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GuoJinFei edited this page Jul 1, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the com.dinstone.rpc project. com.dinstone.rpc is an other RPC client server framework which enables quick and easy development of RPC applications. It greatly simplifies RPC programming.

System Architecture




  • Unified API for client and server
  • Cross-platform RPC support ability
  • Support a variety of serialization protocol at the same time - Jackson and Hessian
  • Scalable architecture, including the transport layer and serialization layer
  • Extensible custom RPC protocol

Ease of use

  • Out of the box client-side and server-side API
  • Spring integration friendly


  • Efficient custom RPC protocol
  • High-performance socket frame support - mina2 and netty4


Please refer to the example of project.

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