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Bloomberg Project

Project Overview

The project’s objective is to investigate which firms and economic sectors are the winners and losers COVID19 pandemic.

Key Questions

  • Which companies and economic sectors were positively and negatively affected by the COVID19 pandemic?
  • Did bigger firms perform better than smaller firms during the COVID19 pandemic?

Information about data set

The dataset was extracted from the Bloomberg professional service terminal in two separate occasions, on the 17th and on the 24th of November 2020. The Bloomberg terminal is a leading source of financial information that brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, research, analytics, communications tools in one fully integrated solution. The source is therefore extremely trustworthy. The information that was extracted - mostly prices and company descriptions – is part of public domain and can be easily validated by other sources. The data was collected by querying the terminal. It ranked the 5000 biggest companies in terms of market capitalization at current prices. As our dataset is the result of two extractions, made a few days apart, 63 companies had to be excluded as they were not reflected on both rankings. Therefore, the final dataset includes 4937 companies. The query also included several indicators that will be used to describe the companies and the prices of each stock on the first day of every month for a period of 12 months, from December 2019 and November 2020. This period was chosen as to understand the effects of the COVID19 pandemic on the companies’ value.

Data Profile

Data cleaning and consistency

I have conducted cleaning and consistency checks in Jupyter, including checking for missing values, duplicates and mixed type data columns, to ensure your data is ready for further analysis.

Descriptive statistical analysis

I have conducted descriptive statistical analysis in Jupyter to better understand of your data set.

Limitations and ethics

At this point, I acknowledge no limitations or ethical considerations presented by the content of the data. The data is up to date, it was collected from a trustworthy source, it concerns public available data that can be checked and that it is fairly “objective”. If, during the project, further information is required, this will be collected, as long as it is available in the Bloomberg terminal. If this is not the case, the limitation will be acknowledged when reporting results.

Brief description of the uploaded folders

The project management folder contains the initial briefing for this assignment.
The data folder contains the original data set and the prepared datasets. The scripts folder contains the complete python scripts that were written to complete the assignment.

Link to the Tableau dashboard containing the analysis results!/vizhome/BloombergProject/Storyboard


The Bloomberg Project






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