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Update performance benchmark to use real domain and device create cod…
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…e from xenops (translated to lwt)
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David Scott committed Aug 8, 2012
1 parent 47f26bf commit bbeee1f
Showing 1 changed file with 296 additions and 14 deletions.
310 changes: 296 additions & 14 deletions bench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,11 +22,231 @@ let ( |> ) a b = b a
(* So we can run against a real xenstore, place all nodes in a subtree *)
let prefix = "/bench"

let vm_start domid client =
let getdomainpath domid client =
lwt dom_path = with_xs client (fun xs -> getdomainpath xs domid) in
return (prefix ^ dom_path)

let readdir d client =
with_xs client (fun xs -> directory xs d)
with Xs_packet.Enoent _ ->
return []

let read_opt path xs =
lwt x = read xs path in return (Some x)
with Xs_packet.Enoent _ ->
return None

let exists path xs = read_opt path xs >|= (fun x -> x <> None)

module Device = struct

type kind = Vif | Vbd | Tap | Pci | Vfs | Vfb | Vkbd

let kind_of_string = function
| "vif" -> Some Vif | "vbd" -> Some Vbd | "tap" -> Some Tap
| "pci" -> Some Pci | "vfs" -> Some Vfs | "vfb" -> Some Vfb
| "vkbd" -> Some Vkbd
| x -> None

let string_of_kind = function
| Vif -> "vif" | Vbd -> "vbd" | Tap -> "tap" | Pci -> "pci" | Vfs -> "vfs" | Vfb -> "vfb" | Vkbd -> "vkbd"

type devid = int
(** Represents one end of a device *)
type endpoint = { domid: int; kind: kind; devid: int }

(** Represent a device as a pair of endpoints *)
type device = {
frontend: endpoint;
backend: endpoint

let parse_int i =
Some (int_of_string i)
with _ -> None

let rec split ?limit:(limit=(-1)) c s =
let i = try String.index s c with Not_found -> -1 in
let nlimit = if limit = -1 || limit = 0 then limit else limit - 1 in
if i = -1 || nlimit = 0 then
[ s ]
let a = String.sub s 0 i
and b = String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1) in
a :: (split ~limit: nlimit c b)

let parse_backend_link x =
match split '/' x with
| [ ""; "local"; "domain"; domid; "backend"; kind; _; devid ] ->
match parse_int domid, kind_of_string kind, parse_int devid with
| Some domid, Some kind, Some devid ->
Some { domid = domid; kind = kind; devid = devid }
| _, _, _ -> None
| _ -> None

let to_list xs = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match x with
| Some x -> x :: acc
| None -> acc
) [] xs

let list_kinds dir client =
readdir dir client >|= kind_of_string >|= to_list

(* NB: we only read data from the frontend directory. Therefore this gives
the "frontend's point of view". *)
let list_frontends domid client =
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath domid client in
let frontend_dir = dom_path ^ "/device" in
lwt kinds = list_kinds frontend_dir client in

lwt ll = Lwt_list.map_s
(fun k ->
let dir = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" frontend_dir (string_of_kind k) in
lwt devids = readdir dir client >|= parse_int >|= to_list in
(fun devid ->
(* domain [domid] believes it has a frontend for
device [devid] *)
let frontend = { domid = domid; kind = k; devid = devid } in
with_xs client
(fun xs ->
lwt x = read xs (Printf.sprintf "%s/%d/backend" dir devid) in
match parse_backend_link x with
| Some b -> return (Some { backend = b; frontend = frontend })
| None -> return None
with _ -> return None
) devids >|= to_list
) kinds in
return (List.concat ll)

(** Location of the backend in xenstore *)
let backend_path_of_device (x: device) client =
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath x.backend.domid client in
return (Printf.sprintf "%s/backend/%s/%u/%d"
(string_of_kind x.backend.kind)
x.frontend.domid x.backend.devid)

(** Location of the backend error path *)
let backend_error_path_of_device (x: device) client =
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath x.backend.domid client in
return (Printf.sprintf "%s/error/backend/%s/%d"
(string_of_kind x.backend.kind)

(** Location of the frontend in xenstore *)
let frontend_path_of_device (x: device) client =
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath x.backend.domid client in
return (Printf.sprintf "%s/device/%s/%d"
(string_of_kind x.frontend.kind)

