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Argo CD Chart

A Helm chart for ArgoCD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

Source code can be found here

Additional Information

This is a community maintained chart. This chart installs argo-cd, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

The default installation is intended to be similar to the provided ArgoCD releases.

This chart currently installs the non-HA version of ArgoCD.


1.8.7 to 2.x.x

controller.extraArgs, repoServer.extraArgs and server.extraArgs are not arrays of strings intead of a map

What was

    insecure: ""

is now

  - --insecure


  • Kubernetes 1.7+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm repo add argo
"argo" has been added to your repositories

$ helm install --name my-release argo/argo-cd
NAME: my-release

Helm v3 Compatability

Requires chart version 1.5.2 or newer.

Helm v3 has removed the install-crds hook so CRDs are now populated by files in the crds directory. Users of Helm v3 should set the installCRDs value to false to avoid warnings about nonexistant webhooks.

Chart Values

Parameter Description Default
global.image.imagePullPolicy If defined, a imagePullPolicy applied to all ArgoCD deployments. "IfNotPresent"
global.image.repository If defined, a repository applied to all ArgoCD deployments. ""
global.image.tag If defined, a version annotation applied to all ArgoCD deployments. "v1.6.1"
global.securityContext Toggle and define securityContext See values.yaml
global.imagePullSecrets If defined, uses a Secret to pull an image from a private Docker registry or repository. []
global.hostAliases Mapping between IP and hostnames that will be injected as entries in the pod's hosts files []
nameOverride Provide a name in place of argocd "argocd"
installCRDs Install CRDs if you are using Helm2. true Known Hosts See values.yaml
configs.secret.annotations Annotations for argocd-secret {}
configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPassword Bcrypt hashed admin password null
configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPasswordMtime Admin password modification time date "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" now if configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPassword is set
configs.secret.bitbucketSecret BitBucket incoming webhook secret ""
configs.secret.createSecret Create the argocd-secret. true
configs.secret.githubSecret GitHub incoming webhook secret ""
configs.secret.gitlabSecret GitLab incoming webhook secret """" TLS certificate See values.yaml
configs.secret.extra add additional secrets to be added to argocd-secret {}

ArgoCD Controller

Parameter Description Default
controller.affinity Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment {}
controller.args.operationProcessors define the controller --operation-processors "10"
controller.args.statusProcessors define the controller --status-processors "20"
controller.clusterAdminAccess.enabled Enable RBAC for local cluster deployments. true
controller.containerPort Controller listening port. 8082
controller.extraArgs Additional arguments for the controller. A list of flags []
controller.env Environment variables for the controller. []
controller.image.repository Repository to use for the controller global.image.repository
controller.image.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for the controller global.image.imagePullPolicy
controller.image.tag Tag to use for the controller version annotation global.image.tag
controller.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 3
controller.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
controller.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
controller.livenessProbe.successThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 1
controller.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 1
controller.logLevel Controller log level "info"
controller.metrics.enabled Deploy metrics service false
controller.metrics.service.annotations Metrics service annotations {}
controller.metrics.service.labels Metrics service labels {}
controller.metrics.service.servicePort Metrics service port 8082
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. false
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. {} Controller name string. "application-controller"
controller.nodeSelector Node selector {}
controller.podAnnotations Annotations for the controller pods {}
controller.podLabels Labels for the controller pods {}
controller.priorityClassName Priority class for the controller pods ""
controller.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 3
controller.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
controller.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
controller.readinessProbe.successThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 1
controller.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 1
controller.resources Resource limits and requests for the controller pods. {}
controller.service.annotations Controller service annotations. {}
controller.service.labels Controller service labels. {}
controller.service.port Controller service port. 8082
controler.serviceAccount.annotations Controller service account annotations {}
controller.serviceAccount.create Create a service account for the controller true Service account name. "argocd-application-controller"
controller.tolerations Tolerations for use with node taints []
controller.volumeMounts Controller volume mounts []
controller.volumes Controller volumes []

