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Linode Driver Plugin for docker-machine.


First, docker-machine is required, documentation for how to install docker-machine is available here.

Or, you can install docker-machine from source by running:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make build

Then, install docker-machine-driver-linode driver in the $GOPATH and add $GOPATH/bin to the $PATH environment variable.

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make install


You will need a Linode APIv4 Personal Access Token. Get one here:

docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token=<linode-token> --linode-root-pass=<linode-root-pass> linode

Full Example

LINODE_TOKEN=e332cf8e1a78427f1368a5a0a67946ad1e7c8e28e332cf8e1a78427f1368a5a0 # Should be 65 lowercase hex chars
LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32); echo Password for root: $LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD

docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN --linode-root-pass=$LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD linode
eval $(docker-machine env linode)
docker run --rm --it debian bash
$ docker-machine ls
NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER   STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
linode    *        linode   Running   tcp://           v18.05.0-ce

$ docker-machine rm linode
About to remove linode
WARNING: This action will delete both local reference and remote instance.
Are you sure? (y/n): y
(default) Removing linode: 8753395
Successfully removed linode


Argument Env Default Description
linode-token LINODE_TOKEN None required Linode APIv4 Token (see here)
linode-root-pass LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD None required The Linode Instance root_pass (password assigned to the root account)
linode-label LINODE_LABEL generated The Linode Instance label, unless overridden this will match the docker-machine name. This label must be unique on the account.
linode-region LINODE_REGION us-east The Linode Instance region (see here)
linode-instance-type LINODE_INSTANCE_TYPE g6-standard-4 The Linode Instance type (see here)
linode-image LINODE_IMAGE linode/ubuntu18.04 The Linode Instance image which provides the Linux distribution (see here).
linode-kernel LINODE_KERNEL linode/grub2 The Linux Instance kernel to boot. linode/grub2 will defer to the distribution kernel. (see here (?page=N))
linode-ssh-port LINODE_SSH_PORT 22 The port that SSH is running on, needed for Docker Machine to provision the Linode.
linode-docker-port LINODE_DOCKER_PORT 2376 The TCP port of the Linode that Docker will be listening on
linode-swap-size LINODE_SWAP_SIZE 512 The amount of swap space provisioned on the Linode Instance

Discussion / Help

Join us at #linodego on the gophers slack


MIT License