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initial commit, simple gaussian utils
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djoshea committed Jan 29, 2010
0 parents commit 48e6a1e
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,222 additions and 0 deletions.
535 changes: 535 additions & 0 deletions Fit RF.ipf

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392 changes: 392 additions & 0 deletions MapRF.ipf
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method.

// A couple things have to be done before running calcAllRF("c*_1")
// 1. Load 10 secs of photodiode recording
// 2. Extract from the photodiode recording START_T and change it in the constants section below
// 3. Make sure that Steve's "LN model" and "Spatio-temporal LN model" procedures are available.
// 4. Now you can run calcAllRF()
// It will prompt you for 4 things:
// 1st: the directory where the cell files are
// 2nd: the cell file with the RF data
// 3rd. the binary file containing the random sequence of 1s/0s from Matlab.
// 4th the directory where you want to save the RF
// There is no need to run macro MakeGlobals_FileTransfer in advance
// There is no need to Load Cell data in advance

// A couple things have to be done in order to run photodiodeRF()
// 1 Load 10secs of photodiode recording, and extract START_T
// 2 Change all teh constants defined below.
// 3. Make sure that Steve's "LN model" and "Spatio-temporal LN model" procedures are available.
// PhotodiodeRF() is going to prompt for 2 filess:
// File1: matlab sequences of 1/0
// File2: photodiode recording.
// ***************************** User define constants ***********************************//

constant START_T = 3.287
// BOX_PIX is in pixels and FRAMESN is the total number of frames in the stimuli, 48000 for 1600 secs @ 30Hz
constant BOX_PIX = 17, FRAMESN = 48000, FRAMEPERIOD = 0.0333462
constant HORIZONTAL_PX=1024, VERTICAL_PX = 768
//constant HORIZONTAL_PX=700, VERTICAL_PX = 700
constant THRESHOLD = 11;
constant SHOW_SCALE=400

// ***************************** User define constants ***********************************//

function calcAllRF()
string cell_wildcard = "c*" // tipically of the form "c*"
string cell, list, cmd
variable i=0
NVAR myPath


// Get the list of waves according to cell_ID

cell =StringFromList(i, list, ";")
if ( stringmatch(cell,"*_recs") )

if (strlen(cell))
CalcRFfn(rand0, $cell, -0.5, 0, .01)
save /P=myPath $cell+"_rf" as cell+"_rf"
killwaves $cell, $cell+"_rf"
i += 1;
while (1)

// clean()

//function loadRF(printflag)
variable printflag // if printflag prints

// string cell_wildcard="c*" // tipically of the form "c*"
make /o bestLayers={25,25,27,24,25,25,26,25,25,25,25,18,25,25,24,25,0,24,025}

// Get the rfPath
string rfPath, message="Folder where the RF files are located"
NewPath/Q/O/M=message rfPath

// Get the list of waves in the specified folder
string cell, folderList, cmd
folderList = IndexedFile(rfPath, -1, "????")
folderList = listMatch(folderList, "*_rf")
folderList = sortList(folderList, ";", 16)
variable i=1, itemsN
itemsN = itemsInList(folderList)

// make the display
if (printflag)
makegraphtile("RF", ceil(sqrt(itemsN)), ceil(sqrt(itemsN)), 0)

// load the RFs
for (i=0; i< itemsN; i+=1)
cell = stringFromList(i, folderList)
LoadWave /o /P=rfPath cell
if (waveExists(bestLayers))
make /o/n=(dimsize($cell, 0), dimsize($cell,1)) $cell+"_thr"
wave threshW = $cell+"_thr", rfW = $cell
threshW = rfW[p][q][bestLayers[i]]
threshrf($cell, 4, -.125, -.025)
duplicate /o rf_thr $cell+"_thr"
string thresholded=cell+"_thr"
if (printflag)
sprintf cmd, "appendimage /w=RF#G%d %s",i, thresholded
execute cmd
// ModifyGraph width=200,height=200
scalesubw("RF", "left", (VERTICAL_PX + SHOW_SCALE)/2, (VERTICAL_PX - SHOW_SCALE)/2)
scalesubw("RF", "bottom", (HORIZONTAL_PX - SHOW_SCALE)/2, (HORIZONTAL_PX + SHOW_SCALE)/2)
dosubw("RF", "ModifyGraph /w=? /z height={Plan,1,left,bottom}")


function DeleteWaves(cell_wildcard)
string cell_wildcard // tipically of the form "c*_1"
NVAR startT, endT, period // start and end points of the stimuli

