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fiaxh edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 1 revision


If you configured a system-wide SOCKS proxy, Dino will honor that setting.

Otherwise, you can specifically set Dino to use Tor by starting it with

$ torsocks dino


You can have your system route DNS requests through Tor by writing nameserver into your /etc/resolv.conf.

XMPP uses SRV records by default, which cannot be queried through Tor. As a fallback, XMPP uses A records, which can be queried through Tor. Thus, make sure the domain of your server has an A record set to the IP of the XMPP server. Public servers are very frequently set up accordingly.

Anonymity and privacy distributions


  • Download and install the Dino Debian package from OBS.
  • Start Dino from the console with torsocks dino.
  • Don't worry about DNS - Tails forces all traffic through Tor.