Argo Repo Server

Property Description Default
repoServer.affinity Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment {}
repoServer.autoscaling.enabled Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for the repo server false
repoServer.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for the repo server HPA 1
repoServer.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for the repo server HPA 5
repoServer.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Average CPU utilization percentage for the repo server HPA 50
repoServer.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Average memory utilization percentage for the repo server HPA 50
repoServer.containerPort Repo server port 8081
repoServer.extraArgs Additional arguments for the repo server. A list of flags. []
repoServer.env Environment variables for the repo server. []
repoServer.image.repository Repository to use for the repo server global.image.repository
repoServer.image.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for the repo server global.image.imagePullPolicy
repoServer.image.tag Tag to use for the repo server version annotation global.image.tag
repoServer.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 3
repoServer.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
repoServer.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
repoServer.livenessProbe.successThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 1
repoServer.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 1
repoServer.logLevel Log level "info"
repoServer.metrics.enabled Deploy metrics service false
repoServer.metrics.service.annotations Metrics service annotations {}
repoServer.metrics.service.labels Metrics service labels {}
repoServer.metrics.service.servicePort Metrics service port 8082
repoServer.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. false
repoServer.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. {} Repo server name "repo-server"
repoServer.nodeSelector Node selector {}
repoServer.podAnnotations Annotations for the repo server pods {}
repoServer.podLabels Labels for the repo server pods {}
repoServer.priorityClassName Priority class for the repo server ""
repoServer.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 3
repoServer.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
repoServer.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
repoServer.readinessProbe.successThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 1
repoServer.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 1
repoServer.replicas The number of repo server pods to run 1
repoServer.resources Resource limits and requests for the repo server pods. {}
repoServer.service.annotations Repo server service annotations. {}
repoServer.service.labels Repo server service labels. {}
repoServer.service.port Repo server service port. 8081
repoServer.serviceAccount.annotations Repo server service account annotations {}
repoServer.serviceAccount.create Create repo server service account false Repo server service account name "argocd-repo-server"
repoServer.tolerations Tolerations for use with node taints []
repoServer.volumeMounts Repo server volume mounts []
repoServer.volumes Repo server volumes []

Argo Server

Parameter Description Default
server.affinity Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment {}
server.autoscaling.enabled Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for the server false
server.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for the server HPA 1
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for the server HPA 5
server.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Average CPU utilization percentage for the server HPA 50
server.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Average memory utilization percentage for the server HPA 50
server.GKEbackendConfig.enabled Enable BackendConfig custom resource for Google Kubernetes Engine. false
server.GKEbackendConfig.spec BackendConfigSpec {}
server.certificate.additionalHosts Certificate manager additional hosts []
server.certificate.domain Certificate manager domain ""
server.certificate.enabled Enables a certificate manager certificate. false
server.certificate.issuer Certificate manager issuer {}
server.clusterAdminAccess.enabled Enable RBAC for local cluster deployments. true
server.config General Argo CD configuration See values.yaml
server.containerPort Server container port. 8080
server.extraArgs Additional arguments for the server. A list of flags. []
server.env Environment variables for the server. []
server.image.repository Repository to use for the server global.image.repository
server.image.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for the server global.image.imagePullPolicy
server.image.tag Tag to use for the server version annotation global.image.tag
server.ingress.annotations Additional ingress annotations {}
server.ingress.enabled Enable an ingress resource for the server false
server.ingress.hosts List of ingress hosts []
server.ingress.labels Additional ingress labels. {}
server.ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration. []
server.ingress.https Uses server.service.servicePortHttps instead server.service.servicePortHttp false
server.ingressGrpc.annotations Additional ingress annotations for dedicated [gRPC-ingress] {}
server.ingressGrpc.enabled Enable an ingress resource for the server for dedicated [gRPC-ingress] false
server.ingressGrpc.hosts List of ingress hosts for dedicated [gRPC-ingress] []
server.ingressGrpc.labels Additional ingress labels for dedicated [gRPC-ingress] {}
server.ingressGrpc.tls Ingress TLS configuration for dedicated [gRPC-ingress] []
server.route.enabled Enable a OpenShift route for the server false
server.route.hostname Hostname of OpenShift route ""
server.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 3
server.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
server.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
server.livenessProbe.successThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 1
server.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 1
server.logLevel Log level "info"
server.metrics.enabled Deploy metrics service false
server.metrics.service.annotations Metrics service annotations {}
server.metrics.service.labels Metrics service labels {}
server.metrics.service.servicePort Metrics service port 8082
server.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. false
server.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. {} Argo CD server name "server"
server.nodeSelector Node selector {}
server.podAnnotations Annotations for the server pods {}
server.podLabels Labels for the server pods {}
server.priorityClassName Priority class for the server ""
server.rbacConfig Argo CD RBAC policy {}
server.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 3
server.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
server.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 10
server.readinessProbe.successThreshold Kubernetes probe configuration 1
server.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Kubernetes probe configuration 1
server.replicas The number of server pods to run 1
server.resources Resource limits and requests for the server {}
server.service.annotations Server service annotations {}
server.service.labels Server service labels {}
server.service.servicePortHttp Server service http port 80
server.service.servicePortHttps Server service https port 443
server.service.servicePortHttpName Server service http port name, can be used to route traffic via istio http
server.service.servicePortHttpsName Server service https port name, can be used to route traffic via istio https
server.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Source IP ranges to allow access to service from. []
server.service.type Server service type "ClusterIP"
server.serviceAccount.annotations Server service account annotations {}
server.serviceAccount.create Create server service account true Server service account name "argocd-server"
server.tolerations Tolerations for use with node taints []
server.volumeMounts Server volume mounts []
server.volumes Server volumes []


