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A PayPal Digital Goods Library that is friendly to humans.


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Recurring Payments with PayPal Digital Goods for Express Checkout PHP Library

PayPal's Digital Goods subscription service is a wonderful payment solution with disjointed documentation and an unfortunately verbose name.

This class connect the dots in the documentation while also offering a human friendly library for using the Recurring Payments API.

Why Use a Class

Using a distinct class for interacting with PayPal provides all the advantages you've come to love of Object-Oriented programming:

  • Abstraction: the complexity of the PayPal NVP API is hidden behind simple function calls for common operations.
  • Encapsulation: update your application to use the most recent version of the API without changing your application's code.


For a quick comparison, of using this class vs. plain PHP, let's compare one the example found in this blog post.

The index.php for this example is like so:


$APIPASSWORD  = "xxxx";
$APISIGNATURE = "xxxxx";
$ENDPOINT     = "";
$VERSION      = "65.1"; //must be >= 65.1

//Build the Credential String:
//For Testing this is hardcoded. You would want to set these variable values dynamically
$nvp_str  = "&METHOD=SetExpressCheckout" 
	. "&RETURNURL=" //set your Return URL here
. "&CANCELURL=" //set your Cancel URL here
	. "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0=Kitty Antics"
	. "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME1=All About Cats"
	. "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC1=Download";

//combine the two strings and make the API Call
$req_str = $cred_str . $nvp_str;
$response = PPHttpPost($ENDPOINT, $req_str);
//check Response
if($response['ACK'] == "Success" || $response['ACK'] == "SuccessWithWarning")
	//setup redirect URL
	$redirect_url = $REDIRECTURL . urldecode($response['TOKEN']);
else if($response['ACK'] == "Failure" || $response['ACK'] == "FailureWithWarning")
	echo "The API Call Failed";

	<title>PayPal - Digital Goods with Express Checkout</title>
	<script src ='' type='text/javascript'></script>
	<p>At this point you would have had the user add everything to the cart, then you would do the SetEC Call and display this button</p>
	<?php echo "<a href=" . $redirect_url . " id='submitBtn'><img src='' border='0' /></a>"; ?>
	var dg = new PAYPAL.apps.DGFlow({
		// the HTML ID of the form submit button which calls setEC
		trigger: "submitBtn"

The equivalent with this library is:

	<title>PayPal - Digital Goods with Express Checkout</title>
	<p>At this point you would have had the user add everything to the cart, then you would do the SetEC Call and display this button</p>
	<?php $paypal->print_buy_button(); // That's it, the class will take care of requesting the token, print the scripts etc. ?>

Live Demo

Want to see a live example of Recurring Payments with PayPal's Digital Goods for Express Checkout?

Take a look at my Recurring Payments Demo.


To test the library for yourself, copy the entire folder somewhere onto your server, eg.

Create a sandbox seller account and request it be set as a Digital Goods account in this forums topic.

Login to this account and get your API credentials from the API Access page.

Copy the API Credentials into

Load in your browser.

Quick Example

The minimum code required for creating an instance of the class is to pass the constructor your PayPal API Credentials and the return & cancel URLs.


$credentials = array(
	'username'  => '',
	'password'  => '1308916362',
	'signature' => 'AFnwAcqRkyW0yPYgkjqTkIGqPbSfAyVFbnFAjXCRltVZFzlJyi2.HbxW',

$args = array(
	'return_url' = '',
	'cancel_url' = '',

$paypal = new PayPal_Digital_Goods( $credentials, $args );

This will create a $25/month subscription in the PayPal Sandbox.

Customising your Subscription

The $args parameter is an associative array of name => value pairs that you can use to customise the details of your subscription.

Subscription Price

To change the subscription to be $49/Month with a $79 sign-up fee, the parameters in the 'subscription' array must be set like so.

$args['subscription'] = array(
	'amount' = 49.00,
	'initial_amount' = 79.00,
	'average_amount' = 49.00 // PayPal default is 25.00 as our monthly subscription value is higher than that, we must set this

Subscription Duration & Frequency

To change the subscription to be billed every 2 weeks for a 6 week period, the parameters in the 'subscription' array must be set like so.

$args['subscription'] = array(
	'period' = 'Week',
	'frequency' = 2,
	'total_cycles' = 6

Trial Period

You can add a trial period to your subscription.

To add a 30 day free trial period the subscription, the parameters in the 'subscription' array must be set like so.

$args['subscription'] = array(
	'trial_amount' = 0,
	'trial_period' = 'Day',
	'trial_frequency' = 30,
	'trial_total_cycles' = 1

Adding a Description

To set the description a new subscriber sees when confirming the subscription with PayPal, pass a description in the 'subscription' parameter.

$args['subscription'] = array( 'description' => 'Hacker Monthly subscription.' );

From the Sandbox to the Live Environment

By default, the class uses the PayPal Sandbox. Switching from the Sandbox to the live PayPal site is easy, set the 'sandbox' boolean flag in the $args array to false.

$args['sandbox'] = false;


If you are fluent in the verbose PayPal lexicon, you will find some of the terms in this library differ to those used in PayPal's documentation.

This class translates the following PayPalisms to the human vernacular.

  • Recurring Payment Profile is referred to as a subscription
  • Digital Goods for Express Checkout is referred to as checkout
  • Payment Flow is referred to as checkout process

Supported PayPal Operations

Supported PayPal API Operations:

  • SetExpressCheckout via request_checkout_token()
  • GetExpressCheckoutDetails via get_checkout_details()
  • GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails via get_subscription_details()
  • CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile via start_subscription()


The class currently only supports recurring payments as this is all I needed.

The class also only support creating one recurring payments profile, where as PayPal docs outline that it is possible to create up to 10 different profiles in one transaction.


Future versions may include

  • Purchase of digital goods as well as recurring payments.
  • Method to create up to 10 different profiles in one transaction.
  • Parsed responses from API calls with keys translated into more human friendly terms.

Pull Requests

Patches are welcome, especially those that implement functionality to overcome the current limitations.

To submit a patch:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  3. Add examples for any new functionality.
  4. Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

The class is written to be friendly to humans, so place special emphasis on readability of your code. It is more important than cleverness and brevity. Your syntax should conform to the WordPress Coding Standards. Provide a brief explanation of each functions purpose in header comments, and comment inline only to explain why your code works. Let your code explain how.

Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. — Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs


A PayPal Digital Goods Library that is friendly to humans.







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