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358 lines (226 loc) · 7.38 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (226 loc) · 7.38 KB

build-lists: true footer: Bernd Haug – ✉️ slidenumbers: true

[.footer: ] [.slidenumbers: false]

inline Bernd Haug – ✉️ – 🐦 @itbeha

I. Some Settings

Settings – Multi-Caret


Cursor placement (Keyboard):

🍎 ⌥,⌥(hold)+⬆︎/⬇
🐧/🚪 Ctrl, Ctrl (hold) + ⬆︎/⬇︎

Settings – Multi-Caret (cont'd)

Cursor placement (Mouse) ⌥⇧(click)
Remove all but first-placed

(All Platforms)

Settings – Humps!

inline inline

Settings – Surround Selection

Surround selection when typing anything quoty or parenish.


Affects whatever has surrounding-nature in the current language, e.g.


Keystrokes – Expand/Shrink Selection

  • Navigation! – “Pareditish”
  • Goes well with surround quotes/parens!
Action 🍎 🐧/🚪
Expand selection ⌥⬆︎ Ctrl + W
Shrink selection ⌥⬇︎ Ctrl + Shift + W

II. Nice View

Settings – No Tabs


Tab Replacement

Action 🍎 🐧/🚪
Recent Files ⌘E Ctrl + E
Recently Edited Files ⌘⇧E Ctrl + Shift + E

View dropdown – No Deadweight


  • No Toolbar
  • No Tool Buttons
  • No Navbar
  • Hadi Hariri says: hide the Status Bar – not for me!

Get the tool buttons back temporarily

🍎 ⌘, ⌘ (hold)
🐧/🚪 Alt, Alt (hold)

Clean view – Manage Tool Windows Without Mouse

Action 🍎 🐧/🚪
back to editor
Hide current/last tool ⇧⎋ Shift + ⎋
In editor, back to last tool [F12] [F12]
Hide/unhide all tools ⌘⇧[F12] Ctrl + Shift + [F12]

Clean view – Open on Demand – Keystrokes

🍎 ⌘[number]
🐧/🚪 Alt + [number]
  • Just learn the main tools’ numbers by heart!
  • Criminally Underused: Bookmarks/Breakpoints (2), TODOs (6), Structure (7), Type Hierarchy (8)
  • If you only use Project/Debug/VCS, you’re cheating yourself!

[.build-lists: false]

Project Tool (#1) Alternative


  • Contextual navigation; super useful!
  • Lots of further actions available directly
🍎 ⌘⬆︎
🐧/🚪 Alt + [Home]

III. Finding

Navigate Content & IDE

Search… 🍎 🐧/🚪
Classes! ⌘O Ctrl + N
Files! ⌘⇧O Ctrl + Shift + N
Symbols! (methods…) ⌘⌥O Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Actions! ⌘⇧A Ctrl + Shift + A
Absolutely Everywhere!!! ⇧, ⇧ Shift, Shift

Navigate declarations & definitions

Go to… 🍎 🐧/🚪
declaration (on usage) / usage(s) (on declaration) ⌘B Ctrl + Alt + B
implementation(s) ⌘⌥B Ctrl + Alt + B
same symbol in parent type ⌘U Ctrl + U
select elements in structure ⌘[F12] Ctrl + [F12]

[.build-lists: false]

Search in Path

  • Not under_used, but under_used!
  • Check the options, esp. scope!
🍎 ⌘⇧F
🐧/🚪 Ctrl + Shift + F

[.build-lists: false]

Usage Search

  • Can into scope too!
  • Especially useful and underused: Have IDEA open new tabs for each search (default is replace last search)
  • All platforms: ⌥[F7]

IV. Editing (Higher Level)

Refactoring: So, so much too much to cover

  • Probably most used is rename (⇧[F6]): highly consistent!
    • Also works for files, change lists, packages…
  • Extract variable, field, method, constant… loves expand selection
  • Underused: Change Signature (:apple:: ⌘[F6] // :penguin:&:door:: Ctrl + [F6])
    • also very consistent! Works e.g. for DB Tables Schema


  • Check out what’s available available inspections
    • Can integrate some external tools!
    • A lot support quick fixes; underused: “fix all … in file”
  • When “fixing” a warning results in worse code, just disable the occurrence!
    • Depending on situation “with comment” + append reasoning
    • Really important to stay at 0 warnings: “Broken window code policing”

Completions, Pre & Post

Live Templates

* + ⇥

Postfix Completions

* <expr + . + abbreviation> + ⇥

Language Injection

Automatically, Ad-Hoc Using Heuristics

NTH, but a crapshoot

// language=LanguageName (Above String)

  • E.g. Oracle, PostgreSQL, Groovy, XML, HQL, HTML, CSS, …
  • Also as Annotations – check Settings
  • Checked-in documentation that triggers IDE magic!

V. Other Stuff

Accepting Autocompletions

Everybody uses ⏎ to insert the completion, but there’s also:

Complete… Keystroke
…and start autocompleting again on the accepted option: ⌃.
…and overwrite until end of token

Nice Little Miscellania

What 🍎 🐧/🚪
progressively select word under cursor ⌃G Alt + J
keyword (throws, implements…) impact ⌘⇧[F7]
fold arbitrary selection ⌘.


  • Advanced Java Folding: Get Kotlinish Syntax in Java Files
    • A multi-edged hypersword
  • Kotlin: OK REPL, even if you don’t use Kotlin
    • you should use Kotlin
  • Key Promoter X: Productivity Guide as a nag, and a scold
    • Great fun!

More Plugins!

  • Regex Plugin: Nicer than the more-used regex test plugin
    • advanced uses like testing group match / replace
  • .ignore: Authoring and inspections for VCS ignore files
  • Presentation Assistant: Shows shortcuts while using IDEA

Former Plugins!

  • JVM memory view now core debugger feature – great for debugging leaks, building mental model
  • Stream debugger now core debugger feature

Printable Ref Sheet

  • Help > Keymap Reference
  • The online help in IDEA is bredy gud generally
    • Don’t skip it b/c of experience with other software!

More Great Information Can Be Found Through…

  • Following links from @hhariri (follow highly recommended!)
  • Reading the startup “Tip of the Day” and the IDEA Twitter
  • The built-in High Score (Dropdown: Help > Productivity Guide)

VI. Speaker’s Eccentricities

Take Rat Poison

Just turn your mouse on its back, at arm’s length

just for a day


Another Window? Second Editor?

How About “All the Code”?


“In Eigener Sache”

  • I can be hired for dev productivity workshops and consulting
    • IDEA + Java/Kotlin, Builds (CI/CD), Container Orientation, git Handling, …
  • I’d love to hold this talk at your company!
    • for free!
      • (…and then chat about your development pain points 😏)

Thank you for your attention!

Q & A