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Curriculum Vitae - Diogo Correia

Why HTML? Because it can be easily shared on the web

CV Preview

Project Structure

The content itself can be found at data/content.yaml. HTML template files are located inside the layouts directory.

Running Locally

You must install Hugo and then run

hugo server -D

Additionally, to install formatting dependencies, run

npm install
npm run format # run formatter

Building to Production

To build for production with minification, run

hugo -D --gc --minify

Printing to PDF

Sometimes it might be desirable to print to a page longer than A4, as to avoid a page break. A workaround is to print to PDF as an A2 and then use Ghostscript to crop the resulting PDF.

# Change $HEIGHT to the amount to crop from the bottom
gs -o out.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c "[/CropBox [297.78 1684.08 893.34 $HEIGHT] /PAGES pdfmark" -f CV\ _\ Diogo\ Correia.pdf