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Set-Up Git Version Control in PowerShell command line

The official Git-setup in PowerShell avaible is here

Enable Git in PowerShell

The legacy command-line terminal on Windows (cmd.exe) is ont really capable of a customized Git experience, but if you are using PowerShell, you are in luck. This also works if you are running PowerShell Core on Linux or macOS. A package called posh-git provides powerful tab-completion facilities, as well as an enhanced prompt to help you stay on top of your repository status.

Prerequisites (Windows only)

Before you’re able to run PowerShell scripts on your machine, you need to set your local ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned (basically, anything except Undefined and Restricted).

  • If you choose AllSigned instead of RemoteSigned, also local scripts (your own) need to be digitally signed in order to be executed. With RemoteSigned, only scripts having the ZoneIdentifier set to Internet (were downloaded from the web) need to be signed, others not.
  • If you are an administrator and want to set it for all users on that machine, use -Scope LocalMachine.
  • If you are a normal user, without administrative rights, you can use -Scope CurrentUser to set it only for you.

To set the value of ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned for all users use the next command:

# Administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope LocalMachine -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force

To set the value of ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned for you use the next command:

# Normal user without admin priviledges
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force

PowerShell Gallery

If you have at least PowerShell 5 or PowerShell 4 with PackageManagement installed, you can use the package manager to install posh-git for you.

Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -AllowPrerelease -Force # Newer beta version with PowerShell Core support

Update PowerShell Prompt

To include Git information in your prompt, the posh-git module needs to be imported.

Import-Module posh-git

To have posh-git imported every time PowerShell starts, execute the Add-PoshGitToProfile command which will add the import statement into your $profile script. This script is executed everytime you open a new PowerShell console.

Add-PoshGitToProfile -AllHosts

N.B.: Keep in mind, that there are multiple $profile scripts. E.g. one for the console and a separate one for the ISE.