// Get the list of waves according to cell_ID
string cell, list
variable i=0

print list
cell =StringFromList(i, list, ";")
if (strlen(cell))
killwaves $cell
i += 1;
while (1)

function RemoveDelay2(cell)
wave cell
cell -= START_T;

function killallwindows4MapRF(selection)
// this function is identical to the one under general.ipf but was copied here so that general.ipf does not have to be transferred with MapRF.ipf
// to every machine
// kills all the windows of a certain type.
// selection: 1 graphs
// selection: 2 tables
// selection: 4 layouts
// selection: 16 Notebooks
// selection: 64 Panels
// selection: 128 Procedure windows
// selection: 4096 XOP target windows

variable selection

string list, element, cmd
variable i=0

list = WinList("*", ";","WIN:"+num2str(selection))
element = StringFromList(i, list, ";")
if (strlen(element))
sprintf cmd, "killwindow %s", element
print cmd
execute cmd
i +=1
while (1)

function Init4MapRF()

execute "MakeGlobals_FileTransfer()"
execute "LoadCellFile(\"\",\"\",1,2,\"\",1,\"include all\",\"include all\")"

// delete cell_list and *_recs

// load the random sequence of 1/0 generated by matlab.

// Get the path to store the cell_rf files
string /G myPath
string message="Choose a folder to store the RF files"
NewPath/Q/O/M=message myPath

function clean()
killwaves /a
killstrings /a
killvariables /a


// In order to reconstruct the RF with the photodiode 1st change all the values
// in the constants below and run PhotodiodeRF(), it will kill everything, if you don't want this
// to happen comment out the "killeverything()" line.
// If it doesn't work, look at wave e0_1 and make sure the threshold is such that only a few
// crossings are met.

function PhotodiodeRF()

// load the random sequence of 1/0 generated by matlab.
GBLoadWave/O/N=rand/T={8,72}/W=1 ""

variable rows = ceil(1024/BOX_PIX), cols = ceil(768/BOX_PIX)

setscale /p z,0,framePeriod, rand0
Redimension /n=(rows, cols, framesN) rand0
setscale /p z,0,framePeriod, rand0

// Check that you are getting the right stimuli.
display /w=(0,0,500,500) /k=1
appendimage rand0
SetAxis left (rows-0.5),-.05

// load photodiode
// duplicate photodiode into c0_1
duplicate /o stim_V c0_1

// Get rid of photodiode before start of stimuli
c0_1[]=c0_1[p+x2pnt(c0_1, start_t)]

// convert the photodiode recording into a sequence of 1/0 corresponding to times where the
// photodiode saw high intensity (higher than threshold). There might be more than one
// monitor frame per stimuli frame and If using findlevels directly on
// row data there is a chance the 1st frame does not cross threshold and the 2nd one does. This
// will screw things later on. Therefore smooth data first.
duplicate /o c0_1, d0_1
smooth /b 16, d0_1
duplicate d0_1, e0_1
findlevels /D=e0_1 /edge=1 d0_1, threshold

// calculate the RF map for the photodiode
calcRFfn(rand0, e0_1, -0.5,0, framePeriod)

//Display an image
display /k=1/w=(0,0,500,500); appendimage rf_thr
// ModifyImage rf_thr ctab= {*,*,Grays16,0}
SetAxis left (ROWS-0.5),-0.5

function LoadStim()

variable rows = ceil(HORIZONTAL_PX/BOX_PIX), cols = ceil(VERTICAL_PX/BOX_PIX)

// load the random sequence of 1/0 generated by matlab.
GBLoadWave/O/N=rand/T={8,72}/W=1 ""
Redimension /n=(rows, cols, framesN) rand0
setscale /p z, 0, FRAMEPERIOD, rand0

function RFWeights(rf, st,sp)
//Function RFWeights
// Given a RF, and the spikes and random stimuli used to generate the spikes
// correlate the RF with the stimuli preceeding the spikes to see how similar
// they are.
// Output: weights, a wave containing as many coordinates as spikes where each
// coordinate corresponds to the weight between the given spike and the RF.

