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Oscar 0.6 release notes


It took a while but it's finally here: welcome to Oscar 0.6!

These release notes cover the new features as well as backwards incompatible changes that you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Oscar 0.5 or earlier. This release contains some major changes to core APIs which means many old APIs are scheduled to be dropped - see the deprecation plan to avoid any nasty surprises.

When upgrading your Oscar site, make sure you study both the backwards incompatible changes and the deprecated features. If you encounter any undocumented issues, please let us know on the mailing list.

Table of contents:

The biggest change in Oscar 0.6 is the reworking of pricing and availability, which builds on top of the change to allow multiple stockrecords per product. The change is largely backwards compatible with the old system of "partner wrappers" but it is recommended to upgrade to the new system. Support for partner wrappers will be removed for Oscar 0.7.

Oscar 0.6 also introduces better support for marketplace-like functionality with the so-called permission-based dashboard. It is now possible to give non-staff users access to a subset of the dashboard's views (products and orders) by setting the new dashboard_access permission.

Oscar now supports Django 1.5 and its custom user model. This has been only tested in the context of starting a new Oscar project with a custom model. Switching from a separate "profile" model to the new system is not recommended at this point.

Oscar also supports Django 1.6 although this is considered experimental at this stage. It's possible there are still some incompatibilities that haven't been teased out just yet.

Other notable new features include:

Also, to help justify Tangent's sponsorship of Oscar, a simple tracking mechanism has been introduced to keep track of which sites use Oscar.

Multiple stockrecords per product

Products can now have multiple stockrecords rather than just one. This is a key structural change that paves the way for many advanced features.

If a product can be fulfilled by multiple partners, a different stockrecord can be created for each partner. This is a common requirement for large-scale e-commerce sites selling millions of products that use many different fulfilment partners.

It also allows better support for international sites as stockrecords can be created for partners in different countries, who sell in different currencies.

See the :doc:`documentation on pricing and availability </topics/prices_and_availability>` for more details.


This changes means several APIs are deprecated as they assume there is only one stockrecord per product.

Pricing and availability

When products can have many stockrecords, a process needs to be in place to choose which one is selected for a given customer and product. To handle this, a new "strategy" class has been introduced, responsible for selecting the appropriate stockrecord for a given customer and product.

This change also paved the way for reworking how prices, taxes and availability are handled. Instead of using "partner wrappers", the strategy class is responsible for returning availability details and prices for a particular product. New classes known as pricing and availability policies are used to cleanly encapsulate this information.

These changes allow Oscar to dynamically determine prices, partner and availability for a given customer and product. This enables several advanced features such as:

  • Fulfilling a product from the partner that offers the best margin.
  • Fulfilling a product from the partner geographically closest to the customer.
  • Automatically switching to a new partner when when stock runs out.
  • Supporting transactions in multiple currencies on the same site.
  • Supporting different tax treatments on the same site (e.g. UK VAT and US sales tax)
  • Having different pricing and availability policies for different customers.

More generally, it provides a structure for customising how pricing, availability work on a per-customer basis. This gives a great deal of flexibility.

See the guide to :doc:`prices and availability </topics/prices_and_availability>` for more information.

Permission-based dashboard

Three changes were necessary to better support marketplace scenarios within Oscar:

Payment models have abstract versions

The models within the :doc:`payment app </ref/apps/payment>` have been split into abstract and concrete versions. This brings them inline with other Oscar apps and allows them to be customised in the normal way.


Wishlist functionality has finally landed. Signed in customers are now able to create multiple named wishlists and add products to them. There is a new section in the customer's account where wishlists can be managed.


The add-to-wishlist button.


Editing a wishlist

See the :doc:`wishlist documentation </ref/apps/wishlists>` for more details.

Partner dashboard & addresses

Partners can now have addresses. These are useful for US sales tax where tax calculations need to know the origin of a product being shipped.

A dashboard to handle partners, their users and addresses has been added.


