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Mark Lavi edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

Supports use_env_dir function, which loads environment variables one per file under the .direnv/env directory.

Add the following into your .config/direnv/direnvrc:

# Usage: use_env_dir [env_dir]
# Load environment variables from `$(direnv_layout_dir)/envs" directory.
# Under this directory, every file is read and set to an environment
# variable whose name is the filename and value is the file content.
# Also watch files so to automatially reload on every file update.
use_env_dir() {
  local env_dir
  if [[ -d $env_dir ]]; then
    for f in "$env_dir"/*; do
      if [[ -f $f ]]; then
        watch_file "$f"
        export "$(basename "$f")=$(cat "$f")"

This function gives you an ability which is similar to the one in Heroku Buildpack.

Each file under the "env_dir" represents an environment variable, whose filename to be the variable's name and content to variable's value.

For example, a file with the name of DB_PORT and the content 32800 will be an environment variable of DB_PORT=32800.


In .envrc, put the following line:


You can also specify the env dir as:

use_env_dir /path/to/your/env/dir

Example of docker-compose

When you launch a database server container by docker-compose, you can let it to pick any available port and put the port into DB_PORT.

$ mkdir -p .direnv/envs
$ docker-compose port db 5432 | cut -d ':' -f 2 > .direnv/envs/DB_PORT

And make your application to read the DB_PORT.

In this way, you can access the db without worrying about port conflict, no matter how many similar projects you are working on in parallel.