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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Aggregate [Proof of Concept]



This contains a web application written in php. The app is hosted in apache/nginx and reads data from mysql/postgresql database and displays on frontend.

Backend api

  • /login.php
    • GET - Show login page
    • POST - get form data, validate it and save the signed session in a cookie in client.
  • /signup.php
    • GET - Show signup page
    • POST - get user data, validate and then save the user info in database
  • /index.php
    • GET - get user session from cookie, validate, and then serve the index page otherwise redirect to login.
  • /categories.php
    • GET - get user session from cookie, validate, and then serve the page otherwise redirect to login.
    • POST - validate user, get form data, validate form data, create new category
    • DELETE - validate user, get form data, validate form data, delete the category
  • /feed.php - similar to categories
  • /news.php - show only the new items since last checked.
  • /archive.php - All the items fetched and saved in the database till now except unread items.
  • /later.php - Items saved to be read later. This actually is just an api and saves Pocket or wallabag.
  • /search.php - Search page and results.


The state, pages and routing is all handled from backend by apache/nginx. We include required html/css/javacript in the respective php pages. We start with simple pages, vannilla javascript and when we see redundancy, we componentize them using pure web-components made with lit-element so the complexity is not there. Whenever we need some data, we fetch it directly, unlike redux like state pattern. For AJAX, we use the fetch API. Bootstrap is used for the design and layout.


It runs continuously or through cron jobs to pull the sitemap from each website configured. And then it compares their modified date with local cache and pulls new articles from each website. After pulling the articles, it tries to identify the category and then saves it to the database. This component is network heavy and long running.

The crawler is supposed to be a set of microservices which operate on each data on many layers. The services can be for different data sources and transforming of data from one format to another or performing analysis on the pages/data.

  • Sources
    • Sitemap
    • RSS
    • Atom
    • Full fetched Crawling
  • Processing
    • Title Extraction of pages
    • Category extraction
    • Topic Extraction

Getting started

The docker-compose.yml is configured with nginx server, php-fpm module and MySQL server. You don't need to install anything besides docker and docker-compose.

  • Install docker and docker-compose
  • Start docker daemon.
  • Initialize your run with ./ You should run this everytime you make database changes.
  • Run docker-compose up and the services will start after downloading required app images.
  • Edit your code inside app-php and see live changes at http://localhost:8080/

Access bash within docker

docker exec -it aggregator-database bash

Using the bash login to the MySQL database

mysql -h localhost -P 3308 -u root -p example

Select the database and view the table schema

use db;
select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='pages'
select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='subscriptions'

Queries used to create tables

They are located inside /initdb/init.sql.