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TensorFlow training

Note: This is a fairly new repo and most of the material have not been proofread yet! If you encounter any errors or typos let me know so I can fix them!


This training aims at teaching people the frameworks of TensorFlow and Keras from a technical standpoint. It is not meant to teach Neural Network or Machine Learning/Deep Learning concepts, instead it assumes some basic theoretical understanding of these.


This training is split into two parts: TF101 which is more beginner friendly and TF102 where more advanced and low-level concepts will be explored.


The first part mainly aims to introduce Keras, a user-friednly, high-level API to TensorFLow. It consists of 4 parts:

  1. Intro to keras
    • What is TensorFlow?
    • What is Keras?
    • How can we define and train Neural Networks in Keras?
  2. Deeper customization of Keras models and training
    • Configuring our models: architecture, training params, regularization, etc.
    • Configuring our models' training: losses, optimizers, metrics, callbacks, etc.
  3. Practical training tips
    • Visualizing our model's performance through training with the history callback.
    • Intro to TensorBoard.
  4. Using pretrained models
    • What are pretrained models? Where to find them?
    • Using a HuggingFace pretrained model as an out-of-the-box classifier/feature extractor.
    • Fine-tuning a pretrained model.
    • Partial warm-start.

TF 102

The second part aims to introduce the lower-level native TensorFlow API and how it functions.

  1. TF concepts & low-level functionality
    • What is a computational graph?
    • What is the difference between eager and graph mode?
    • What is AutoGrad?
    • Low-level TensorFlow operations.
  2. Custom training loops
    • Example defining models without the keras API.
    • Training a model with a custom training loop (i.e. without the .fit() API).
    • Adding custom metrics to TensorBoard.
  3. TensorFlow Datasets
    • What is a data generator?
    • How to use the TensorFlow Dataset API.
  4. Advanced concepts
    • Deeper dive into the Keras API. Creating custom layers, losses, metrics, etc. How metrics work in Keras.
    • Distributed training.
    • Explicit device placement.
    • Model performance optimization (distillation, quantization, pruning, etc.)


This training assumes the participant has:

  1. a working knowledge of Python
  2. a basic understanding of Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts
  3. a basic understanding of Neural Networks

These topics are explored in another tutorial.


This course was run on Python 3.9.13, but should safely run with any Python version above 3.6. Access to a GPU isn't necessary to run the notebooks.

The detailed list of requirements can be found in requirements.txt and can be installed through a command like pip install -r requirements.txt to your system interpreter, virtual environment or wherever you prefer.