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nichtich committed Jul 13, 2013
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
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TITLE = Holding Ontology
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NAME = holding

include makespec/Makefile
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361 changes: 361 additions & 0 deletions holding.html

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# Introduction

The **Holding Ontology** is a vocabulary to express library holdings in RDF.

## Status of this document

This document is an early draft, created by a DINI AG KIM Working Group. See
<> for more

## Namespaces and Ontology

The URI namespace of this ontology is ... The namespace prefix `holding` is recommeded.
The URI of this ontology as a whole is ...

@prefix holding: <> .
@base <> .

The following namspace prefixes are used to refer to related ontologies:

@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix dso: <> .
@prefix ecpo: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix frbr: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix ssso: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .

The Holding Ontology is defined in RDF/Turtle as following:

<> a owl:Ontology ;
rdfs:label "Holding Ontology" ;
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "holding" .


# Classes

## Agent

[Agent]: #agent

An **Agent** is a person, organization, group or any other entity that can held items and provide services. The Agent class is defined by the [FOAF Ontology].

foaf:Agent a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "agent" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

## Item

[Item]: #item

An **Item** is a particular copy of a bibliographic resource that is held by an [Agent]. Items are also referred to as holdings, but a holding can include more information about items, such as inventory and access. The Item class is defined by the [FRBR Ontology] without implying the rest of the FRBR model.

frbr:Item a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "item"@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

## Document

[Document]: #document

A **Document** is a bounded physical representation of body of information designed with the capacity (and usually intent) to communicate. A document may manifest symbolic, diagrammatic or sensory-representational information. Documents may include both abstract works, such as "Romeo and Juliet", and more conrete entities, such as a specific edition of a book.

bibo:Document a owl:Class ;
owl:equivalentClass foaf:Document ;
rdfs:label "Document"@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

## DocumentService

[DocumentService]: #documentservice

A **DocumentService** is a service event that is related to one or more [documents](#document). The service event involves a service provider (e.g.
a library) and an optional service consumer (e.g. a library patron). Both service provider and service consumer SHOULD be instances of [foaf:Agent](#Agent). The DocumentService class is defined by the [Document Service Ontology].

dso:DocumentService a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "DocumentService" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

Typical document services within the scope of holdings ontology involve a loan event ([dso:Loan]) and a presentation event ([dso:Presentation]). To express the availability of items for selected services, one SHOULD use the properties [daia:availableFor] and [daia:unavailableFor] from the [DAIA Ontology].



## Chronology

[Chronology]: #chronology

A **Chronology** is the description of enumeration and chronology of a periodical. The Chronology class is defined by the [Enumeration and Chronology of Periodicals Ontology].

ecpo:Chronology a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Chronology" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

To relate an [Item] to a [Chronology] use [ecpo:hasChronology] or [ecpo:hasChronologyGap]. To be more specific on the nature (current or closed) of a [Chronology] use [ecpo:CurrentChronology] or [ecpo:ClosedChronology]. To simply express the fact that an [Item] has a current chronology or a closed chronology without giving further information one MAY use [ecpo:Current] or [ecpo:Closed].


## Location

[Location]: #location

A **Location** is a spatial region or named place. The property *TODO* should be used to indicate the location of an [Item]. The Location class is defined as part of the [DCMI Metadata Terms].

dct:Location a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Location" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

