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74 lines (59 loc) · 3.58 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (59 loc) · 3.58 KB



Given a folder full of Eclipse plugins projects and features projects, generates a dot dependency graph by reading all the OSGI MANIFEST.MF files and the Eclipse feature.xml files of a set of folders.



Usage: java -jar pdedependencies2dot-1.0-shaded.jar [options...] <folder1,folder2,...>

Arguments and options:
 folder1,folder2,...                   : List of folders recursively containing
                                         plugins and features.
 --allowedPrefixes=STRING              : List of allowed prefixes. If given, a
                                         found plugin/feature is not taken into
                                         account if its id doesn't match one of
                                         these prefixes. (default:
 --alwaysPrint                         : If set, the output DOT graph is
                                         printed even if an output file is
 --colorSeed=N                         : Seed for the color randomizer. Each
                                         seed is a completely different color
                                         set. (default: 12)
 --excludedFilePatterns=STRING         : List of glob patterns (e.g
                                         **/badfolder/**). If given, a found
                                         plugin/feature is not taken into
                                         account if its file path matches one
                                         of these patterns
 --filteredPrefixes=STRING             : List of forbidden prefixes. If given,
                                         a found plugin/feature is not taken
                                         into account if its id matches one of
                                         these prefixes.
 --hideExternal                        : If set, external dependencies/reference
                                         s for which no MANIFEST.MF/plugin.xml
                                         was found are not displayed.
 --orientation=[horizontal | vertical] : Sets the overall shape of the graph.
                                         (default: horizontal)
 --outputFile=FILE                     : Path to the output file. If given,
                                         will write into this file instead of
                                         printing to the console. (default:
 --outputXMIFile=FILE                  : Path to the XMI output file which
                                         contains the intermediate EMF model
                                         representing the features/plugins and
                                         their dependencies . If given, will
                                         write into this file instead of
                                         printing the DOT graph to the console.

Compiling & Using

$ git clone
$ cd pdedependencies2dot
$ mvn package

That should produce target/pdedependencies2dot-1.0-shaded.jar, which is executable and contains all dependencies.

To use it:

$ java -jar target/pdedependencies2dot-1.0-shaded.jar --filteredPrefixes=org.eclipse --outputFile=/tmp/ /my/development/folder

Future work

zest visualization within eclipse?