(** Location of the frontend error node *)
let frontend_error_path_of_device (x: device) client =
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath x.frontend.domid client in
return (Printf.sprintf "%s/error/device/%s/%d/error"
(string_of_kind x.frontend.kind)

let hard_shutdown_request (x: device) client =
lwt backend_path = backend_path_of_device x client in
lwt frontend_path = frontend_path_of_device x client in
let online_path = backend_path ^ "/online" in
with_xs client
(fun xs ->
lwt () = write xs online_path "0" in
lwt () = rm xs frontend_path in
return ()

(* We store some transient data elsewhere in xenstore to avoid it getting
deleted by accident when a domain shuts down. We should always zap this
tree on boot. *)
let private_path = prefix ^ "/xapi"

(* The private data path is only used by xapi and ignored by frontend and backend *)
let get_private_path domid = Printf.sprintf "%s/%d" private_path domid

let get_private_data_path_of_device (x: device) =
Printf.sprintf "%s/private/%s/%d" (get_private_path x.frontend.domid) (string_of_kind x.backend.kind) x.backend.devid

(* Path in xenstore where we stuff our transient hotplug-related stuff *)
let get_hotplug_path (x: device) =
Printf.sprintf "%s/hotplug/%s/%d" (get_private_path x.frontend.domid) (string_of_kind x.backend.kind) x.backend.devid

let get_private_data_path_of_device (x: device) =
Printf.sprintf "%s/private/%s/%d" (get_private_path x.frontend.domid) (string_of_kind x.backend.kind) x.backend.devid

let rm_device_state (x: device) client =
with_xs client
(fun xs ->
lwt fe = frontend_path_of_device x client in
lwt be = backend_path_of_device x client in
lwt ber = backend_error_path_of_device x client in
lwt fer = frontend_error_path_of_device x client in
Lwt_list.iter_s (rm xs) [ fe; be; ber; Filename.dirname fer ]

let hard_shutdown device client =
lwt () = hard_shutdown_request device client in
lwt () = rm_device_state device client in
return ()

let add device client =
let backend_list = []
and frontend_list = []
and private_list = [] in

lwt frontend_path = frontend_path_of_device device client in
lwt backend_path = backend_path_of_device device client in
let hotplug_path = get_hotplug_path device in
let private_data_path = get_private_data_path_of_device device in
lwt () = with_xst client
(fun xs ->
lwt _ = exists (Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%d/vm" device.backend.domid) xs in
lwt _ = exists frontend_path xs in
lwt () = try_lwt lwt () = rm xs frontend_path in return () with _ -> return () in
lwt () = try_lwt lwt () = rm xs backend_path in return () with _ -> return () in

(* CA-16259: don't clear the 'hotplug_path' because this is where we
record our own use of /dev/loop devices. Clearing this causes us to leak
one per PV .iso *)
lwt () = mkdir xs frontend_path in
lwt () = setperms xs frontend_path (Xs_packet.ACL.({owner = device.frontend.domid; other = NONE; acl = [ device.backend.domid, READ ]})) in
lwt () = mkdir xs backend_path in
lwt () = setperms xs backend_path (Xs_packet.ACL.({owner = device.backend.domid; other = NONE; acl = [ device.frontend.domid, READ ]})) in
lwt () = mkdir xs hotplug_path in
lwt () = setperms xs hotplug_path (Xs_packet.ACL.({owner = device.backend.domid; other = NONE; acl = []})) in
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (x, y) -> write xs (frontend_path ^ "/" ^ x) y)
(("backend", backend_path) :: frontend_list) in
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (x, y) -> write xs (backend_path ^ "/" ^ x) y)
(("frontend", frontend_path) :: backend_list) in
lwt () = mkdir xs private_data_path in
lwt () = setperms xs private_data_path (Xs_packet.ACL.({owner = device.backend.domid; other = NONE; acl = []})) in
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (x, y) -> write xs (private_data_path ^ "/" ^ x) y)
(("backend-kind", string_of_kind device.backend.kind) ::
("backend-id", string_of_int device.backend.domid) :: private_list) in
return ()
) in
return ()

