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Tools for interacting with databases, specifically tested for PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL/PostGIS databases.

Set Up

Postgres configurations are read from standard locations: ~/.pgpass and PG* environmental variables, with environmental variables overriding any values specfied in ~/.pgpass. To specify defaults, a .env file can be created at the root of the project and any values specified there will take precedence. For example:

PGHOST: localhost
PGPORT: 5432
PGDATABASE: my_database


Basic usage:

with Postgres([host_name], [database_name]) as db_src:
    sql_str = "SELECT * FROM [table]"
    results = db_src.execute_sql(sql_str)

Results can also be converted directly to a pandas DataFrame or geopandas GeoDataFrame (assuming PostGIS database for this example):

with Postgres([host_name], [database_name]) as db_src:
    sql_str = "SELECT * FROM [table]"
    df = db_src.sql2df(sql_str)
    gdf = db_src.sql2gdf(sql_str)

For non-PostGIS spatial databases, the geometry must be encoded in order to be converted to a GeoDataFrame:

with Postgres([host_name], [database_name]) as db_src:
    sql_str = generate_sql([table], 
    gdf = db_src.sql2gdf(sql_str)

Release process

Currently the release process is relatively manual.

  1. Identify most recent tag:
    git tag
  2. Update aoetl.__init__ with the new version.
  3. Push changes to main
  4. Create new tag with appropriate bump in patch, minor, or major number, matching dbtools.__init__:
    git tag v0.1.2
  5. Push tag to GitHub:
    git push origin v0.1.2
  6. GitHub Actions will create a release from any push of a version tag: release.yml

TODO: read version from automatically