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File metadata and controls

351 lines (252 loc) Β· 15.7 KB

Data Model

The data model describes the structure of your database's schema using Collections (database tables) and Fields (database columns).


Creating a Collection

  1. Click the Create Collection action button in the Data Model header
  2. Enter a unique Collection Name to be used as the database table name, API collection key, and App collection name default.
  3. Configure the name and type of the Primary Key.
    • Auto-Incremented Integer
    • Generated UUID
    • Manually Entered String
  4. Optional: Enable and rename any desired System Fields.
    • Status
    • Sort
    • Created On
    • Created By
    • Updated On
    • Updated By
  5. Click the Finish Setup button

::: danger Immutable Keys

As of now, the key can not be modified after the collections has been created.


::: tip Database Tables

Keep in mind that a Directus Collection is just a database table. Therefore you can import or create a table directly in the database, and it will automatically appear within Directus. The first time you manage that table, a directus_collections record will be created with default values.


Configuring a Collection

You can configure a collection by clicking on it within Settings > Data Model. On this page the following options are available:

  • Fields & Layout β€” This manages the fields of this collection, and their form layout. For more information on this configuration, refer to the sections below on Field Management.
  • Collection Name β€” This is the key for the collection. It can not be modified, but you can override it with Translations (see field below).
  • Note β€” A helpful note that explains the collection's purpose
  • Icon β€” The icon used throughout the App when referencing this collection
  • Color β€” A color for the icon, shown in the navigation and its header
  • Display Template β€” A Field Template that creates dynamic titles for the collection's items
  • Hidden β€” Toggles if the collection should be globally hidden. Keep in mind that Admin roles can always see all collections.
  • Singleton β€” For collections that will only contain a single item (eg: an "About Us" form), the Collection Page will be bypassed, taking users directly to the Item Page.
  • Collection Naming Translations β€” While the collection key can not be changed (as of now), this option allows translating the collection name into different languages. By default, the platform uses the Title Formatter to display collection keys as human readable names, but you can also use translations to explicitly rename more technical table keys.


The archive feature allows you to enable "soft-delete" within the collection. Archived items are hidden in the App by default, but are still returned normally via the API unless they are filtered out.

  • Archive Field β€” The field that holds the archive value
  • Archive App Filter β€” Allows users to view archived items
  • Archive Value β€” The value saved in the Archive Field when archived
  • Unarchive Value β€” The value saved in the Archive Field when unarchived

::: tip Automatic Setup

When creating a new Collection, you have the option of creating an optional "Status" field. If you choose to include this field, the collection's archive settings will automatically be configured for you.



The sort feature enables manual drag-and-drop item reordering within the Directus App. This is typically shown on the Collection Page, but can also be used for sorting items within Junction Tables. Configuration is as easy as selecting the appropriate sort field:

  • Sort Field β€” Choose a field with the integer type. You may want to set this field to be "hidden" so it doesn't show up within the Item Page form.

::: tip Automatic Setup

When creating a new Collection, you have the option of creating an optional "Sort" field. If you choose to include this field, the collection's sort settings will automatically be configured for you.


::: tip Interface Sorting

To configure manual sorting within an Interface (eg: M2M, O2M, or M2A), configure as above, but also set the Sort Field on the field's Relationship pane.



By default, the platform tracks all activity and revisions for collections. This option allows you to override this, choosing what data is tracked.

  • Activity & Revision Tracking β€” supports the follow options:
    • Track Activity & Revisions
    • Only Track Activity
    • Do Not Track Anything


The "Save as Copy" option on the Item Page offers a way to effectively duplicate the current item. However, since there may be unique or relational data within this form, it's important to control exactly what will be copied. This option allows for configuring which parent/relational field values will be copied.

Deleting a Collection

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Model > [Collection Name]
  2. Click the red Delete Collection action button in the header
  3. Confirm this decision by clicking Delete in the dialog

::: danger Irreversible Change

This action is permanent and can not be undone. Please proceed with caution.


Adjusting the Collection Hierarchy

Collections can be organized in several ways.

Adjusting the Collection Form

The Item Page displays a custom form for viewing and editing each collection's fields. This form is highly configurable, with the following field options:

  • Visibility β€” Fields can be set to "visible" or "hidden" on the form. This is adjusted via the field's context menu or edit drawer.
  • Width β€” Fields have three different width options relative to the form/page. This is adjusted via the field's context menu or edit drawer.
    • Half β€” The field is shown at half the form width
    • Full β€” (Default) The field is shown at the full form width
    • Fill β€” The field is shown filling the page width
  • Sort β€” Fields can be rearranged via their drag-and-drop handles.
  • Grouping β€” Fields can be organized within different nested groups that are created using the normal Creating a Field flow. Different style groupings are available for different use-cases.

Creating a Field (Standard)

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Model > [Collection Name]
  2. Under Fields & Layout, click the Create Field button
  3. Choose the desired interface by clicking on the illustration
  4. Add a Field Key, which is also used as the default field name
  5. Configure the field options, including the default value, required flag, and interface options

Creating a Field (Advanced)

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Model > [Collection Name]
  2. Under Fields & Layout, click the Create Field in Advanced Mode button
  3. Choose the field type, and follow its setup steps below.

::: tip Database Columns

Keep in mind that a Directus Field is just a database columns. Therefore you can create a columns directly in the database, and it will automatically appear within Directus using intelligent defaults. You can then enhance the experience further using the following steps.



This pane controls the technical details of the field's database column.

