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This project contains a fluid API to aid in generating data in Litium together with Distancify.Migrations. It also provides the possibility to generate migration seeds based on a Litium instance.

Getting Started


Install-Package Distancify.Migrations.Litium

Seeding a Litium installation

The library revolves around a set of ISeed implementation. Each ISeed implementation provides a method called Ensure. This method ensures that the given entity exists in Litium. If the entity already exist, nothing happens. A seed can also verify given properties of the entity.

Example usage:

ChannelSeed.Ensure("MyChannel", "DefaultChannelFieldTemplate")
	.WithField("Flag", "sv.png")

Note the last method call Commit(). This method creates/updates the entity. Nothing will happen if you forget this call.

Litium Bootstrapping

If you base your project on a completely empty Litium database, there are some basic bootstrapping that needs to be made, such as creating the special System user. By inheriting from LitiumMigration instead of Distancify.Migrations.Migration, this will be automatically taken care of for you.

Apply migrations at Litium startup

If you have a set of migrations that you want to run on all environments, you can make sure these are applied everywhere by creating a startup task:

using Distancify.Migrations;
using Distancify.Migrations.Litium;
using Litium;
using Litium.Foundation;
using Litium.Owin.Lifecycle;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;

public class MigrationsSetup : IPostSetupTask
    public void PostSetup(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
        using (Solution.Instance.SystemToken.Use())

            if (bool.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RunDevMigrationAtStartup"], out bool result) && result)

Generating migrations seeds


The seeds are based on the content of a yaml configuration, the configuration can contain several migrations, targeting different Litium instances and write to different files.

The file configuration file should be named migrationConfiguration.yml and should be located in the same folder as the project file.

- id: Migration1
  baseMigration: DevelopmentMigration
  className: TestMigration1
  host: http://localhost:56666
  namespace: Eqquo.Litium.Migrations.Production.Development
  output: c:\temp\migration\test1.cs
  query: |
- id: Migration2
  baseMigration: DevelopmentMigration
  className: TestMigration2
  host: http://localhost:56666
  namespace: Eqquo.Litium.Migrations.Production.Development
  output: c:\temp\migration\test2.cs
  query: |

The source code project contains an example of this configuration file.

Generate Litium migration

The generation is done by a powershell commandlet. The module is imported by the init.ps1 in the nuget package.

You can invoke the LitiumMigration commandlet in the Package Manager Console.

Push-LitiumMigration -ConfigFileName C:\temp\migration\test.yml

The ConfigFileName is optional, and if not provided is the default value: migrationConfiguration.yml

Running the tests

The tests are built using xUnit and does not require any setup in order to run inside Visual Studio's standard test runner.

Currently does the project only contain tests for the generation of migration seeds.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning.


Use CreateRelease.ps1 to create a new release. There's a CI build from every master build on Distancify's internal NuGet feed.


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the LGPL v3 License - see the LICENSE file for details