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QA Open Toolkit Plugin


This DITA Open Toolkit plugin identifies errors in DITA tagging, element nesting, language standards, and common syntax errors, many of which are based on the Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications. A quality assurance report is created as a single HTML file containing links to each project topic file and a stylized DITA Open Toolkit build log. Quality assurance checks are highly customizable to fit project needs.


  • Reports:
  • HTML report with summaries and graphs using Bootstrap and Google Charts (mapname-report.html)
  • DITA map containing references to all topics with errors and a list of the errors per topic (mapname-violations.ditamap)
  • CSV file containing all errors (mapname-violations.csv)
  • Data file containing all errors that you can use to create your own reports (mapname.dita)
  • Set @chunk=to-content automatically on bookmap and map element when -Dsetchunk=true is specified on command line
  • QA checks compiler transform tool to enable authoring of QA checks as DITA reference topic


To run the standard test transform:

OT 1.x

ant -Dtranstype=qa -Douter.control=quiet -Dsetchunk=true -Dargs.input=samples/taskbook.ditamap [ -logfile=out/qalog.xml]

OT 2.x

dita -f qa -i samples/taskbook.ditamap -Dsetchunk=true

QA Checks Compiler

To convert checks from DITA reference tools/qacompiler/qa_checks_r.dita to QA check:

ant compilechecks

To use the checks, in xsl/_qa_checks.xsl uncomment the xsl:include line for _qa_checks_term.xsl and remove the term template.

To convert checks written as xsl:if statements apply the tools/qacompiler/qa_decompiler.xsl transform on xsl/_qa_checks.xsl.


If the data file (mapname.dita) is not generated, ensure you specified -Dsetchunk=true in the build command or set @chunk=to-content on the root element of the map.