module Domain = struct

let make domid client =
(* create /local/domain/<domid> *)
(* create 3 VBDs, 1 VIF (workaround transaction problem?) *)
lwt dom_path = with_xs client (fun xs -> getdomainpath xs domid) in
let dom_path = prefix ^ dom_path in
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath domid client in
let uuid = Printf.sprintf "uuid-%d" domid in
let name = "name" in
let vm_path = prefix ^ "/vm/" ^ uuid in
Expand All @@ -50,7 +270,7 @@ let vm_start domid client =
lwt () = mkdir xs dom_path in
lwt () = setperms xs dom_path roperm in
(* The /vm path needs to be shared over a localhost migrate *)
lwt vm_exists = try_lwt lwt _ = read xs vm_path in return true with _ -> return false in
lwt vm_exists = with_xs client (exists vm_path) in
lwt () = if not vm_exists then begin
lwt () = mkdir xs vm_path in
lwt () = setperms xs vm_path roperm in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,18 +322,80 @@ let vm_start domid client =
) in
return ()

let control_shutdown domid client =
getdomainpath domid client >|= (fun x -> x ^ "/control/shutdown")

let string_of_shutdown_reason _ = "halt"

let get_uuid domid = Printf.sprintf "uuid-%d" domid

(** Request a shutdown, return without waiting for acknowledgement *)
let shutdown domid req client =
let reason = string_of_shutdown_reason req in
lwt path = control_shutdown domid client in
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath domid client in
with_xst client
(fun xs ->
(* Fail if the directory has been deleted *)
lwt domain_exists = with_xs client (exists dom_path) in
if domain_exists then begin
lwt () = write xs path reason in
return true
end else return false

let destroy domid client =
lwt dom_path = getdomainpath domid client in
(* These are the devices with a frontend in [domid] and a well-formed backend
in some other domain *)
lwt all_devices = Device.list_frontends domid client in

(* Forcibly shutdown every backend *)
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s
(fun device ->
Device.hard_shutdown device client
) all_devices in
(* Remove our reference to the /vm/<uuid> directory *)
lwt vm_path = with_xs client (read_opt (dom_path ^ "/vm")) in
lwt vss_path = with_xs client (read_opt (dom_path ^ "/vss")) in
lwt () = begin match vm_path with
| Some vm_path ->
with_xs client
(fun xs ->
lwt () = rm xs (vm_path ^ "/domains/" ^ (string_of_int domid)) in
lwt domains = readdir (vm_path ^ "/domains") client in
if List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") domains = [] then begin
lwt () = rm xs vm_path in
begin match vss_path with
| Some vss_path -> rm xs vss_path
| None -> return ()
end else return ()
| None -> return ()
end in
lwt () = with_xs client (fun xs -> rm xs dom_path) in
lwt backend_path = getdomainpath 0 client >|= (fun x -> x ^ "/backend") in
lwt all_backend_types = readdir backend_path client in
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s
(fun ty ->
with_xs client (fun xs -> rm xs (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s/%d" backend_path ty domid))
) all_backend_types in
return ()

let vm_shutdown domid client =
with_xs client
(fun xs ->
lwt p = getdomainpath xs domid in
let p = prefix ^ p in
lwt () = rm xs p in
return ()
lwt _ = Domain.shutdown domid () client in
Domain.destroy domid client

let vm_cycle domid client =
vm_start domid client >> (vm_shutdown domid client)
let vbd devid = {
Device.frontend = { Device.domid = domid; kind = Device.Vbd; devid = 0 };
backend = { Device.domid = 0; kind = Device.Vbd; devid = 0 }
} in
lwt () = Domain.make domid client in
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s (fun d -> Device.add d client) [ vbd 0; vbd 1; vbd 2 ] in
vm_shutdown domid client

let rec between start finish =
if start > finish
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,12 +460,12 @@ let main () =
| Some n -> int_of_string n in

lwt client = make () in
lwt t = time (fun () -> sequential n client) in
lwt () = Lwt_io.write Lwt_io.stdout (Printf.sprintf "%d sequential starts and shutdowns: %.02f\n" n t) in
lwt t = time (fun () -> parallel n client) in
lwt () = Lwt_io.write Lwt_io.stdout (Printf.sprintf "%d parallel starts and shutdowns: %.02f\n" n t) in
return ()

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