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Some PowerShell scripts for setting up conatainers on Win 10 IoT-Core


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Some PowerShell scripts for setting up containers on Win 10 IoT-Core

Nb: On Windows 10 IoT-Core you need a 64 bit version of the OS and so won't current run Containers on the RPI. I am using a MinnowBoardMax. I have run the Az Edge container examples on Raspberry PI running Raspian. They might work on an NXP IOT-Core (ARM64) device ??

When deploying Azure IoTEdge Containers to a Windows 10 IoT-Core device, the Azure cLI commands need to be a little different to those stated in some of the Azure IoT Hub documentation. In particular, setting installing and uninstaling requires a local PowerShell script; that is, one copied to the device. I have been working through the tutorials such as:

I found that in "Install and start the IoT Edge runtime/Download and install the IoT Edge service", Step 2 doesn't work if targeting an IoT-Core device. The following is the Step 2 comamnd that won't work:

. {Invoke-WebRequest -useb} | Invoke-Expression; `
Install-SecurityDaemon -Manual -ContainerOs Windows

There was some discussion of this issue with a workaround presented. The PowerShell scripts presented here are a formal encapsulation of that solution.

Pivotal was this response from Kelly Gremban @kgremban:

For unblocking your most recent status update, I've heard from some other users that the current installation bits are buggy on IoT Core. Download IotEdgeSecurityDaemon.ps1 and save it locally on your machine.

And the command to invoke it locally is given by @sergaz-msft at MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs#21559 (comment) as

"C:\locationofthescript\IotEdgeSecurityDaemon.ps1" | Invoke-Expression; ` 
Install-SecurityDaemon -Manual -ContainerOs Windows

I have created a couple of scripts to simplify the script's use and added some scripts for logging.

PowerShell scripts to be run on IoT-Core Device

Usage: Copy these scripts to (say) c:\iotedge on your IoT-Core device. Then run on the device through the PowerShell portal to the device

  • install.ps1: Installation script to replace Step 2 above
  • uninstall.ps1: Removal script
  • IotEdgeSecurityDaemon.ps1: This is called by the install and uninstall scripts as per the link from Kelly above.
  • log-min.ps1: Requires a parameter m, number of minutes. Show log for last m minutes (eg ./logmin 5)
  • log-sec.ps1: Requires a parameter s, number of seconds. Show log for last s seconds (eg ./logsec 3)
  • log-last5min.ps1: Show log for last 5 minutes
  • log-last30sec.ps1: Show log for last 30 seconds.
  • log-loop.ps1: Loops (every 29 secs) dispaly logs for last 30 sec and runs iotedge list
  • ftp.ps1: Start ftp daemon on device
  • GetServices.ps1: Get list of running services
  • The next three were trials. Use restart-rm.ps1
  • restart.ps1
  • restart-iotedge.ps1
  • restart-withcs.ps1
  • restart-rm.ps1: Does quick restart of IoTEdge
  • dokker.ps1: For docker commands when using moby. Inserts the required npipe.

PowerShell ISE

Run PowerShell ISE on your dev machine as your PS console to your device, rather than PowerShell.
It gives you an editor for your scripts. Use the following script on your dev machine:

  • remoteme.ps1

Note: Edit the $machine variable in the script first

The following assumes you have established a PowerShell window to the device, eg via IoT Dashboard and copied the scripts to a suitable folder and changed to that folder at the prompt.

Running the Install script

Get the Connection string as per the tutorial documentation, then enter the call to the script eg:

[]: PS C:\iotedge> .\install

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     0.0        IotEdgeSecurityDaemon               {Install-SecurityDaemon, Uninstall-SecurityDaemon}

cmdlet Install-SecurityDaemon at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

Enter Connection string here when prompted

The container host is on supported build version 17763.
Downloading Moby Engine...
Using Moby Engine from C:\Data\Users\administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\
Downloading Moby CLI...
Using Moby CLI from C:\Data\Users\administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\
Downloading IoT Edge security daemon...
Using IoT Edge security daemon from C:\Data\Users\administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\
Skipping VC Runtime installation on IoT Core.
Generating config.yaml...
Configured device for manual provisioning.
Configured device with hostname 'minwinpcMax'.
Configured device with Moby Engine URL 'npipe://./pipe/iotedge_moby_engine'.
Updated system PATH.
Added IoT Edge registry key.
Initialized the IoT Edge service.

NB: At this stage, the job isn't done! The device is still setting up. Look at the logs until things settle.

You should see logs such as

16/01/2019 4:03:23 PM info: edgelet_docker::runtime -- Successfully pulled image
16/01/2019 4:03:23 PM info: edgelet_docker::runtime -- Creating module edgeAgent...
16/01/2019 4:03:23 PM info: edgelet_docker::runtime -- Successfully created module edgeAgent
16/01/2019 4:03:23 PM info: edgelet_docker::runtime -- Starting module edgeAgent...
16/01/2019 4:03:33 PM info: edgelet_docker::runtime -- Successfully started module edgeAgent
16/01/2019 4:03:33 PM info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime statusedge
16/01/2019 4:03:33 PM info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime is running.

..and similar for edgehub, tempSensor and CSharpModule. Eventually iotedge list will show them all running:

[]: PS C:\iotedge> iotedge list
NAME             STATUS           DESCRIPTION      CONFIG
CSharpModule     running          Up 37 minutes
tempSensor       running          Up 38 minutes
edgeHub          running          Up 38 minutes
edgeAgent        running          Up 39 minutes

Running the Log scripts


    ./log-min 10 Show log for 5 last 10 minutes
    ./log-sec 20 Show log for last 20 seconds
    ./log-last5min Show log for last 5 minutes
    ./log-last30sec: Show log for last 30 seconds.

Running the UnInstall script

Note that this take quite a while before it is done.

[]: PS C:\iotedge> .\uninstall

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     0.0        IotEdgeSecurityDaemon               {Install-SecurityDaemon, Uninstall-SecurityDaemon}
Deleting install directory 'C:\ProgramData\iotedge'...
Deleting Moby data root directory 'C:\Data\ProgramData\iotedge-moby-data'...
Successfully uninstalled IoT Edge.

New Container Download (ie Updates)

I found that when working with the tutorial: Tutorial: Develop a C# IoT Edge module and deploy to your simulated device if I updated my module and attempted an updated download, the update didn't make it to the device. The documentation says that existing modules are stopped and new image/s replace existing containers on the target. I found this didn't happen. Whilst I am looking for a better solution, I found that if I Unistall then Install again and then redeploy, then updates make it to the device.

Simpler: Use restart-rm.ps1 as above

Restarting device: IOT-Core

Another issue has surfaced: If you reboot an IoT-Core device running Az IoT Edge, the containers don't restart, except, maybe, the Agent. From Feedback:

After installation, all runs fine. But after every reboot the edgeAgent does not find its network anymore and thus fails to start the modules. It looks like the “azure-iot-edge” network is recreated on every docker restart with a different id. But the edge containers do not get notified about this by the daemon.

After reboot just run the restart-rm.ps1* script and it will re-pull those containers. NB: The old images are still on the device so some cleanup may be required. It is expected that this issue is to be addressed in an updated image.


Some PowerShell scripts for setting up conatainers on Win 10 IoT-Core







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