# Relations between Documents and Items

The [exemplar] relation is used to state that a concrete [Item] is a copy of an abstract [Document]. Additional relations exist for Items that only contain parts of a document and for Items that contain multiple documents (for instance a collection that the document is part of).

``` {.ditaa}
+--------+ exemplar +------------+
| Item |<-------------------| Document |
| |------------------->| |
+--------+ exemplarOf +------------+
| ^ |
| | |
| | broaderExemplar |
| +-----------------------------+ | dct:hasPart
+-----------------------------+ | |
broaderExemplarOf | | |
| | |
v | v
+--------+ exemplar +------------+
| Item |<-------------------| Document |
| |------------------->| |
+--------+ exemplarOf +------------+
| ^ |
| | |
narrowerExemplar | | |
+-----------------------------+ | | dct:hasPart
| +-----------------------------+ |
| | narrowerExemplarOf |
| | |
v | v
+--------+ exemplar +------------+
| Item |<-------------------| Document |
| |------------------->| |
+--------+ exemplarOf +------------+

To give an example:

* Given a book series (a `Document`), a full shelve of books of the series
(an `Item`) is an `exemplarOf` the series.
* A book of the series (a `Document`) has a copy of the book (an `Item`)
as `exemplar`.
* The copy (an `Item`) is a
* a `narrowerExemplarOf` the series (as `Document`), and
* a `broaderExemplarOf` a single chapter of the book (as `Document`).

## exemplar

[exemplar]: #exemplar

Relates a Document to an Item that is an exemplar of the Document. This property is similar to frbr:exemplar but does not refer to the class frbr:Manifestation.

An exemplar should include all parts of a document but there may be gaps and
omissions. If an exemplar only includes parts of a documents that can be
identfied as other documents, one should better use property [narrowerExemplar].

holding:exemplar a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "has exemplar"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates a Document to an Item that is an exemplar of the Document. This property is similar to frbr:exemplar but does not refer to the class frbr:Manifestation."@en ;
rdfs:domain bibo:Document ;
rdfs:range frbr:Item ;
owl:inverseOf holding:exemplarOf .

## exemplarOf

[exemplarOf]: #exemplarof

Relates an Item to the Document that is exemplified by the Item.

holding:exemplarOf a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "is examplar of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates an Item to the Document that is exemplified by the Item."@en ;
rdfs:domain frbr:Item ;
rdfs:range bibo:Document ;
owl:inverseOf holding:exemplar .
## broaderExemplar

[broaderExemplar]: #broaderexemplar

Relates a Document to an Item that contains an exemplar of the Document as part.

holding:broaderExemplar a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "broader exemplar"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates a Document to an Item that contains an exemplar of the Document as part."@en ;
rdfs:domain bibo:Document ;
rdfs:range frbr:Item ;
owl:inverseOf holding:broaderExemplarOf .

## broaderExemplarOf

[broaderExemplarOf]: #broaderexemplarof

Relates an Item to a Document which is partly exemplified by the Item.

holding:broaderExemplarOf a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "broader exemplar of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates an Item to a Document which is partly exemplified by the Item."@en ;
rdfs:domain frbr:Item ;
rdfs:range bibo:Document ;
owl:inverseOf holding:broaderExemplar .

## narrowerExemplar

[narrowerExemplar]: #narrowerexemplar

Relates an Item to a Document which is partly exemplified by the Item.

holding:narrowerExemplar a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "narrower exemplar"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates an Item to a Document which is partly exemplified by the Item."@en ;
rdfs:domain frbr:Item ;
rdfs:range bibo:Document ;
owl:inverseOf holding:narrowerExemplarOf .

## narrowerExemplarOf

[narrowerExemplarOf]: #narrowerexemplarof

Relates a Document to an Item that is an exemplar of a part of the Document.

holding:narrowerExemplarOf a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "narrower exemplar of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates a Document to an Item that is an exemplar of a part of the Document."@en ;
rdfs:domain bibo:Document ;
rdfs:range frbr:Item ;
owl:inverseOf holding:narrowerExemplar .

# Relations between items, agents, and locations

## heldBy

[heldBy]: #heldby

Relates an Item to an Institution that holds the Item.

holding:heldBy a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "held by"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates an Item to an Institution that holds the Item."@en ;
rdfs:domain frbr:Item ;
rdfs:range foaf:Organization ;
owl:inverseOf holding:holds ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf holding:collectedBy .

## holds

[holds]: #holds

Relates an Institution to an Item which the Institution holds.

holding:holds a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "holds"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Relates an Institution to an Item which the Institution holds."@en ;
rdfs:domain foaf:Organization ;
rdfs:range frbr:Item ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf holding:inCollection ;
owl:inverseOf holding:heldBy .

## label

[label]: #label

A call number, shelf mark or similar label of an item

holding:label a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:label "label"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A call number, shelf mark or similar label of an item"@en ;
rdfs:domain holding:Item ;
rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier .

# Examples

## A book series, fully held by a library

``` {.example}
# The series is a document, consisting of multliple volumes
$series a bibo:Periodical
dcterms:hasPart $volume1, $volume2, $volume3 .
$volume1 a bibo:Book ; bibo:volume "1" .
$volume2 a bibo:Book ; bibo:volume "2" .
$volume3 a bibo:Book ; bibo:volume "3" .
# One chapter in Volume 1
$chapter3 a bibo:Document ;
dcterms:isPartOf $volume1 .
# A copy of the full series
holding:exemplarOf $series ;
holding:heldBy $libray ;
ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1"
] .
# A particular copy of volume 1, located in the library
holding:exemplarOf $volume1 ;
holding:narrowerExemplarOf $series ;
holding:broaderExemplaOf $chapter3 .

## The same series, partially held by Alice

``` {.example}
# A copy of volume 1 and 2
holding:exemplarOf $series ;
# alteratively: holdings:narrowerExemplarOf $series
dcterms:hasPart $volume2, $volume3
holding:heldBy $alice ;
ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "2"
] .
# Alice`s copies of volume 1
holding:exemplarOf $volume1 ;
holding:narrowerExemplarOf $series ;
holding:narrowerExemplarOf $alicescopies .

# References

## Normative References


## Informative References

* ISO 20775
* [Bibliographic Ontology]
* [DAIA Ontology]
* [DCMI Metadata Terms]
* [Document Service Ontology] (DSO)
* [Enumeration and Chronology of Periodicals Ontology] (ECPO).
* [FOAF Ontology]
* [FRBR Ontology]

[Bibliographic Ontology]:
[DAIA Ontology]:
[DCMI Metadata Terms]:
[Document Service Ontology]:
[Enumeration and Chronology of Periodicals Ontology]:
[FOAF Ontology]:
[FRBR Ontology]:

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