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  • Feature Name: Safecoin implementation
  • Type: new feature
  • Related Components: safe_vault, safe_client
  • Start Date: 12-10-2015
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Issue Number: (leave this empty)


Full implementation of safecoin v1.0. This RFC brings together the following RFCs Farm Attempt Balance Resources In addition this RFC will attempt to calculate the existing magic numbers used in previous implementations.


Safecoin is a valuable part of the SAFE network and allows resource providers to be paid by users of that resource. Users in this case are content producers, or those who upload data to the network.

This allows the network to function at, hopefully, the lowest possible cost of resource as the resources provided by farmers (providers of resource) are designed to be unused resources. The reward will likely be advantageous to people and provide encouragement. In the early days these rewards may be significant as the network is in a state of finding an equilibrium between provision and consumption of resources.

This RFC will cover farming and payments as well as define the wallet interface for application developers.

Detailed design

Initially the cost of resources in some unit must be identified. There are options to measure these units in disk space, CPU, bandwidth and more. It is much simpler to define these units as a safecoin, which at this time is simply a name given to this overall unit of measure (as far as this RFC is concerned).

Data/chunk size consideration

Data of varying sizes is uploaded to the SAFE network. Immutable data can be up to 1Mb and StructuredData can be up to 100Kb. To simplify the algorithm and also avoid bad players attempting to swamp the network with tiny data elements as a reduced cost, we consider all data uploaded as a single unit. These data units, we know are at most 1Mb and we should encourage developers to maximise their use of the network by storing as close to this value as possible.

In this design each upload (PUT) will incur the same cost, i.e. 1 unit.

To facilitate this design we will create an internal name to measure this unit of store. This will be referred to as a StoreCost in this document.

Establishing farming rate

This section will introduce the following variables:

  • Farming rate == FR (0 < FR <= 1)
  • Farming divisor == FD (FD >= 1)
  • Total primary chunks count == TP (TP >= 0)
  • Total sacrificial chunks count == TS (TS >= 0)

These values are amortised across the network and across groups close to each other.

Each successful GET will generate a unique identifier (see below for details). This identifier will be used as the dividend in a modulo operation with the FD as the corresponding divisor. If this operation results in 0 then farming attempt is successful.

Hence the farming rate is defined as:

FR = 1 / FD

In other words, if FD is 1, every attempt is successful and FR is 1. If FD is 10, on average every tenth attempt is successful and FR is 0.1.

Broadly speaking, we want the farming rate to drop as the number of chunks increases, but we want the rate to increase if we start to lose sacrificial chunks.

For the first requirement, we can achieve this by having FD as the maximum of TP and TS (we'll call this maximum total "MT").

For the second requirement, we want to reduce the FD if we have less sacrificial chunks than primary ones. This means the farming divisor is defined as:

if TS < TP {
    FD = MT - (TP - TS) + 1
} else {
    FD = MT + 1

Since the farming rate decreases as the network grows, it will push the design of the archive nodes to ensure the number of chunks active in the network is not excessive. Archive nodes will be a further RFC and should allow farming rates to have a natural minimum.

Establishing StoreCost

This is an upgrade to RFC 0005 the initial StoreCost

and consequent farming reward is 1 safecoin for the first Get and exponentially decreases from that point.

The initial Put cost has to be related to the number of clients versus the number of vaults (resource providers). In SAFE this will be achieved by the following:

Vaults have a farming rate (FR) Vaults can query the total number of client (NC) accounts (active, i.e. have stored data, possibly paid) Vaults are aware of GROUP_SIZE

The calculation therefore becomes a simple one (for version 1.0)

StoreCost = FR * NC / GROUP_SIZE

Therefore a safecoin will purchase an amount of storage equivalent to the amount of data stored (and active) and the current number of vaults and users on the network.

Farm request calculation

The farming request calculation is also a simple affair, but must mitigate against specific attacks on the network. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Continual Get against known data on a vault
  2. Attempted targeting of farm rewards

The farming attempt will include DataManager addresses (to differentiate a farm request from the data name itself). It will also include the chunk name and the name of the ManagedNode (PMID node)

This process is outlined as:

  1. Get request for Chunk X is received.
  2. The DataManagers will request the chunk from the ManagedNodes holding this chunk.
  3. The ManagedNodes will send the chunk with their wallet address included.
  4. The DataManagers will then take the address of each DataManager in the QUORUM.
  5. This is hashed with the chunk name and PmidHolder name.
  6. If this result % farming divisor (modulo divides) yields zero then
    • This data is sent to the group who are closest to result
    • This request is a POST message as a safecoin request
    • If there is a safecoin available of the name result then
      • The safecoin is created and the owner set to the wallet address provided in the result packet
      • The safecoin close group then send a receipt message to the wallet address to inform the user of a new minted safecoin allocated to them.

Bootstrap with clients

Although there has been hostility from the community with regard to "something for nothing" approach, there is a necessity for a bootstrap mechanism. As no safecoin can be farmed until data is uploaded there is a cyclic dependency that requires a resolution. To overcome this limitation this RFC will propose that every new account created is initialised with 50 safecoins. This may be temporary and only used in test-safecoin, but it is likely essential to allow this for the time being. It may be a mechanism to kickstart the network as well.


These will be added during the review process and will include any concerns form the community forum.


Initially there was no safecoin and the network would have been built in a quid pro quo manner. This involved users requiring a vault to store data and the user then being allocated that amount of data to store. It was rather inflexible and involved a tremendous amount of logic. It was an alternative. It should be noted the original designs did include a digital currency which would have suited this purpose perfectly as safecoin now will.

There is an alternative approach outlined here which introduces an alternative coin for artists and app developers. This RFC does not limit this proposal and leaves the way open for such an implementation.

Unresolved questions

The application developer rewards are seen as a good start to pay creators of applications on the app popularity, measured via its use. This design incorrectly identifies the measure of use as the number of GET requests the app carries out. A better solution should be found for this measure.

Some have identified an app may

Implementation overview

Farming rate method

fn farming_divisor() -> u64 {
    let bias_for_lost_sacrificial = if total_sacrificial_chunks < total_primary_chunks {
        total_primary_chunks - total_sacrificial_chunks
    } else {

    ::std::cmp::max(total_primary_chunks, total_sacrificial_chunks) - bias_for_lost_sacrificial + 1

Client Put (StoreCost)

fn store_cost() -> u64 {
    // The number of active client accounts must be at least 1 (or storing will be free!).  This
    // should always be the case, since at least the requesting client's account is active.
    assert!(number_of_active_client_accounts > 0)
    number_of_active_client_accounts / (farming_divisor() * GROUP_SIZE)


if Put && key.is_in_range() { // we are client manager
    if !key.in_account_list {
    if store_cost() > account_balance {
    } else {
        account_balance -= store_cost();
    // send actual network put to DataManagers responsible for the chunk name

Client account creation, addition

fn new_account_inital_safecoin(name) {
    for (0..50) { += 1 / store_cost()