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Marchesa Bot (or the boring name of CockatriceTournamentBot)

Marchesa Bot (aka tricebot) is a FOSS to make hosting tournaments on cocaktrice easier for tournament organisers. It can create games, save replays and has an integration with Squire Bot. It currently requires players to use cockatrice beta to see the games that it makes.

Build status

CodeQL - Build and Test (Ubuntu) codecov System Tests

Live at


  • Automatic game creation
  • Automatic replay downloads
  • Ability to kick players
  • Automatic player/deck verification

Player Deck Verification

This is when the bot can automatically kick players who are not welcome and tell playeres when they load the wrong deck. Both are entirely optional. The bot gets sent the list of players and decks from the api client, (i.e: Squire Bot) and then when a player who is not meant to be in the game joins they can be kicked automatically by the bot.

Interfacing with the bot

The bot will host an https server (with self signed keys probably) and apps that interface with the bot will use that to connect and send commands which will then get a response (see src/helppage.gen.html for details). A sample implementation is in python in a file called

Do note empty games are deleted after 30 minutes by this bot.

Configuring The Bot

The file (config.conf) should be in this format:

#Cockatrice username
#Cockatrice password
#Cockatrice server address you must include the port
#Auth token for the bot
#SSL certificate
#SSL certificate key
#IP address to bind the API server to, you must include the port
#Client ID for the bot, set to your discord bot ID if -DDISCORD=1
#Room to join
#Folder to save replays to, also effects the URL that replays are servered on
#Rate limit in max messages per second
#Base of the external URL

Change the data for what you want. (is whitespace sensitive) For duplicate property tags, the last line of the tag is used i.e:

username=not this
username=this is used

You can add comments by starting a line with a hashtag (#) i.e:

#this is a comment

If the bot starts and any of the values are not set in the configuration file it will print an error message, if the values are invalid then the program may crash, I will work on a fix to that issue at some point soon. If there any issues with configuring the bot then do feel free to ask but dont share you password :).

The clientID is the client ID of the discord bot attched, use -DDISCORD=0 if you are not using a discord bot and set the client ID to your IP or random noise. If discord is set to 1, then the index page of the bot will be an invite link for that bot (perms are set to admin by default).

certfile and certkeyfile

Generate some ssl keys and slap them in the folder with the executable and then change the config file to have the correct names. The api server does not support CA certificates because it is not web-facing. Ideal configuration would have the bot running on the same machine as the program that uses it.


Install dependencies (ubuntu package names): cmake g++ gcc libmbedtls-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libcppunit-dev build-essentials curl libcurl4-openssl-dev The tests use cppunit and gcovr.

Create build directory and use cmake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. # -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build . # -j


Compiling with build type TEST will create the test executable then you can run it with make coverage or gcov to get coverage if you want.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . # -j

Help it is borked

Create an issue or look through issues for your problem, if the program crashes or hangs, please provide debug information, see below for help with that.

Providing Debug Information

Compile a debug build with

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build . # -j

Please copy and paste the logs from before the crash/hangand put them in your issue, then (optional) run with a debugger and get the full backtrace of the program. Make sure that the program is called with an argument of 3 to get some verbose mongoose logs.

Commits and Code Coverage Graph

(because I can) commits


Tests are written in mostly C but use the cppunit library as needed with classes named in camelCase. Tests are compiled by automatically and can be ran with ctest or ./CockatriceTournamentBotTests.



  • allow multi-room gaming


A bot for cockatrice to be used to run tournaments with ease. Written in mostly C with the the protobuff C++ library and the Mongoose C library (copy bundled).




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Contributors 4
