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Dingocoin Core v1.16.0.4

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@rkbling rkbling released this 26 Mar 22:01
· 40 commits to master since this release

WARNING: Further usage of Dingocoin requires this update.

Update instructions (please follow carefully):

  1. Close your dingocoin wallet.
  2. Download the latest binaries from this release (at the bottom of this page) to replace the old binaries.
  3. Launch the new version of the wallet, and wait for it to sync.
  4. Important: after syncing (or near the end of syncing), open Help > Debug window > Console and run getchaintips. Verify that the active tip (marked with status: active) has height and hash matching one of the the latest few blocks on the openchains explorer. If it does not match, you are on the wrong fork and need to manually refresh onto the right one (follow steps 5-13 below).

Refreshing onto the right fork

  1. Close your dingocoin wallet.
  2. Access your Dingocoin datadir (Linux default dir: ~/.dingocoin/; Windows default dir: C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\Dingocoin\; mac default dir: ~/Library/Application Support/Dingocoin/).
  3. Backup wallet.dat somewhere safe. This holds all your private keys. IMPORTANT.
  4. In the datadir, open dingocoin.conf with a text editor (create this file if it does not exist).
  5. Go to the openchains explorer and find the blockhash of the latest block, and use this blockhash for the next step.
  6. In dingocoin.conf, add the line assumevalid=<block_hash_from_step_9>. For example, this would be assumevalid=a54aafb8fbcf5e258e3af9f2c947f8de18364b9b780164a2ec61cae42caa8843, assuming that the latest blockhash from step 9 was a54aafb8fbcf5e258e3af9f2c947f8de18364b9b780164a2ec61cae42caa8843.
  7. Save changes to dingocoin.conf and close the text editor.
  8. In the datadir, delete all files and folder EXCEPT dingocoin.conf and wallet.dat. THIS IS NECESSARY OR YOU MIGHT END UP STUCK ON THE WRONG CHAIN.
  9. Relaunch your wallet and wait for it to resync. Repeat step 4 to make sure you are back on the right fork.

Need help?
Please do not hesitate to contact us to get through this mandatory update.