The :class:`~oscar.apps.checkout.views.PaymentDetailsView` checkout view has been restructured for flexibility. There is a new :meth:`~oscar.apps.checkout.views.PaymentDetailsView.build_submission` method which is responsible for building a dict of all data for passing to the submit method. This includes the shipping address and shipping method which were previously loaded indirectly within the submit method.


While not major, the changes to checkout are backwards incompatible. See the :ref:`backwards compatibility notes <checkout_incompatibilities>` for more details.

Demo site

Oscar now ships with a demo site along side the sandbox site. While the sandbox is a minimal Django project that uses Oscar with all its defaults, the demo site is a more realistic example of an Oscar project. It has a custom skin and makes many alterations to the default Oscar behaviour.

It's features include:

See the :doc:`sandbox and demo site documentation </internals/sandbox>` for more details. A publicly accessible version of the demo site is available at

Django 1.5, 1.6 and custom user model support

Oscar now supports Django 1.5 and, experimentally, 1.6.

Specifically, Oscar supports custom user models, the headline new feature in Django 1.5. These can be used standalone or with a one-to-one profile model: Oscar's account forms inspect the model fields to dynamically pick up the fields for editing and display.

There are some restrictions on what fields a custom user model must have. For instance, Oscar's default authentication backend requires the user model to have an email and password field. New Oscar projects are encouraged to use the provided abstract user model as the base for their users.

Support for Django 1.6 is considered experimental at the moment as there hasn't been time to run thorough tests for all possible incompatibilities.

Further reading:


The views and templates of the accounts section have been reworked to be clearer and easier to extend. There is no longer a generic front page for the accounts section - instead, each subsection has its own page. The navigation has also moved to the left-hand side.


The new-look account section with navigation on the left-hand side.

Bootstrap-WYSIHTML5 replaced by TinyMCE

TinyMCE 4.0 is now used in the dashboard for all textarea elements with the class wysiwyg. This has better browser support and is easier to customise than bootstrap-wysihtml5 (which has now been removed).

It is easy to configure or replace with the HTML editor of your choice.


Textarea with class ``wysiwyg`` now use TinyMCE.

Improved address fields

The postcode and phone number fields have been improved.

Better bankcard handling

In 0.5, there were two classes that representing a bankcard. These have been merged - the new version is :class:`~oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractBankcard`.

An instance of this model is returned by the :attr:`~oscar.apps.payment.forms.BankcardForm.bankcard` property.

Customer-facing range pages

Ranges can now be flagged as public which means they get a customer-facing detail page which shows a range description and allows its products to be browsed.

In the dashboard, the display order of the range's products can be controlled.

To this end, the core :class:`~oscar.apps.offer.models.Range` model has been extended with a HTML description field.


A customer-facing range page

Reworked search app

Oscar's search app has been reviewed and simplified. The main view class (now :class:``) has been reworked to provide better support for faceting, which can be easily specified using the :ref:`oscar_search_facets` setting.

The SuggestionsView has been removed as it wasn't being used. A later version of Oscar will include a replacement.

See the :doc:`search app documentation </ref/apps/search>` for more details.

Order processing changes

The core :class:`~oscar.apps.order.processing.EventHandler` class has been extended.

  • The handle_shipping_event method now validates a proposed shipping event before saving it.
  • The handle_payment_event method now validates a proposed payment event before saving it.

See the :class:`~oscar.apps.order.processing.EventHandler` for the available methods.

Tracking Oscar sites

Oscar's dashboard now serves a single pixel image from one of Tangent's servers. This is included to gather information on which sites use Oscar, which is an important metric for Tangent, who sponsor Oscar's development.

It can easily be disabled by setting OSCAR_TRACKING=False. If you do opt out, please email the mailing list with any production Oscar sites you are running. This will help to ensure investment in Oscar's future.

Minor changes

  • detox is a new dependency, which allows running tox tests in parallel.
  • OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_REVIEWS has been a documented setting since Oscar 0.4. But there's never been any code to support this, which has been rectified with this release. Things should now work as expected.
  • Oscar uses a cookie to display recently displayed products. This cookie never expired and wasn't a HttpOnly cookie. It is now a HttpOnly cookie and expires after 7 days. Additionally, two settings have been introduced to configure it analogues to the basket cookies: OSCAR_RECENTLY_VIEWED_COOKIE_LIFETIME and OSCAR_RECENTLY_VIEWED_COOKIE_NAME.

