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Dingocoin Core v1.16.0.9

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@seanPhill seanPhill released this 08 Mar 12:01

What's Changed

The ".sig" files are PGP signatures verifying each file digitally signed by Sean Phillips with the public key with the fingerprint: DE1F CCEC 285E 0C01 3FDE 9295 325A EA88 4D6F 2E6C or 4D6F2E6C (short key ID).

Each downloaded ZIP file has been "sha summed" so you can verify a non-corrupted download, on macOS, for example, with shasum -a 256 FILENAME.ZIP and read the shasum.txt file to verify it calculates the same. In Windows Powershell you can check the sha256 sum by (for example) Get-FileHash -Path C:\Users\user\Downloads\FILENAME.ZIP

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Full Changelog: v1.16.0.6...v1.16.0.9