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CMSPluginBase Attributes and Methods Reference

These are a list of attributes and methods that can (or should) be overridden on your Plugin definition.



Default: False

Should the plugin be previewed in admin when you click on the plugin or save it?


Default: False

Can this plugin have child plugins? Or can other plugins be placed inside this plugin? If set to True you are responsible to render the children in your plugin template.

Please use something like this or something similar:

{% load cms_tags %}
<div class="myplugin">
{{ instance.my_content }}
{% for plugin in instance.child_plugin_instances %}
     {% render_plugin plugin %}
{% endfor %}

Be sure to access instance.child_plugin_instances to get all children. They are pre-filled and ready to use. To finally render your child plugins use the {% render_plugin %} templatetag.

See also: child_classes, parent_classes, require_parent



Is this plugin cacheable? If your plugin displays content based on the user or request or other dynamic properties set this to False.


If you disable a plugin cache be sure to restart the server and clear the cache afterwards.


Default: admin/cms/page/plugin_change_form.html

The template used to render the form when you edit the plugin.


class MyPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
    model = MyModel
    name = _("My Plugin")
    render_template = "cms/plugins/my_plugin.html"
    change_form_template = "admin/cms/page/plugin_change_form.html"

See also: frontend_edit_template


Default: None

A List of Plugin Class Names. If this is set, only plugins listed here can be added to this plugin.

See also: parent_classes


Default: False

Disables dragging of child plugins in structure mode.


Default: cms/toolbar/placeholder_wrapper.html

The template used for wrapping the plugin in frontend editing.

See also: change_form_template


Default: CMSPlugin

If the plugin requires per-instance settings, then this setting must be set to a model that inherits from CMSPlugin.

See also: storing configuration


Default: False

Can this plugin only be attached to a placeholder that is attached to a page? Set this to True if you always need a page for this plugin.

See also: child_classes, parent_classes, require_parent,


Default: None

A list of Plugin Class Names. If this is set, this plugin may only be added to plugins listed here.

See also: child_classes, require_parent


Default: True

Should the plugin be rendered at all, or doesn't it have any output? If render_plugin is True, then you must also define render_template

See also: render_template, get_render_template


Default: None

The path to the template used to render the template. If render_plugin is True either this or get_render_template must be defined;

See also: render_plugin , get_render_template


Default: False

Is it required that this plugin is a child of another plugin? Or can it be added to any placeholder, even one attached to a page.

See also: child_classes, parent_classes


Default: False

Can the plugin be inserted inside the text plugin? If this is True then icon_src must be overridden.

See also: icon_src, icon_alt



The render method takes three arguments:

  • context: The context with which the page is rendered.
  • instance: The instance of your plugin that is rendered.
  • placeholder: The name of the placeholder that is rendered.

This method must return a dictionary or an instance of django.template.Context, which will be used as context to render the plugin template.


By default this method will add instance and placeholder to the context, which means for simple plugins, there is no need to overwrite this method.


If you need to determine the plugin render model at render time you can implement get_render_template method on the plugin class; this method taks the same arguments as render. The method must return a valid template file path.


def get_render_template(self, context, instance, placeholder):
    if instance.attr = 'one':
        return 'template1.html'
        return 'template2.html'

See also: render_plugin , render_template


By default, this returns an empty string, which, if left unoverridden would result in no icon rendered at all, which, in turn, would render the plugin uneditable by the operator inside a parent text plugin.

Therefore, this should be overridden when the plugin has text_enabled set to True to return the path to an icon to display in the text of the text plugin.

icon_src takes 1 argument:

  • instance: The instance of the plugin model


def icon_src(self, instance):
    return settings.STATIC_URL + "cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png"

See also: text_enabled, icon_alt


Although it is optional, authors of "text enabled" plugins should consider overriding this function as well.

This function accepts the instance as a parameter and returns a string to be used as the alt text for the plugin's icon which will appear as a tooltip in most browsers. This is useful, because if the same plugin is used multiple times within the same text plugin, they will typically all render with the same icon rendering them visually identical to one another. This alt text and related tooltip will help the operator distinguish one from the others.

