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An easy to use script to create HSD Batch commands to open, bid, reveal, redeem, and update HSD.

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                               oooooo   oooooo     oooo            .o8                                 
                                `888.    `888.     .8'            "888                                 
                                 `888.   .8888.   .8'    .ooooo.   888oooo.                            
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                               `888'   `888' d8P'    `Y8 `888'   `Y8b                                  
                                888     888  Y88bo.       888      888                                 
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                                888     888  oo     .d8P  888     d88'                                 
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           o888bood8P'   o888o 8""888P'  `Y8bd8P'      `8'  `8'     o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' `Y8bod88P"   

To run this program, simply Follow these steps

  1. Add the names you would like to open, bid, reveal, redeem, or update to the input.csv
  2. Add input.csv to the same directory as
  3. Fire up your favorite python environment and run
  4. Select your input file from the list of files
  5. Select the amount of names you would like to have in each output file
  6. Enjoy!


An easy to use script to create HSD Batch commands to open, bid, reveal, redeem, and update HSD.







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