// rf: wave containing the RF
// st:Wave containing white noise stimulus
// sp:Wave containing spike train
// tstart:Start time of receptive field relative to a spike

wave rf, st, sp

//Wave to hold the weights
make /o/n=(dimsize(sp,0)) weights=nan

// sp is a 1D wave with the times of each spike
// rf is a 3D wave where first 2 dimension are a given frame and the 3rd dimension is time
// st is a 3D wave where first 2 dimension are a given frame and the 3rd dimension is time
// dimdelta(rf, 2) might be different from dimdelta(st,2)
// In general the RF is going to have resolution at least as good as st in time (meaning that
// dimdelta(rf, 2) <= dimdelta(st, 2)
// For every time in sp I want to extract the 3D wave from st that has the last frame at the
// time of the spike. That matrix should be the same dimension as the rf, then compute a dot
// product between them and store it in weight[i]

variable rfTimeLength = dimsize(rf, 2)*dimdelta(rf,2)
variable startT=dimoffset(rf, 2)
variable endT = dimoffset(rf, 2) + dimsize(rf, 2) * dimdelta(rf,2)
variable i, j,k,l, temp2 = 0

// make the corresponding waves to accomodate one frame of rf and st
make /o/n=(dimsize(rf, 0), dimsize(rf, 1)) rf_frame, st_frame

for (i=0; i<numpnts(sp); i+=1) // for every spike
for (j = startT; j<endT; j+=dimdelta(rf, 2)) // for every time in the rf
rf_frame = rf[p][q](j) // frame of RF corresponding to time j (@ t= 0 the spike takes place)
st_frame = st[p][q](sp[i]+j) // frame of stimulus corresponding to time j with respect to the spike.
// st and sp are not in the same time scale. They are shifted with respect
// to each other in START_T. st time = 0 equals sp time = START_T.
MatrixOp /o temp = sum(rf_frame * st_frame)
temp2 += temp[0]
weights[i] = temp2
temp2 = 0

function selectSpikesFromWeights(sp, weights)
// divide the spikes into BINS according to their weights.
// output is same name as sp +"_bin#"
wave sp, weights

string nameout, basename = nameofwave(sp) + "_set"
variable i, lower, upper, step

// Order the spikes according to the their weights but do not use the original SP wave
// but a duplicate
duplicate /o sp, temp
sort weights, weights, temp
variable BINS = 2, pnts = numpnts(temp)
for (i=0;i< BINS; i+=1)
nameout = basename + num2str(i)
make /o/n=(ceil(pnts/BINS)) $nameout
wave wout = $nameout
wout = temp[i*ceil(pnts/BINS)+p]
// lower = i*step + V_min-1
// upper = (i+1)*step + V_min
// wout = selectnumber (lower < weights[p] && weights[p] < upper, nan, sp[p])
// removenans(wout)

function DrawObject(rf)
// rf is the thresholded rf, a 2D wave

// if using my MapRF, the 700x700 (or whatever you use) is centered on the screen. therefore the top left corner is at
// ( (1024-700)/2 , (768-700)/2 ) = (162, 34) from the upper-left corner of the monitor
// If you mapped the RF with the labs MapRF but the experiment (and the object) is done with the 700x700 screen, then
// use HORIZONTAL_PX=1024, VERITCAL_PX = 768 and
// Corner of Object in Monitor = Corner of OBject in 700x700 box + Corner of 700x700 box in monitor.
// Corner of Object in Monitor = Corner of OBject in 700x700 box + (162, 34)
// object center is (x, y) from 700x700 box's top-left corner
// object center from monitor is (x+162, y+34)
// object dimensions are (L1, L2)
// object coordinates are:
// left = x-L1/2
// right = x+L1/2
// top = y - L2/2
// bottom = y + L2/2
wave rf
variable x = 330, y = 280

// if Using the lab's MapRF uncomment the line below
x += 162; y += 34

variable L1 = 50, L2 = 50
variable left = x-L1/2, right = x+L1/2, top = y - L2/2, bottom = y + L2/2

// rescale the rf_thr to have same number of pixels as in the displayed monitor
variable i, j
for (i=0; i<HORIZONTAL_PX/BOX_PIX; i+=1)
for (j=0; j< VERTICAL_PX/BOX_PIX; j+=1)
newRF[i*BOX_PIX, (i+1)*BOX_PIX-1][j*BOX_PIX, (j+1)*BOX_PIX-1] = rf[i][j]

wavestats /Q rf


duplicate /o newRF, rf
killwaves newRF

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