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JavaScript Backend Curriculum


Variables are memory locations that store values.


Values are entities manipulated, changed, or used to create other values.

  • Example: "Honda" can be the value of the car variable.

Data Types

Data types represent specific categories of values.

  • Example: Number, string, boolean, and others.

Other Data Types

Other Data types represent specific categories of complex values.

  • Example: Array ( [] ) or Object ( {} ).

Math Operators

Operators are symbols that facilitate mathematical operations.

  • Example: *, -, !, +.

Logical Operators

Operators are symbols that facilitate logical operations.

  • Example: !, &&, ||.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values.

  • Example: ===, !==, >, <

Conditional || Controll Flow

Conditional control flow in JavaScript involves making decisions in your code based on certain conditions. It allows your program to execute different blocks of code depending on whether a given condition is true or false.


Loops involve repeating tasks in the same sequence under specific conditions.

  • Example: For-loop, while-loop, do-while-loop.


Functions are blocks of code designed for repetitive execution.

  • Declaration
  • Invocation
  • Parameters and Arguments
  • Return Statement
  • Expression
  • Arrow Function
  • Anonymous
  • Hoisting
  • Callback
  • Methods
  • Recursion
  • Rest and Spread


Async deals with concurrency in asynchronous programming.

  • Understand asynchronous programming, callbacks, promises, and async/await syntax.
  • Learn how to handle asynchronous tasks, such as fetching data from APIs.

ES6+ Features

ES6+ introduces arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and classes.

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

OOP signifies that everything is an object.

  • Learn basics, including object creation, inheritance, and encapsulation.
  • Understand prototypes and prototype inheritance.

Web APIs

Web APIs provide a standardized way for different software systems to communicate over the web.


A library is a collection of pre-written code that can be used in your program.

  • Example: Moment, Axios, etc.

Frameworks and Libraries

Frameworks are comprehensive sets of tools and rules designed to structure and guide the development of a particular type of software.

  • Example: Nestjs, Express, Fastify.


Learn server-side development with Node.js.

  • Understand how to use npm (Node Package Manager) to manage dependencies.

Version Control

Version control systems such as Git and GitHub enable efficient collaboration and code management.


A database is a structured collection of data organized for efficient storage, retrieval, and management.

  • Relational
  • NoSQL
  • Driver
  • CRUD Operations
  • Asynchronous Nature
  • ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  • Models
  • Model Relationship


Debugging is the art of finding and fixing problems in the code.


Formatting involves beautifying the code for improved readability.


Testing is crucial and should be conducted at various levels to ensure code reliability.


The programming environment specifies the context of development, such as dev, staging, and prod.

This markdown format is suitable for a GitHub README, providing a clean and organized presentation of your JavaScript development guide. Feel free to further customize it based on your preferences!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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