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Simple express API to register users and upload users' photos.

How to run it

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Make sure MongoDB is running.
  3. npm install will install all dependecies
  4. npm start will start the server.


I also set up the server on Heroku and the URL is

  • Accept a POST request to path "/register", the request body should be a Json object which contains: "EMail","First Name","Last Name","Password","Gender","Date of Birth","Zipcode,Height","Gender Preference","Age Preference Min","Age Preference Max","Race (optional)" and "Religion (optional)"

    Below is a valid Json object:

    { "Email":"", "First Name":"Tom", "Last Name":"Jack", "Password":"123456", "Gender": "Male", "Date of Birth": "2018-05-28T00:00:00.000Z", "Zipcode":"94121", "Height":"176", "Gender Preference":"Female", "Age Preference Min":"18", "Age Preference Max": "30", "Race":"Asian", "Religion":"None" }

    The password will be hashed by bcrypt and added a random salt, then store in the database.

    After receiving a valid Json object, the server will return the user object which has been stored in mongoDB, with a Json Web Token set to response header, which is used to persist the user.

  • Accept a POST request to "/login" with a Json object contains "EMail" and "Password". This router is used to valid user is in the database which will return user object.

  • Accept a GET request to "/user" with x-auth token which will validate the user has login and return the user object.

  • Accept a POST request to "/uploadProfile"" with x-auth token and attach file in request body which will upload a file to server. x-auth token is to make sure which file belongs to which user.

  • Accept a GET request to "/getProfile" with x-auth token which will download the file.(For now just support upload one file).

  • Accept a GET request to "/logout"" with x-auth token which will destroy the token and let the user logout.


Simple express API to register users and upload users' photos.






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