  • Key β€” (Required) The database column name and field's API key. The key must be unique within its parent Collection. As of now, all keys are sanitized: lowercased, alphanumeric, and with spaces removed. Keys can not be changed once created, however you can use Field Name Translations to override how it's displayed in the App.
  • Type β€” (Required) How the data is saved to the database; See Directus Data Type Superset. This dropdown maybe be limited or even disabled based on your chosen Field category.
  • Length β€” (Only for certain types) For String types this determines the number of characters that can be stored in the database. For Float and Decimal types, this control becomes Precision & Scale.
  • On Create β€” (Only for certain types) For some data types, this option allows you to control what value is saved when an item is created. These values are fallbacks and can be overridden by the App/API. For example, the Timestamp type allows you to "Save Current Date/Time".
  • On Update β€” (Only for certain types) For some data types, this option allows you to control what value is saved when an item is updated. These values are fallbacks and can be overridden by the App/API. For example, the UUID type allows you to "Save Current User ID".
  • Default Value β€” This is the initial value shown for a field when creating an item in the App. If creating an item via the API, this is the fallback value saved to the database if a field value is not submitted.
  • Allow NULL β€” Toggles if the database column is nullable. When disabled, a NULL value can not be saved to the field's column.
  • Unique β€” Toggles if the database column's values must all be unique.

::: danger Immutable Keys

As of now, the key can not be modified after the field has been created.



This pane is only shown when configuring relational fields (including images and translations). Depending on the type of relationship, you'll be presented with one of the following set of options:

::: tip Corresponding Field

Relationships go both ways, so when creating a new relation Field, Directus offers to automatically create the corresponding Field on the related Collection.



  • Required β€” Toggles if a value for the Field is required.
    • Empty strings ('') and NULL are not accepted as a valid value
    • 0 and false are accepted as a valid value
    • Default values are accepted as a valid value
    • Permission Presets are accepted as a valid value
  • Readonly β€” (App Only) Sets the field to be disabled.
  • Hidden β€” (App Only) Hides the field in the App form.
    • The field is still available in filters and Layout options.
  • Note β€” (App Only) Displayed below the field in the App form, providing a helpful comment for App users. This note supports markdown.
  • Field Name Translations β€” (App Only) While the field key can not be changed (as of now), this option allows translating the field name into different languages. By default, the platform uses the Title Formatter to display field keys as human readable names, but you can also use translations to explicitly rename more technical column keys.


This pane includes any customization options that may be defined by the Interface.


This pane includes any customization options that may be defined by the Display.


Conditions allow you to alter the current field's setup based on the values of other fields in the form. This allows you to show/hide the field, make it readonly, or change the interface options.

Each field can have one or more rules. Each rule has the following configuration options:

  • Name: The name of the rule. This is only used internally for convenience purposes
  • Rule: The rule that controls whether or not these conditions are applied. Rule follows the Filter Rules spec
  • Readonly: Whether or not the field is readonly when the condition is matched
  • Hidden: Whether or not the field is hidden when the condition is matched
  • Required: Whether or not the field is required when the condition is matched
  • Interface Options: Any additional configuration for the selected interface

These changes to the field are merged onto the base configuration of the field. This means you can have the field hidden by default, and then only toggle the hidden state of the field in the condition.

::: tip Order Matters

The conditions are matched in order. The last condition that matches is the one that's used to apply the changes.


Creating Translated Multilingual Fields

While you could create individual fields for each translation, such as title_english, title_german, title_french, and so on, this is not easily extensible, and creates a less than ideal form layout. Instead, you can use the Directus relational Translations O2M interface. This uses a separate collection to store an endless number of translations, and a separate collection of languages that can easily be added to without having to change the schema.

Let's take a look at a basic example for "Articles":

  • articles Collection
    • id β€” (Primary Key)
    • author β€” Field that is not translated
    • date_published β€” Field that is not translated
    • translations β€” A O2M relational field to article_translations
  • article_translations Collection
    • id β€” (Primary Key)
    • article β€” The key of the article this belongs to
    • language β€” The language key of this translation
    • title β€” The translated Article Title
    • text β€” The translated Article Text
  • languages Collection
    • language_code β€” (Primary Key) eg: "en-US"
    • name β€” The language name, eg: "English"

As you can see above, you add non-translated fields, such as the author and publish_date, to the parent collection. Any multilingual fields, such as Title or Text, should be added directly to the Translation Collection. You can not simply drag or shift fields from the parent to translations, they must be created in the correct collection.

::: tip Translating Parent Fields

To make an existing parent field translatable, you can choose "Duplicate Field" from its context menu, move it to the translation collection, and then delete the parent field. However, be aware that this does not maintain any existing field values in the process.


Configuring a Field

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Model > [Collection Name]
  2. Click the field you want to update
  3. Make any desired updates referencing the Creating a Field docs above

::: tip System Fields

While all out-of-the-box system fields are locked from editing or deleting, you are able to create new fields within the system collections. To get started, expand System Collections from the bottom of Settings > Data Model.


Duplicating a Field

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Model > [Collection Name]
  2. Click the More Options icon for the field you want to duplicate
  3. Click the Duplicate Field option

::: warning Relational and Primary Key Fields

It is not currently possible to duplicate relational fields or a collection's primary key.


Deleting a Field

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Model > [Collection Name]
  2. Click the More Options icon for the field you want to delete
  3. Click the Delete Field option
  4. Confirm this decision by clicking Delete in the dialog

::: danger Irreversible Change

This action is permanent and can not be undone. Please proceed with caution.
