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This documentation is a technical reference intended for software developers interested in implementing the OpenLMIS APIs.

  • we will uses json's for exchanging data.
  • dates will comply with the ISO 8601 standard.
  • fields and properties will be in java camelCase notation.
  • data will use UTF-8 encoding.

Response Codes

Responses to HTTP requests should utilize standard HTTP response codes such as 2XX for success, 401 u for unauthorized, etc.


Success differ from errors in that their body may not be a simple response object with a code and a message. The headers however are consistent across all calls:

  • GET, PUT, DELETE returns 200 OK on success,
  • POST returns 201 Created on success,

Error Codes

Error responses are simply returning standard HTTP error codes along with some additional information:

  • The error code is sent back as a status header,
  • The body includes an object describing both the code and OPTIONALLY the message

For example, for a call with when the resource is not found:

Status: 404 Not Found

    code: 404 Not Found,
    message: 'Resource not found'

# Authentication

Authentication is handled by [HTTP Basic Authentication](

Every API request must include a **valid authentication token** in the header.

The Authorization header is constructed as follows:

* Username and password are combined into a string "username:password"
* The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64
* The authorization method and a space i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string.

For example, if the user agent uses 'Aladdin' as the username and 'open sesame' as the password then the header is formed as follows:

`Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==`


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