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Tool for Data Transfer from Oracle to PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL

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Tool for Data Transfer from Oracle to PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL

This tool facilitates the efficient transfer of data from Oracle to PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL.
The quickest method for extracting data from Oracle is by using ROWID (employing dbms_parallel_execute to segment the data into chunks). In case of PostgreSQL, we should split a table into chunks by CTID.
As you know, the fastest way to input data into PostgreSQL is through the COPY command in binary format.

Oracle To PostgreSQL

Oracle To PostgreSQL

The objective is to migrate tables TABLE1, Table2, PARTED from Oracle schema TEST to a PostgreSQL database.

Supported types:

ORACLE Postgresql (possible types)
char, varchar, varchar2 char, bpchar, varchar, text, uuid
varchar2 jsonb
CLOB varchar, text, jsonb
BLOB bytea
RAW bytea
date date, timestamp, timestamptz
timestamp timestamp, timestamptz
timestamp with time zone timestamptz
number numeric, smallint, bigint, integer, double precision

Java Datatype Mappings

Prepare Oracle To PostgreSQL environment

All activities are reproducible in docker containers

git clone
cd bublik/

Prepare Oracle environment

  • arm64:

    docker run --name oracle \
    -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 \
        -e ORACLE_PWD=oracle_4U \
        -v ./dockerfiles/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
        -d dimarudik/oracle_arm64:19.3.0-ee
  • x86_64:

    docker run --name oracle \
        -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 \
        -e ORACLE_PWD=oracle_4U \
        -v ./dockerfiles/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
        -d dimarudik/oracle_x86_64:19.3.0-ee

WARNING: Tables TABLE1, Table2, PARTED will be created and fulfilled during oracle docker container startup

How to connect to Oracle:

sqlplus 'test/test@(description=(address=(host=localhost)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=ORCLPDB1)))'

Prepare PostgreSQL environment

docker run --name postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres \
        -p 5432:5432 \
        -v ./sql/init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql \
        -v ./sql/.psqlrc:/var/lib/postgresql/.psqlrc \
        -v ./sql/bublik.png:/var/lib/postgresql/bublik.png \
        -d postgres \
        -c shared_preload_libraries="pg_stat_statements,auto_explain" \
        -c max_connections=200 \
        -c logging_collector=on \
        -c log_directory=pg_log \
        -c log_filename=%u_%a.log \
        -c log_min_duration_statement=3 \
        -c log_statement=all \
        -c auto_explain.log_min_duration=0 \
        -c auto_explain.log_analyze=true

WARNING: Tables public.table1, public.table2, public.parted will be created during postgre docker container startup

How to connect to PostgreSQL:

psql postgresql://test:test@localhost/postgres

Prepare Oracle To PostgreSQL Config File

threadCount: 10

  url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(address=(host=localhost)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=ORCLPDB1)))
  user: test
  password: test
  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
  user: test
  password: test