Property Description Default
dex.affinity Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment {}
dex.containerPortGrpc GRPC container port 5557
dex.containerPortHttp HTTP container port 5556
dex.enabled Enable dex true
dex.image.imagePullPolicy Dex imagePullPolicy "IfNotPresent"
dex.image.repository Dex image repository ""
dex.image.tag Dex version annotation "v2.22.0"
dex.initImage.repository Argo CD init image repository. global.image.repository
dex.initImage.imagePullPolicy Argo CD init image imagePullPolicy global.image.imagePullPolicy
dex.initImage.tag Argo CD init image tag global.image.tag Dex name "dex-server"
dex.env Environment variables for the Dex server. []
dex.nodeSelector Node selector {}
dex.podAnnotations Annotations for the Dex server pods {}
dex.podLabels Labels for the Dex server pods {}
dex.priorityClassName Priority class for dex ""
dex.resources Resource limits and requests for dex {}
dex.serviceAccount.create Create dex service account true Dex service account name "argocd-dex-server"
dex.servicePortGrpc Server GRPC port 5557
dex.servicePortHttp Server HTTP port 5556
dex.tolerations Tolerations for use with node taints []
dex.volumeMounts Dex volume mounts "/shared"
dex.volumes Dex volumes {}


When Redis is completely disabled from the chart (redis.enabled=false) and an external Redis instance wants to be used or when Redis HA subcart is enabled (redis.enabled=true and redis-ha.enabled=true) but HA proxy is disabled redis-ha.haproxy.enabled=false Redis flags need to be specified through xxx.extraArgs

Parameter Description Default
redis.affinity Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment {}
redis.containerPort Redis container port 6379
redis.enabled Enable redis true
redis.image.imagePullPolicy Redis imagePullPolicy "IfNotPresent"
redis.image.repository Redis repository ""
redis.image.tag Redis version annotation "5.0.8" Redis name "redis"
redis.env Environment variables for the Redis server. []
redis.nodeSelector Node selector {}
redis.podAnnotations Annotations for the Redis server pods {}
redis.podLabels Labels for the Redis server pods {}
redis.priorityClassName Priority class for redis ""
redis.resources Resource limits and requests for redis {}
redis.servicePort Redis service port 6379
redis.tolerations Tolerations for use with node taints []
redis-ha Configures Redis HA subchart The properties below have been changed from the subchart defaults
redis-ha.enabled Enables the Redis HA subchart and disables the custom Redis single node deployment false
redis-ha.exporter.enabled If true, the prometheus exporter sidecar is enabled true
redis-ha.persistentVolume.enabled Configures persistency on Redis nodes false
redis-ha.redis.masterGroupName Redis convention for naming the cluster group: must match ^[\\w-\\.]+$ and can be templated argocd
redis-ha.redis.config Any valid redis config options in this section will be applied to each server (see redis-ha chart) `` Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given number of write operations against the DB occurred. "" is disabled ""
redis-ha.haproxy.enabled Enabled HAProxy LoadBalancing/Proxy true
redis-ha.haproxy.metrics.enabled HAProxy enable prometheus metric scraping true
redis-ha.image.tag Redis tag "5.0.8-alpine"

OpenShift Integration

Parameter Description Default
openshift.enabled Enable OpenShift integration globally. true
openshift.route.enabled Enable OpenShift Route. true Define hostname for Route. Empty for automatic generation. ""
openshift.route.annotations Route annotations. {}
openshift.oAuth.enabled Enable OpenShift OAuth integration globally. true
openshift.oAuth.config.image.repository Image Repository used for automatic configuration tasks.
openshift.oAuth.config.image.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
openshift.oAuth.config.base.url ArgoCD URI in format: "https://<argocd_host>" or leave this default for automatic discovery (recommended). openshiftOAuthConfigBaseUrl
openshift.oAuth.config.redirect.url ArgoCD redirect URI in format: "https://<argocd_host>/api/dex/callback" or leave this default for automatic discovery (recommended). openshiftOAuthConfigRedirectURI
openshift.oAuth.config.dex ArgoCD SSO configuration for OpenShift. See values.yaml
openshift.oAuth.rbac.enabled Enable Role Based Access Control (optional but recommended). true Administrators group name. argocd-admins
openshift.oAuth.rbac.groups.admins.role Administrators ArgoCD role. role:admin Developers group name. argocd-developers
openshift.oAuth.rbac.groups.developers.role Developers ArgoCD role. role:readonly
openshift.oAuth.rbac.users.admins Members of the Administrators group. These users must exist! ["developer","kubedadmin","admin"]
openshift.oAuth.rbac.users.developers Members of the Developers group. These users must exist! []