There were quite a few backwards incompatible changes in Oscar 0.6. There shouldn't be quite as many in future Oscar releases as we approach 1.0.

Additional apps

Four new apps are required in your INSTALLED_APPS:


If you are using the get_core_apps helper function, then these new apps will be added automatically. The new wishlists app contains database migrations, so you will need to run the migrate management command.

Checkout app

Several changes have been made to the checkout in the name of simplification and making things easier to customise.

The PaymentDetailsView has been adjusted to explicitly pass variables around rather than relying on methods that load them on demand. This makes customisation easier and everything more explicit (a good thing).

Other changes:

  • The checkout gateway page has a new option "Register and continue" which allows a customer to register before checking out. As part of this change, the option value new in GatewayForm has changed to guest as new option is used for this feature.
  • The checkout decorators basket_required and prev_steps_must_be_complete have been removed as they were no longer used.

Shipping app changes

The default implementation of the :class:`~oscar.apps.shipping.repository.Repository` class has been adjusted to avoid thread-safety issues. If you define your own shipping Repository class, ensure that your shipping methods are instantiated per-request and not at compile time.

For example, avoid this:

from oscar.apps.shipping import repository

class Repository(repository.Repository)
    # Don't instantiate at compile time!
    methods = [SomeMethod(), AnotherMethod()]

Instead, instantiate the methods within get_shipping_methods:

from oscar.apps.shipping import repository

class Repository(repository.Repository)
    # Note, methods are not instantiated.  The get_shipping_methods
    # method will instantiate them.
    methods = [SomeMethod, AnotherMethod]


Beware of shipping methods that are configured via constructor parameters, like :class:`~oscar.apps.shipping.methods.FixedPrice`. If you are using methods that work this way, ensure you instantiate them at runtime.

Shipping methods will be reworked for Oscar 0.7 to avoid these issues.

Address model changes

  • The UserAddress.salutation and methods are now properties.
  • The Country model's is_highlighted column has been renamed to display_order and is now an integer field to allow fine-grained country selection.

Basket app changes

Several properties of the basket Line model have been renamed:

  • Line.line_price_excl_tax_and_discounts has been renamed to Line.line_price_excl_tax_incl_discounts.
  • Line.line_price_incl_tax_and_discounts has been renamed to Line.line_price_incl_tax_incl_discounts.

The :func:`~oscar.templatetags.basket_tags.basket_form` templatetag has been altered to take the request as the first parameter, not request.basket.

Catalogue app changes

3 properties have been removed from :class:`oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductImage` as they were unused: resized_image_url, fullsize_url and thumbnail_url. Thumbnailing is instead achieved in templates with :py:mod:`sorl-thumbnail`.

  • The function add_category_from_breadcrumbs was not used and has been removed.
  • Alternative product class templates now use slug field instead of name.lower() to determine their filename. If you have templates for specific product classes, please update your filenames accordingly

Customer app changes

The :class:`oscar.apps.customer.forms.EmailAuthenticationForm` form now needs to be instantiated with a host name so prevent redirects to external sites.

Offer app changes

The ManyToManyField included_product of the :class:`~oscar.apps.offer.models.Range` model was changed to use through relationship:

  • Use Range.add_product(product) instead of Range.included_product.add(product).
  • Use Range.remove_product(product) instead of Range.included_product.remove(product).

When adding a product into a range, position in the range can be specified with display_order parameter: Range.add_product(product, display_order=3)

Payment app changes

The balance method on the :class:`~oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractSource` model is now a property, not a method.

Reviews app changes

The two product review forms, SignedInUserProductReviewForm and AnonymousUserProductReviewForm, have been replaced by a new :class:``.

Search app changes

Some of the names have been simplified.

