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Boilerplate for react

Official boilerplate for react app with react-auth-navigaton

Redux Integration

For redux integration replace index.js file with code below :

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import reducers from "./reducers/Reducers";
import AppWithRouter from "./components/app/App";
import "./sass/main.scss";

const store = createStore(reducers, applyMiddleware(thunk));

  <Provider store={store}>
  	<AppWithRouter />

package.json file doesn't have redux, react-redux, redux-thunk by default. You should install it if you want above code to work.

# Install redux
npm i redux

# Install react-redux
npm i react-redux

# Install redux-thunk
npm i redux-thunk

Useful packages

Here are some useful packages that you want to use :

react-icons - has all icons that we need

npm i react-icons

react-hook-form - for form validation

npm i react-hook-form

API Calls

To do API Calls, we need to create an api function from apiGenerator function available in src/helpers/Helpers.js.

// Api.config.js

import { apiGenerator } from "../helpers";

export const BASE_URL = ""; // BASE URL

export const api = apiGenerator({ baseURL: BASE_URL }); // API FUNCTION

Now you can use this api function in any actions or anywhere you want to do api calls. The API Reference for api function is :

api(url, method, body, config);
  • url - end-point URL
  • method ( optional ) Default: GET
  • body ( optional )
  • config ( optional ) - config object with following properties
    • file ( optional ) - true to upload file, otherwise false
    • fileUploadProgress (optional) - function which is called with one parameter i.e. percentage while uploading
    • fileDownloadProgress (optional) - function which is called with one parameter i.e. percentage while downloading


// Sample.action.js
import { api } from "../config";

dispatch({ type: SAMPLE.LOADING });

res = await api(`${APIS.sample}`, "POST", formData, {
    file: true,
    fileUploadProgress: function(percentage) {
        dispatch({ type: SAMPLE.PROGRESS, payload: percentage });

const { success } =; // is now required

if(success) dispatch({ type: SAMPLE.SUCCESS });


Custom Form Validation

For custom form validation, we need to import validator() and isValid() functions from src/utils/Utils.js.

import { validator, isValid } from "../utils";

Now this validator() function on passing empty object returns a validate() function which is used to validate a input form.

Lets say we want to validate the form on submit:

import { validator, isValid } from "../utils";
const onSubmit = () => {
    const catchedErrors = {};
    const validate = validator(catchedErrors);

    // ...

Now validate() function takes three parameters, first one is key whose value will be true of an object passed to validator() function when second argument condition is true. where last parameter is an optional callback function which is called when second condition is true.

import { validator, isValid } from "../utils";
const onSubmit = () => {
    const catchedErrors = {};
    const validate = validator(catchedErrors);

    validate("firstname", image?.length === 0, () => {
    	//.. called when condition is true.

    if (!isValid(catchedErrors)) {