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Python AVM Library is a library for working with Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) in the XMP format.

Python AVM Library is a wrapper around the Python XMP Toolkit, providing simple access to AVM-specific fields.

Python AVM Library has been developed by:
  • ESA/Hubble - European Space Agency
  • ESO - European Southern Observatory



  • Python 2.5+
  • Exempi 2.1
  • Linux or OS X (see notes below for Windows)

Python XMP Toolkit

The short version of installation is:

python install

Note, in case you haven't installed Exempi you will get an :exc:`ExempiLoadError` exception once you try to load :mod:`libxmp`.


Python XMP Toolkit requires Exempi 2.1 which can be downloaded from To install Exempi, unpack the distribution and run:

sudo make install

Mac OS X

Note Exempi requires boost ( to compile, so on OS X you probably need to run configure with one of the following options.:

./configure --with-darwinports
./configure --with-fink


Note, currently Exempi 2.1 does not compile on OS X, due to bugs in a number of Makefiles. A patched version of Exempi 2.1 that compiles under OS X can be download at


The library has not been tested on Windows, and nor has any serious effort been made to test it. Hence, developers wanting to use the library on Windows are encouraged to try it out and let us know if it works.

The library ought to work on Windows, if Exempi can be compiled as a DLL using e.g. Cygwin.

Additional documentation is included in the docs/ directory in both HTML and PDF versions.