Prepare Oracle To PostgreSQL Mapping File

    "fromSchemaName" : "TEST",
    "fromTableName" : "TABLE1",
    "toSchemaName" : "PUBLIC",
    "toTableName" : "TABLE1",
    "fetchHintClause" : "/*+ no_index(TABLE1) */",
    "fetchWhereClause" : "1 = 1",
    "fromTaskName" : "TABLE1_TASK",
    "fromTaskWhereClause" : " 1 = 1 ",
    "tryCharIfAny" : ["current_mood"],
    "columnToColumn" : {
      "id"                : "id",
      "\"LEVEL\""         : "level",
      "create_at"         : "create_at",
      "update_at"         : "update_at",
      "gender"            : "gender",
      "byteablob"         : "byteablob",
      "textclob"          : "textclob",
      "\"CaseSensitive\"" : "\"CaseSensitive\"",
      "rawbytea"          : "rawbytea",
      "doc"               : "doc",
      "uuid"              : "uuid",
      "clobjsonb"         : "clobjsonb",
      "current_mood"      : "current_mood"
    "expressionToColumn" : {
      "(select name from test.countries where = table1.country_id) as country_name" : "country_name"
    "fromSchemaName" : "TEST",
    "fromTableName" : "\"Table2\"",
    "toSchemaName" : "PUBLIC",
    "toTableName" : "TABLE2",
    "fetchHintClause" : "/*+ no_index(TABLE2) */",
    "fetchWhereClause" : "1 = 1",
    "fromTaskName" : "TABLE2_TASK",
    "columnToColumn" : {
      "id"          : "id",
      "\"LEVEL\""   : "level",
      "create_at"   : "create_at",
      "update_at"   : "update_at",
      "gender"      : "gender",
      "byteablob"   : "byteablob",
      "textclob"    : "textclob"
    "fromSchemaName" : "TEST",
    "fromTableName" : "PARTED",
    "toSchemaName" : "PUBLIC",
    "toTableName" : "PARTED",
    "fetchHintClause" : "/*+ no_index(PARTED) */",
    "fetchWhereClause" : "create_at >= to_date('2022-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') and create_at <= to_date('2023-12-31','YYYY-MM-DD')",
    "fromTaskName" : "PARTED_TASK",
    "fromTaskWhereClause" : "DBMS_ROWID.ROWID_OBJECT(START_ROWID) IN (73021,73022) OR DBMS_ROWID.ROWID_OBJECT(END_ROWID) IN (73021,73022)",
    "columnToColumn" : {
      "id"        : "id",
      "create_at" : "create_at",
      "name"      : "name"


The case-sensitive or reserved words must be quoted with double quotation and backslashes


expressionToColumn might be used for declaration of subquery for enrichment of data


To speed up the chunk processing of partitioned table you can apply fromTaskWhereClause clause as it used above. It allows to exclude excessive workload


If the target column type doesn't support by tool you can try to use Character
by using declaration of column's name in tryCharIfAny array

Create chunks

Halt any changes to the movable tables in the source database (Oracle)
Prepare data chunks in Oracle using the same user credentials specified in bublik tool (fromProperties in ./sql/ora2pg.yaml):

exec dbms_parallel_execute.drop_task(task_name => 'TABLE1_TASK');
exec dbms_parallel_execute.create_task (task_name => 'TABLE1_TASK');
    dbms_parallel_execute.create_chunks_by_rowid (  task_name   => 'TABLE1_TASK',
                                                    table_owner => 'TEST',
                                                    table_name  => 'TABLE1',
                                                    by_row => TRUE,
                                                    chunk_size  => 100000 );
exec dbms_parallel_execute.drop_task(task_name => 'TABLE2_TASK');
exec dbms_parallel_execute.create_task (task_name => 'TABLE2_TASK');
    dbms_parallel_execute.create_chunks_by_rowid (  task_name   => 'TABLE2_TASK',
                                                    table_owner => 'TEST',
                                                    table_name  => 'Table2',
                                                    by_row => TRUE,
                                                    chunk_size  => 100000 );
exec dbms_parallel_execute.drop_task(task_name => 'PARTED_TASK');
exec dbms_parallel_execute.create_task(task_name => 'PARTED_TASK');
    dbms_parallel_execute.create_chunks_by_rowid (  task_name   => 'PARTED_TASK',
                                                    table_owner => 'TEST',
                                                    table_name  => 'PARTED',
                                                    by_row => TRUE,
                                                    chunk_size  => 20000 );

PostgreSQL To PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL To PostgreSQL

The objective is to migrate table Source to table target from one PostgreSQL database to another. To simplify test case we're using same database

Prepare PostgreSQL To PostgreSQL environment

docker run --name postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres \
        -p 5432:5432 \
        -v ./sql/init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql \
        -v ./sql/.psqlrc:/var/lib/postgresql/.psqlrc \
        -v ./sql/bublik.png:/var/lib/postgresql/bublik.png \
        -d postgres \
        -c shared_preload_libraries="pg_stat_statements,auto_explain" \
        -c max_connections=200 \
        -c logging_collector=on \
        -c log_directory=pg_log \
        -c log_filename=%u_%a.log \
        -c log_min_duration_statement=3 \
        -c log_statement=all \
        -c auto_explain.log_min_duration=0 \
        -c auto_explain.log_analyze=true