By default icon_alt will return a string of the form: "[plugin type] -[instance]", but can be modified to return anything you like.

icon_alt takes 1 argument:

  • instance: The instance of the plugin model

The default implementation is as follows:

def icon_alt(self, instance):
    return "%s - %s" % (force_text(, force_text(instance))

See also: text_enabled, icon_src


When text_enabled is True, this plugin can be added in a text editor and there might be an icon button for that purpose. This method allows to override this icon.

By default, it returns None and each text editor plugin may have its own fallback icon.

text_editor_button_icon takes 2 arguments:

  • editor_name: The plugin name of the text editor
  • icon_context: A dictionary containing information about the needed icon like width, height, theme, etc

Usually this method should return the icon url. But, it may depends on the text editor because what is needed may differ. Please consult the documentation of your text editor plugin.

This requires support from the text plugin; support for this is currently planned for djangocms-text-ckeditor 2.5.0.

See also: text_enabled


get_extra_placeholder_menu_items(self, request, placeholder)

Extends the context menu for all placeholders. To add one or more custom context menu items that are displayed in the context menu for all placeholders when in structure mode, override this method in a related plugin to return a list of cms.plugin_base.PluginMenuItem instances.


get_extra_global_plugin_menu_items(self, request, plugin)

Extends the context menu for all plugins. To add one or more custom context menu items that are displayed in the context menu for all plugins when in structure mode, override this method in a related plugin to return a list of cms.plugin_base.PluginMenuItem instances.


get_extra_local_plugin_menu_items(self, request, plugin)

Extends the context menu for a specific plugin. To add one or more custom context menu items that are displayed in the context menu for a given plugin when in structure mode, override this method in the plugin to return a list of cms.plugin_base.PluginMenuItem instances.

CMSPlugin Attributes and Methods Reference

These are a list of attributes and methods that can (or should) be overridden on your plugin's model definition.

See also: storing configuration



Default: [ ]

A list of plugin fields which will not be exported while using get_translatable_content.

See also: get_translatable_content, set_translatable_content



Handle copying of any relations attached to this plugin. Custom plugins have to do this themselves.

copy_relations takes 1 argument:

  • old_instance: The source plugin instance

See also: Handling-Relations, post_copy


Get a dictionary of all content fields (field name / field value pairs) from the plugin.


from djangocms_text_ckeditor.models import Text

plugin = Text.objects.get(pk=1).get_plugin_instance()[0]
# returns {'body': u'<p>I am text!</p>\n'}

See also: translatable_content_excluded_fields, set_translatable_content


Can (should) be overridden to handle the copying of plugins which contain children plugins after the original parent has been copied.

post_copy takes 2 arguments:

  • old_instance: The old plugin instance instance
  • new_old_ziplist: A list of tuples containing new copies and the old existing child plugins.

See also: Handling-Relations, copy_relations


Takes a dictionary of plugin fields (field name / field value pairs) and overwrites the plugin's fields. Returns True if all fields have been written successfully, and False otherwise.

set_translatable_content takes 1 argument:

  • fields: A dictionary containing the field names and translated content for each.


from djangocms_text_ckeditor.models import Text

plugin = Text.objects.get(pk=1).get_plugin_instance()[0]
plugin.set_translatable_content({'body': u'<p>This is a different text!</p>\n'})
# returns True

See also: translatable_content_excluded_fields, get_translatable_content


Returns the url to call to add a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom view

Default: None (cms_page_add_plugin view is used)


Returns the url to call to edit a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom view

Default: None (cms_page_edit_plugin view is used)


Returns the url to call to move a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom view

Default: None (cms_page_move_plugin view is used)


Returns the url to call to delete a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom view

Default: None (cms_page_delete_plugin view is used)


Returns the url to call to copy a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom view

Default: None (cms_page_copy_plugins view is used)

: _`