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Release Process

Maxi Rosson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 22 revisions

Initial Setup

Install the Github Changelog Generator

gem install github_changelog_generator -v 1.15.0


Merge the master branch to the production branch

Create a GitHub Release

On the production branch execute the following command:

./gradlew :closeGitHubMilestone :generateChangelog publish publishPlugins closeAndReleaseRepository -PLOCAL_UPLOAD=false -PSNAPSHOT=false --refresh-dependencies --stacktrace --no-parallel -Dorg.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true

Release to Maven Central

  • Go to
  • Log in
  • "Build Promotion" -> "Staging Repositories"
  • Verify the dependencies
  • Check the repository, click on "Close" and then on "Release"

Merge the production branch to the master branch

On the master branch, increment the version executing one of the following commands:

./gradlew :incrementMajorVersion -PVERSION_INCREMENT_BRANCH=master
./gradlew :incrementMinorVersion -PVERSION_INCREMENT_BRANCH=master

Verify the dependencies on Maven Central

Clone this wiki locally