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Added apply bubbling and sequence canonicalization (also fixed apply …
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djspiewak committed Feb 17, 2017
1 parent bc9dd11 commit 591c16b
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 16 deletions.
40 changes: 24 additions & 16 deletions core/src/main/scala/parseback/parsers.scala
Expand Up @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ sealed trait Parser[+A] {
private[parseback] var finished: Results.Cacheable[A @uncheckedVariance] = _

def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] =
Parser.Apply(this, { (_, as: Catenable[A]) => as map f })
Parser.apply(this, { (_, a: A) => Catenable(f(a)) })

def mapWithLines[B](f: (List[Line], A) => B): Parser[B] =
Parser.Apply(this, { (line, as: Catenable[A]) => as map { f(line, _) } })
Parser.apply(this, { (line, a: A) => Catenable(f(line, a)) })

final def map2[B, C](that: Parser[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Parser[C] = (this ~ that) map f.tupled

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ object Parser {
} getOrElse right

nonNulled | Apply(rhs.derive(line, table), { (_, bs: Catenable[B]) =>
bs flatMap { b => results map { (_, b) } }
nonNulled | Parser.apply(rhs.derive(line, table), { (_, b: B) =>
results map { (_, b) }
} else {
Expand All @@ -393,6 +393,20 @@ object Parser {
right: Parser[B]): Parser[A ~ B] = {

left match {
case Sequence(innerLeft, innerLayout, innerRight) =>
sequence(innerLeft, innerLayout, sequence(innerRight, layout, right)) map {
case (a, (b, c)) => ((a, b), c)

case left: Apply[e, A] =>
val f: (List[Line], (e, B)) => Catenable[(A, B)] = { (lines, pair) =>
val (e, b) = pair

left.f(lines, e) map { (_, b) }

apply(sequence(, layout, right), f, left.lines)

case Epsilon(value) =>
layout map { ws =>
sequence(ws, None, right) map { case (_, b) => (value, b) }
Expand All @@ -415,34 +429,28 @@ object Parser {
left.finish(seen, table) || right.finish(seen, table)

final case class Apply[A, +B](target: Parser[A], f: (List[Line], Catenable[A]) => Catenable[B], lines: Vector[Line] = Vector.empty) extends Parser[B] {
final case class Apply[A, +B](target: Parser[A], f: (List[Line], A) => Catenable[B], lines: Vector[Line] = Vector.empty) extends Parser[B] {
nullableMemo = target.nullableMemo

override def map[C](f2: B => C): Parser[C] =
Apply(target, { (lines, as: Catenable[A]) => f(lines, as) map f2 }, lines)

override def mapWithLines[C](f2: (List[Line], B) => C): Parser[C] =
Apply(target, { (lines, a: Catenable[A]) => f(lines, a) map { f2(lines, _) } }, lines)

protected def _derive(line: Line, table: MemoTable): Parser[B] =
Apply(target.derive(line, table), f, Line.addTo(lines, line))
Parser.apply(target.derive(line, table), f, Line.addTo(lines, line))

protected def _finish(seen: Set[ParserId[_]], table: MemoTable) =
target.finish(seen, table) pmap { f(lines.toList, _) }
target.finish(seen, table) pmap { as => as flatMap { f(lines.toList, _) } }

private[parseback] def apply[A, B](
target: Parser[A],
f: (List[Line], Catenable[A]) => Catenable[B],
f: (List[Line], A) => Catenable[B],
lines: Vector[Line] = Vector.empty): Parser[B] = {

target match {
// TODO we could reenable this rule if Epsilon contained a Catenable
// case Epsilon(value) => Epsilon(f(lines.toList, Catenable(value)))

case target: Apply[e, A] =>
val composed: (List[Line], Catenable[e]) => Catenable[B] = { (lines, es) =>
f(lines, target.f(lines, es))
val composed: (List[Line], e) => Catenable[B] = { (lines, e) =>
target.f(lines, e) flatMap { f(lines, _) }

apply(, composed, target.lines.foldLeft(lines)(Line.addTo))
Expand Down

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