  • The MultiFacetedSearchView and SuggestionsView view classes have been removed. The MultiFacetedSeachView class is replaced by FacetedSearchView.
  • The MultiFacetedSearchForm has been removed in favour of SearchForm.

Loading baskets

Now that products can have multiple stockrecords, several changes have been made to baskets to allow the appropriate stockrecord to be tracked for each basket line. The basket line model has a new field that links to the selected stockrecord and the basket itself requires an instance of the strategy class so that prices can be calculated for each line. Hence, if you loading baskets and manipulating baskets directly, you need to assign a strategy class in order for prices to calculate correctly:

from oscar.apps.basket import models

basket = models.Basket.objects.get(id=1)
basket.strategy = request.strategy

Without an assigned strategy class, a basket will raise a RuntimeError when attempting to calculate totals.

Renamed templates

Some templates have been renamed for greater consistency. If you are overriding these templates, ensure you rename your corresponding project templates.

Many of the profile templates have been reorganised:

  • customer/address_list.html is renamed to customer/address/address_list.html
  • customer/address_form.html is renamed to customer/address/address_form.html
  • customer/address_delete.html is renamed to customer/address/address_delete.html
  • customer/email.html is renamed to customer/email/email_detail.html
  • customer/email_list.html is renamed to customer/email/email_list.html
  • customer/order.html is renamed to customer/order/order_detail.html
  • customer/order_list.html is renamed to customer/order/order_list.html
  • customer/profile.html is renamed to customer/profile/profile.html
  • customer/profile_form.html is renamed to customer/profile/profile_form.html
  • customer/change_password_form.html is renamed to customer/profile/change_password_form.html
  • partials/nav_profile.html has been removed.

Template block changes

  • The template dashboard/orders/order_detail.html has been reorganised. The tab_transactions block has been renamed to payment_transactions.
  • In checkout/checkout.html, the checkout-nav block has been renamed checkout_nav.

Changes to Partner permissions

The following permissions on the :class:`~oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractPartner` model were not used in Oscar and have been removed to avoid confusion with the newly introduced permission-based dashboard:

  • can_edit_stock_records
  • can_view_stock_records
  • can_edit_product_range
  • can_view_product_range
  • can_edit_order_lines
  • can_view_order_lines

The permission-based dashboard introduced a new permission:

  • dashboard_access


There are rather a lot of new migrations in Oscar 0.6. They are all detailed below.

If you are upgrading and your project overrides one of these apps with new migrations, then ensure you pick up the schema changes in a new migration within your app. You can generally do this using schemamigration $APP --auto but check the corresponding core migration to ensure there aren't any subtleties that are being overlooked.

Some of these migrations rename fields for consistency, while others ensure CharField fields are not nullable.

  • Address:

    • 0003: A new field display_order is added to the Country model. This is the first of 3 migrations that replace the boolean is_highlighted field with an integer field that allows fine-grained control of the order of countries in dropdowns.
    • 0004: A data migration to ensure highlighted countries have a display order of 1.
    • 0005: Remove the is_highlighted field from the Country model as it is no longer necessary.
    • 0006: Add a uniqueness constraint across user_id and hash for the UserAddress model to prevent duplicate addresses.
    • 0007: Use a custom field for address postcodes.
  • Basket:

    • 0004: Add stockrecord field to the Line model to track which stockrecord has been selected to fulfil a particular line.
    • 0005: Add price_currency field to the Line model.
  • Catalogue:

    • 0011: Larger max_length on FileFields and ImageFields
    • 0012: Use NullBooleanField for the value_boolean field of the ProductAttributeValue model.
    • 0013: Add value_file and value_image fields to the ProductAttributeValue model to support file and image attributes.
  • Customer:

    • 0005: Don't allow sms_template field of CommunicationEventType model to be nullable.
  • Dashboard:

    • 0002: Don't allow error_message field of RangeProductFileUpload model to be nullable.
  • Offer app:

    • 0020: Data migration to set null offer descriptions to empty string.
    • 0021: Don't allow null offer descriptions or benefit types.
    • 0022: Add a slug field to the :class:`~oscar.apps.offer.models.Range` model.
    • 0023: A data migration to populate the new range slug field.
    • 0024: Add a is_public field to the :class:`~oscar.apps.offer.models.Range` model.
    • 0025: Add a description field to the :class:`~oscar.apps.offer.models.Range` model.
    • 0026: Add a applies_to_tax_exclusive_price field to ConditionalOffer model to try and handle offers that apply in both the US and UK (this field is later removed).
    • 0027: Create a joining table for the new M2M relationship between ranges and products.
    • 0028: Remove applies_to_tax_exclusive_price field.
  • Order app:

    • 0010: Allow postcodes for shipping- and billing addresses to be nullable.
    • 0011: Rename date field on CommunicationEvent, ShippingEvent and PaymentEvent models to be date_created.
    • 0012: Add reference field to PaymentEvent model.
    • 0013: Add a foreign key to ShippingEvent from PaymentEvent model.
    • 0014: Change postcode field on ShippingAddress and BillingAddress models to use UppercaseCharField field.
    • 0015: Remove is_required and sequence_number fields from ShippingEventType and PaymentEventType models.
    • 0016: Add currency field to Order model. Add a foreign key to the StockRecord model from the Line model.
    • 0017: Add a shipping_code field to the Order model.
    • 0018: ShippingAddress's phone_number is now a PhoneNumberField to allow better validation.
  • Partner app:

    • 0008: Remove unnecessary partner_abstractstockalert table.
    • 0009: Create table for new PartnerAddress model.
    • 0010: Remove uniqueness constraint on product_id for the StockRecord model. This allows a product to have more than one stockrecord.
  • Payment app:

    • 0002: Ensure all CharField fields are not nullable. This migration handles both the data- and schema-migration in one.
  • Promotions app:

    • 0002: Ensure all CharField fields are not nullable.
    • 0003: Extend the max_length of the image field.
  • Wishlist app:

    • 0001: Initial table creation

Accessing a product's stockrecords

Several properties and methods of the core :class:`~oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProduct` class have been deprecated following the change to allow multiple stockrecords per product.

All availability logic has been moved to :ref:`availability policies<availability_policies>` which are determined by the :ref:`strategy class <strategy_class>`.

Checkout session manager

The shipping_method method of the :class:`~oscar.apps.checkout.utils.CheckoutSessionData` is now deprecated in favour of using shipping_method_code. It is being removed as the CheckoutSessionData class should only be responsible for retrieving data from the session, not loading shipping method instances.

Checkout order placement mixin

The following methods within :class:`~oscar.apps.checkout.mixins.OrderPlacementMixin` are deprecated as the flow of placing an order has been changed.

Bankcard model

The :attr:`~oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractBankcard.card_number` is deprecated in favour of using :attr:`~oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractBankcard.number`.

"Partner wrappers"

Before Oscar 0.6, availability and pricing logic was encapsulated in "partner wrappers". A partner wrapper was a class that provided availability and price information for a particular partner, as specified by the OSCAR_PARTNER_WRAPPERS setting. The stockrecord model had several properties and methods which delegated to the appropriate wrapper for the record's partner.

This functionality is now deprecated in favour of using :ref:`strategy classes <strategy_class>`. How prices and taxes are determined is not generally a function of the partner, and so this system was not a good model. Strategy classes are much more flexible and allow better modelling of taxes and availability.

The following properties and methods from :class:`~oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.StockRecord` are deprecated and will be removed for Oscar 0.7. These are all convenience properties and methods that delegate to the appropriate partner wrapper.

All the above properties and methods have effectively been moved to the availability and pricing policies that a strategy class is responsible for loading. To upgrade your project, replace your partner wrapper classes with equivalent :doc:`availability and pricing policies </topics/prices_and_availability>`.

Test support extension brought back into core

The Oscar test support library has been ported back into Oscar core. This simplifies things and avoids circular dependency issues. If your project is using this extension, you should remove it as a dependency and use the analogous functionality from oscar/test/.