Install Git on your local computer

Retrieve all available Git packages

winget search --name git
Name                                                                 Id                               Version      Source
GitFiend                                                             9NMNKLTSZNKC                     Unknown      msstore
My Git                                                               9NLVK2SL2SSP                     Unknown      msstore
GitIssuesReportGenerator                                             9N6SDTJ8754N                     Unknown      msstore
GitVine                                                              9P3BLC2GW78W                     Unknown      msstore
GitCup                                                               9NBLGGH4XFHP                     Unknown      msstore
GitIt                                                                9NBLGGH40HV7                     Unknown      msstore
Dev Home GitHub Extension (Preview)                                  9NZCC27PR6N6                     Unknown      msstore
GitMind - Mind Map                                                   XPFMP3C8FNRG9P                   Unknown      msstore
Bhagavad Gita                                                        9WZDNCRFJCV5                     Unknown      msstore
GitLab CI/CD Tool                                                    9PK8QXP7H9DR                     Unknown      msstore
GitLooker                                                            9PK6TGX9T87P                     Unknown      msstore
GitLurker                                                            9N2MN78QLVKB                     Unknown      msstore
GitMind Mind Map                                                     XP8LG65GV4C7C8                   Unknown      msstore
Git                                                                  Git.Git                          2.43.0       winget
GitNote                                                              zhaopengme.gitnote               3.1.0        winget
Agent Git                                                            Xidicone.AgentGit                1.88         winget
WimyGit                                                              Wimysoft.WimyGit                 1.0.1        winget
git-absorb                                                           tummychow.git-absorb             0.6.10       winget
TortoiseGit                                                          TortoiseGit.TortoiseGit     winget
GitFiend                                                             TobySuggate.GitFiend             0.40.6       winget
Snagit 2024                                                          TechSmith.Snagit.2024    winget
Snagit 2023                                                          TechSmith.Snagit.2023     winget
Snagit 2022                                                          TechSmith.Snagit.2022   winget
Snagit 2021                                                          TechSmith.Snagit.2021   winget
Snagit 2020                                                          TechSmith.Snagit.2020   winget
gitui                                                                StephanDilly.gitui               0.24.3       winget
GitHubReleaseNotes                                                   StefHeyenrath.GitHubReleaseNotes      winget
Upgit                                                                pluveto.Upgit                    0.2.18       winget
GitBlade                                                             PirinelLtd.GitBlade        winget
Microsoft Git                                                        Microsoft.Git             winget
Gitify                                                               manosim.gitify                   4.5.1        winget
Logitech Unifying Software                                           Logitech.UnifyingSoftware        2.52.33      winget
Logitech Sync                                                        Logitech.Sync              winget
Logitech Solar App                                                   Logitech.Solar                   1.20.28      winget
Logitech SetPoint                                                    Logitech.SetPoint                6.90.66      winget
Logitech Presentation                                                Logitech.Presentation            1.60.33      winget
Logitech Options                                                     Logitech.Options                 10.10.58     winget
Logitech Gaming Software                                             Logitech.LGS                     9.04.28      winget
Logitech G HUB                                                       Logitech.GHUB                    2023.10.3254 winget
Logitech Camera Settings                                             Logitech.CameraSettings     winget
WSJT-X Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio K1JT.wsjtx                       2.6.1        winget
lazygit                                                              JesseDuffield.lazygit            0.40.2       winget
gitg                                                                 gnome.gitg                       41.0         winget
GitLab Runner                                                        Gitlab.Runner                    16.7.0       winget
GitKraken CLI                                                        GitKraken.cli                    1.4.0        winget
Git LFS                                                              GitHub.GitLFS                    3.4.1        winget
GitHub Desktop Beta                                                  GitHub.GitHubDesktop.Beta        3.1.3-beta3  winget
GitHub Desktop                                                       GitHub.GitHubDesktop             3.3.5        winget
GitHub CLI                                                           GitHub.cli                       2.42.0       winget
Git Extensions                                                       GitExtensionsTeam.GitExtensions  4.2.1        winget
GitAhead                                                             GitAhead.GitAhead                2.6.3        winget
MinGit                                                               Git.MinGit                       2.41.0       winget
Fork - a fast and friendly git client                                Fork.Fork                        1.91.2       winget
FastGithub                                                           CoolPlayLin.FastGithub           2.1.4        winget
GitKraken                                                            Axosoft.GitKraken                9.11.1       winget
GitQL                                                                amrdeveloper.gitql               0.11.0       winget
GitTools GitVersion                                                  GitTools.GitVersion              5.12.0       winget
git-cola                                                             git-cola.git-cola                4.2.1        winget
Git for Windows SDK                                                  Git.SDK                          1.0.8        winget
Logitech Onboard Memory Manager (LogitechOMM)                        Logitech.OnboardMemoryManager    1.1.6805.0   winget

Install Git

write-host "Install winget tool if you don't already have it, then type this command in command prompt or Powershell."

Installs the selected package, either found by searching a configured source or directly from a manifest. By default, the query must case-insensitively match the id, name, or moniker of the package.
--id                                 Filter results by id.
-e,--exact                           Find package using exact match
-s,--source                          Find package using the specified source.
winget install --id Git.Git -exact --source winget

Git Workflow

Git Workflow

(1) Core Commands

Start a working area
# Official documentation
git help tutorial

Git Help

git help: 🎫 Retrieve all available git commands.