WARNING: SOURCE & TARGET tables will be created during postgre docker container startup

  • How to connect
psql postgresql://test:test@localhost/postgres

Prepare PostgreSQL To PostgreSQL Config File

threadCount: 10
initPGChunks: true
copyPGChunks: true

  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?options=-c%20enable_indexscan=off%20-c%20enable_indexonlyscan=off%20-c%20enable_bitmapscan=off
  user: test
  password: test
  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
  user: test
  password: test

Prepare PostgreSQL To PostgreSQL Mapping File

    "fromSchemaName" : "PUBLIC",
    "fromTableName" : "\"Source\"",
    "toSchemaName" : "PUBLIC",
    "toTableName" : "TARGET",
    "fetchWhereClause" : "1 = 1",
    "fromTaskName" : "TABLE1_TASK",
    "tryCharIfAny" : ["current_mood", "gender"],
    "columnToColumn" : {
      "id"            : "id",
      "uuid"          : "uuid",
      "\"Primary\""   : "\"Primary\"",
      "boolean"       : "boolean",
      "int2"          : "int2",
      "int4"          : "int4",
      "int8"          : "int8",
      "smallint"      : "smallint",
      "bigint"        : "bigint",
      "numeric"       : "numeric",
      "float8"        : "float8",
      "date"          : "date",
      "timestamp"     : "timestamp",
      "timestamptz"   : "timestamptz",
      "description"   : "rem",
      "image"         : "image",
      "current_mood"  : "current_mood"
    "expressionToColumn" : {
      "(select 'male') as gender" : "gender"


The case-sensitive or reserved words must be quoted with double quotation and backslashes


expressionToColumn might be used for declaration of subquery for enrichment of data


If the target column type doesn't support by tool you can try to use Character
by using declaration of column's name in tryCharIfAny array

Create CTID chunks

To begin the transferring of data from source to target you should prepare the CTID table fulfilled by info of chunks

create table if not exists public.ctid_chunks (
    chunk_id int generated always as identity primary key,
    start_page bigint,
    end_page bigint,
    task_name varchar(128),
    status varchar(20)  default 'UNASSIGNED',
    unique (start_page, end_page, task_name, status));


If parameter initPGChunks has the true value, the CTID table will be created and fulfilled automatically. To begin the process copyPGChunks must be true


If you are doing repeated transferring you should truncate CTID table or delete unnecessary chunks



Bublik library might be used as a part of cli utility or as a part of service

Before usage build the jar and put it in a local maven repository

cd ./bublik
mvn clean install -DskipTests

Usage as a cli

Build the cli

cd ./cli
mvn clean package -DskipTests

Halt any changes to the movable tables in the source database.

Run the cli:

  • Oracle:

    java -jar ./target/bublik-cli-1.2.0.jar -c ./config/ora2pg.yaml -m ./config/ora2pg.json
  • PostgreSQL

    java -jar ./target/bublik-cli-1.2.0.jar -c ./sql/pg2pg.yaml -m ./sql/pg2pg.json
  • To prevent heap pressure, use -Xmx16g

  • Monitor the logs at logs/app.log

  • Track progress in Oracle:

    select status, count(*), round(100 / sum(count(*)) over() * count(*),2) pct 
        from user_parallel_execute_chunks group by status;
  • Track progress in PostgreSQL:

    select status, count(*), round(100 / sum(count(*)) over() * count(*),2) pct 
        from ctid_chunks group by status;

Usage as a service

Build the service

cd ./service
./gradlew clean build -x test

Halt any changes to the movable tables in the source database

Run the service:

java -jar ./build/libs/service-1.2.0.jar

Consume the service:

newman run ./postman/postman_collection.json


Tool for Data Transfer from Oracle to PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL






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