df, x="var1", y="var2")

K-means model has been determined.

model = KMeans()

Dataframe that has been created with 4 clusters assign to the model with different parameters.

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4, init='k-means++', random_state=0).fit(df)
Counter({2: 50, 0: 50, 3: 50, 1: 50})

Results of training step, each cluster has been visualized with different colors. (With seaborn library)

sns.scatterplot(data=df, x="var1", y="var2", hue=kmeans.labels_)
plt.scatter(kmeans.cluster_centers_[:,0], kmeans.cluster_centers_[:,1], 
            marker="X", c="r", s=80, label="centroids")

Gaussian Naive Bayes Method


The first index of data has been determined as weather and the second one has been playing state of football. ``` data = [["R","N"], ["R","N"], ["C","Y"], ["S","Y"], ["S","Y"], ["S","N"], ["C","Y"], ["R","N"], ["R","Y"], ["S","Y"], ["R","Y"], ["C","Y"], ["C","Y"], ["S","N"]] ``` * In here:
R = Rainy

C = Cloudy

S = Sunny

Y = Yes

N = No

Counter for whole yes number;

yes = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][1] == "Y" :
        yes += 1

Counter for whole no number;

no = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][1] == "N" :
        no += 1

Counter for whole "sunny" number;

sunny= 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "S" :
        sunny += 1

Calculated counter of rainy days and assign to a counter called rainy.

rainy = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "R" :
        rainy += 1

Calculated counter of cloudy days and assign to a counter called cloudy.

cloudy = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "C" :
        cloudy += 1

Calculated counter of whole days has condition sunny and yes.

sunnyY = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "S" and data[i][1] == "Y" :
        sunnyY += 1

Calculated counter of whole days has condition sunny and no.

sunnyN = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "S" and data[i][1] == "N" :
        sunnyN += 1 

Calculated counter of whole days has condition cloudy and yes.

cloudyY = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "C" and data[i][1] == "Y" :
        cloudyY += 1

Calculated counter of whole days has condition cloudy and no.

cloudyN = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "C" and data[i][1] == "N" :
        cloudyN += 1

Calculated counter of whole days has condition rainy and yes.

rainyY = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "R" and data[i][1] == "Y" :
        rainyY += 1

Calculated counter of whole days has condition rainy and no.

rainyY = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if data[i][0] == "R" and data[i][1] == "Y" :
        rainyY += 1

An input taken from user for testing.

weather = input("Please input weather:\n S for sunny\n R for rainy\n C for cloudy\n")
playrate = input("Futbol oynanacak mı?:\n Evet için E\n Hayır için H \n")

Each state calculated with input taken from user.

if weather == "S" and playrate == "Y":
    print(((sunnyY/yes)*(yes/len(data))) / (sunny/len(data))) 
if weather == "S" and playrate == "N":
    print( (sunnyN/no)*(no/len(data)) / (sunny/len(data)) ) 
if weather == "R" and playrate == "Y":
    print(((rainyY/yes)*(yes/len(data))) / (rainy/len(data))) 
if weather == "R" and playrate == "N":
    print(((rainyN/no)*(no/len(data))) / (rainy/len(data))) 
if weather == "C" and playrate == "Y":
    print(((cloudyY/yes)*(yes/len(data))) / (cloudy/len(data))) 
if weather == "C" and playrate == "H":
    print(((cloudyN/no)*(no/len(data))) / (cloudy/len(data)))


Words and categories defined.

dataset = [["Chinese Beijing Chinese", "Ç"],
           ["Chinese Chinese Shangai", "Ç"],
           ["Chinese Macao Shangai", "Ç"],
            ["Tokyo Japan Chinese", "J"]]         

Dataset has been defined as dataframe and categories column as “Categories”; words column as "Text".

dataset = pd.DataFrame(dataset)
dataset.columns = ["Text", "Categories"]

Stopwords method has been used for extracting insignificant words.'stopwords')

Each word has been merged without spaces and uppercase. Merged words assigned to corpus variable and as a result of that defining process will be completed.

corpus = []
for i in range(0, 3):
    text = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', '', dataset['Text'][i])
    text = text.lower()
    text = text.split()
    ps = PorterStemmer()
    text = ''.join(text)

🔸 A documentation collection has been converted to a term with "CountVectorizer" that presents from sckit-learn library.

cv = CountVectorizer(max_features = 1500)

🔸 Texts in dataset has been defined as X variable and categories has been defined as y which represents target.

X = dataset.iloc[:, 0].values
y = dataset.iloc[:, 1].values
train = X

🔸 Model configuration processes has been done for training stage and defining X and y variables has been fitted to model.

model = make_pipeline(TfidfVectorizer(), MultinomialNB()), y)

🔸 A function called "product_category" has been defined for prediction stage. Thus, when input from user has been sent as parameter, the function returns category info.

def predict_category(s, train=train, model=model):
    return model.predict([s]
input_string = input("Enter as string for testing\n") 
print("Category: ",predict_category(input_string))


🔸 Data has been defined as "x" (independent variable) and "y" (dependent variable).

data = [[2,8], [6,5], [7,7], [9,4], [8,6]]

🔸 Multiplication of "x" and "y" has been assigned to "xy" variable. Average values of each x and y values has been assigned respectively to "xort" and "yort" variables.

xort = 0
yort =0
xy = 0
xsqr = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    xy += (data[i][0] * data[i][1])
    xort += data[i][0]
    yort += data[i][1]
    xsqr += (data[i][0]**2)

xort /= len(data)
yort /= len(data)

🔸 "b" (regression coefficient) has been calculated with previous results.

b = (xy - len(data) * xort * yort ) / (xsqr - len(data)*(xort**2))

🔸 “a” (constant) value can be calculated with "b" (regression coefficient).

a = yort - b*xort

🔸 A value has been taken from user for target prediction.

input_string = input("Enter x value for Y value prediction \n")

🔸 Input value has been found using calculation equation.

y = a + b * int(input_string)
print("Y value: ",y)

🔸 True value equation was calculated with error differences. "y" true value printed.

y_head = []
for i in range(len(data)):
    appending = a + b * data[i][0]
top = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
    if len(data) < 30:
        top += ((data[i][1] - y_head[i]) **2)        
        s = (top/(len(data) -2)) ** (1/2)
print("Truth value equation = ",a,"+",b,"*","(x)","+",s)
true_value = a+b*int(input_string)+s
print("\nTrue value: ",true_value)