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πŸ“— [User Guide] APP ‐ Tenant Mode

Helder Betiol edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

The APP on Tenant mode is connected to only one Tenant's API and its a more user friendly alternative to the CLI to interact with an API. It allows you to view, create, modify and delete OGrEE objects as well as generate tables and reports. To get started, login with the credentials of the API associated to your APP.

Once logged in, the home page displays your projects. You will find 3 auto generated projects, one for each namespace of OGrEE. Those are shortcuts to seeing all the objects avaiable in the database for that given namespace. Click on the launch button to go straight to the tree view of those objects.

The object's tree view presents all the root objects on the left side. Clicking in the icon next to the object's name expands its children bellow it. On the left down corner, an add βž• button opens a popup that allows creating new objects for the namespace in question. On the right side, filtering and search options are available as well as options to select objects. Selected objects can then be seen in the results page as entries in a table. Columns can be added to the table to see their attributs. The table can be saved as personal project in the APP or can be downloaded as a CSV file.

The button create new project will let you first filter dates of creation for the objects you want to see and the namespace to then showed them in the tree view page.

If the user logged in has admin permission on the tenant, under the user menu (right upper corner in the top bar), a tenant parameters option will be avaiable. This will lead to a page similar to one found in the SuperAdmin mode when managing tenant, allowing the creation and management of users for the tenant.