git help

To open the documentation page of a git command online, type the following command:

git CommandName --help

Git Init

git init : πŸš€ Initialize a new repository by creating an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one

git init

Git Clone

git clone : πŸ“₯ Clone a repository into a new directory

# clone a github reporsitory

git clone htttps://
Work on the current change
# Open the official online Manual Page
git help everyday

git add : βž• Add changes to the staging area

git mv : πŸ”„ Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink

restore : βͺ Restore working tree files

rm: βž– Remove files from the working tree and from the index

grow, mark and tweak your common history

git branch : πŸ”„ List, create, or delete branches

git checkout : πŸ”„ Switch branches or restore working tree files

git commit : ✍️ Commit changes to the repository

git reset : βͺ Reset changes in the working tree

git tag : 🏷️ Add tags to commits

Examine the history and state
# Open the official online Manual Page
git help revisions

git bisect : πŸ”„ Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug

git diff : πŸ”„ View the difference between changes

git grep : πŸ”„ Print lines matching a pattern

git log : πŸ“œ View commit history

git show : 🎫 Show information about a commit

git status : πŸ“Š Check status of your changes

# Open the official online Manual Page
git help workflows

Git Fetch

git fetch : πŸ”„ Download objects and refs from another repository

Git Pull

git pull : πŸ”„ Fetch changes from a remote repository

Git Push

git push : πŸš€ Push changes to a remote repository

Push a local branch that is not yet referenced in .git/config file

git push --set-upstream remote BranchName

The command above will add the following entry in .git/config file

[branch "BranchName"]
	remote = origin
	merge = refs/heads/BranchName

(2) Branching

🌿 Manage branches: git branch

πŸ—οΈ Create and switch to a new branch: git checkout -b

πŸ”„ Merge changes from one branch to another: git merge

πŸ”„ Reapply changes on top of another branch: git rebase

πŸ”„ Set up a tracking branch: git branch --set-upstream-to

πŸ”„ Unset the upstream configuration: git branch --unset-upstream

πŸ’ Pick specific commits to apply: git cherry-pick

(3) Merging

πŸ”„ Merge changes from one branch to another: git merge

πŸ”„ Reapply changes on top of another branch: git rebase

(4) Stashing

πŸ“¦ Temporarily save changes: git stash

πŸ“¦ Apply stashed changes and remove them: git stash pop

πŸ“¦ List all stashes: git stash list

πŸ“¦ Apply stashed changes: git stash apply

πŸ“¦ Discard a stash: git stash drop

(5) Remotes

πŸ”„ Manage remote repositories: git remote

βž• Add a remote repository: git remote add

βž– Remove a remote repository: git remote remove

πŸ”„ Fetch changes from a remote repository: git fetch

πŸ”„ Pull changes from a remote repository: git pull

πŸš€ Push changes to a remote repository: git push

πŸ”„ Clone a repository with all branches: git clone --mirror

(6) Configuration

βš™οΈ Configure Git settings: git config

βš™οΈ Configure global Git settings: git config --global

Set the default global email and the name of the git user

git config --global "GitUserEmail"
git config --global "GitUserName"

If you see the error massage after pushing your work to GitHub, don't worry

+ git push
+ ~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (To https://gith...l_scripting.git:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

See a discussion about this essue here

If Git find a directory unsafe because the current user is not the owner, run this command if you known who owns that directory

git config --global --add ${env:USERPROFILE}\PowerShellScriptingDM

Set the correct commiter after mistakenly commiting with the wrong one

# Edit the name and email of the global commiter on the local machine
git config --global --edit

# reset the name and email of the previous commit (not yet pushed) to the current correct global commiter
git commit --amend --reset-author

# The Vim editor command to enter the edit mode is i
# The Vim editor command to save your changes is esc then :wq
# Meaning: escape (esc) the interactive mode (i) the save the changes (w) and quit the vim editor (q).

Set the name and the email of the global commiter on a local computer

git config --global "user-name"
git config --global

βš™οΈ Remove a Git configuration: git reset config

The entire Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub and published by Apress, is available here.

L'intΓ©gralitΓ© du livre Pro Git, Γ©crit par Scott Chacon et Ben Straub et publiΓ© par Apress, est disponible ici.


Install GitHub CLI (Optional)

winget install --id GitHub.cli --exact --source winget

Install GitHub Desktop (Optional)

winget install --id GitHub.GitHubDesktop --exact --source winget


Install TortoiseGit (Optional)

winget install --id TortoiseGit.TortoiseGit --exact --source winget