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File metadata and controls

288 lines (196 loc) · 8.25 KB

Model Meta Options

When defining a class, you can do more than just give it a name. By defining a class named Meta within a model, you can control several aspects of its behavior. Any options that are omitted will be given their default values, as show below.

class User(Model):
    class Meta:
        auto_timestamp = True
        collection = 'users'
        database = 'default'
        field_map = {'id': '_id'}
        map_id = True
        safe = True
        sort = None
        typed_fields = {'id': ObjectId}
        w = 1


By default, calling :meth:`` will cause the created and modified fields to update accordingly. Adding auto_timestamp = False to the Meta class will disable this behavior.

class Meta:
    auto_timestamp = False  # do not automatically add timestamps


By default, the collection associated with a model will be the name of the model with an s appended to it. Adding collection to the Meta class will allow its value to altered.

class Meta:
    collection = 'simon'  # store documents in the simon collection


By default, all collections will be located in the default database. If you use the :meth:`~simon.connection.connect` method to connect to additional databases, the database to use with a model can be controlled by adding the database option to the Meta class.

connect('localhost', name='logs', alias='logs')

class Meta:
    database = 'logs'  # use the logs database

field_map and map_id

By default, the _id field of all models is exposed through the id attribute. Additional fields can be added to the mapping by including them in the field_map dictionary. The keys of the dictionary represent attribute names and the values represent the keys used in the document.

When the map_id option is True (the default), you can define a custom mapping without having to include 'id': '_id'. It will be added for you.

class Meta:
    # map friends to list_of_friends
    field_map = {'list_of_friends': 'friends'}
    map_id = False  # do not map _id to id

You can also use field_map to expose nested fields as top-level attributes.

class Meta:
    field_map = {'x': 'location.x', 'y': 'location.y'}

Why would you want to use this behavior? Unlike a relational database which stores its schema at the table level, MongoDB's dynamic schema requires key names to be stored as part of each document. The longer the names of your keys, the more storage space you will need (keep in mind this is only really a problem with extremely large collections). When using shortened key names, it may make the names harder to remember, resulting in code that is harder to read and maintain. By utilizing field_map, more meaningful names can be used in code while storing shorter variations in the database.

class User(Model):
    class Meta:
        field_map = {
            'first_name': 'fname',
            'last_name': 'lname',
            'location': 'loc',

user = User.create(first_name='Simon', last_name='Seville',
                   location='Fresno, CA')

This query executing in the mongo Shell would look a little different:

db.users.insert({fname: 'Simon', lname: 'Seville', loc: 'Fresno, CA'})


While Simon tries to expose MongoDB's dynamic schema by not enforcing a schema on a model, there may be times when you wish to make sure that a document contains certain fields before it is saved. You can designate a field as required by adding it to the required_fields option in the Meta class.

class Meta:
    required_fields = 'email'

With this setting, you wouldn't be able to save a document unless it contained an email field.

You can also require multiple fields.

class Meta:
    required_fields = ('email', 'name')

If you try to save a document that is missing any of the required fields, :class:`TypeError` will be raised.


DEPRECATED If using PyMongo 2.4 or newer, the safe option has been deprecated. Use :ref:`w` instead.

With the introduction of :class:`MongoClient <pymongo:pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient>`, updates are performed with write concern enabled by default. To revert to the previous behavior seen in versions of PyMongo prior to 2.4, set the safe option to False. When write concern is disabled at the model level, it can still be used on a case by case basis by providing safe=True as a parameter to method calls.

class Meta:
    safe = False  # don't use write concern for this model by default

More information about write concern is available in the MongoDB Docs.


By default, calls to :meth:`~simon.Model.all` and :meth:`~simon.Model.find` will use natural order for sorting. If you want to have a model default to a different sort order, you can do so by defining the sort option in the Meta class.

class Meta:
    sort = 'name'  # sort by name ascending

The default sort can also handle multiple fields.

class Meta:
    sort = ('name', 'email')  # sort by name and email ascending

For a explanation of how to take full advantage of the sort option, check out the :meth:`~simon.query.QuerySet.sort` method.

More information about natural sort is available in the MongoDB Docs.


While Simon tries to expose MongoDB's dynamic schema by not enforcing a schema on a model, there may be times when you wish to make sure that a field is of a certain type before it is saved. You can designate a field as typed by adding it to the typed_fields option in the Meta class.

class Meta:
    typed_fields = {'email': basestring}

With this setting, you wouldn't be able to save a document if its email field contained a value that wasn't a string.

If addition to being any valid type, a field can be specified as a typed list.

class Meta:
    typed_fields = {'tags': [basestring]}

This will type the tags field as a list of strings. You wouldn't be able to save a document if its tags field contained anything other than a list whose values were all strings.

If you try to save a document with a field that is of the wrong type, :class:`TypeError` will be raised.


When setting _id to a type other than :class:`ObjectId <pymongo:bson.objectid.ObjectId>`, failing to explicitly provide a value for _id will result in the database automatically assigning an :class:`ObjectId <pymongo:bson.objectid.ObjectId>`.


When setting _id to a type other than :class:`ObjectId <pymongo:bson.objectid.ObjectId>`, it will be possible to overwrite a document in the database if the value of _id isn't first checked for uniqueness.


With the introduction of :class:`MongoClient <pymongo:pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient>`, updates are performed with write concern enabled by default. To revert to the previous behavior seen in versions of PyMongo prior to 2.4, set the w option to 0. When write concern is disabled at the model level, it can still be used on a case by case basis by providing safe=True as a parameter to method calls.

class Meta:
    w = 0  # don't use write concern for this model by default

More information about write concern is available in the MongoDB Docs.