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removed the mrbuild dependency. Bundling it
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Dima Kogan authored and Dima Kogan committed Jul 20, 2018
1 parent 8d7bff4 commit 29febd2
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Showing 3 changed files with 294 additions and 4 deletions.
294 changes: 293 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
Expand Up @@ -19,4 +19,296 @@ CCXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-function -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-unused-pa

DIST_INCLUDE := mrgingham.hh point.hh

include /usr/include/mrbuild/Makefile.common

############# This is a partial copy of mrbuild. Should set this up as a
############# dependency somehow... mrbuild is copyright 2016-2018 California
############# Institute of Technology. Released under the GNU Lesser General
############# Public License version 2.1 or greater.

# This is a common Makefile that can be used as the core buildsystem for
# projects providing a library and some executables using this library. Please
# see for the documentation.

# There are two ways to pass variables to make:
# make CFLAGS=-foo
# and
# CFLAGS=-foo make
# The former creates a "command line" variable and the latter an
# "environment variable". In order to be able to modify a "command line"
# variable (to add other flags, say), one MUST use 'override'. So one would have to do
# override CFLAGS += -bar
# without the "override" nothing would happen. I want to avoid this rabbithole
# entirely, so I disallow "command line" variables for things that I modify.
# I only do this for xxxFLAGS becuase cross-building and installing in Debian
# uses Make in this way. Hopefully this is safe enough
$(foreach v,$(filter %FLAGS,$(.VARIABLES)),$(if $(filter command line,$(origin $v)), $(error '$v' not allowed as a make parameter. Please do "$v=xxxx make yyyy" instead of "make yyyy $v=xxxx")))

# Make sure I have the variables that must be defined. Libraries need an ABI and
# TAIL version, while other need a plain VERSION
$(foreach v,$(MUST_DEF_VARIABLES),$(if $($v),,$(error User MUST specify $v)))

# The default VERSION string that appears as a #define to each source file, and
# to any generated documentation (gengetopt and so on). The user can set this to
# whatever they like

# Default compilers. By default, we use g++ as a linker
CC ?= gcc
CXX ?= g++
NVCC ?= nvcc

# used to make gcc output header dependency information. All source
# files generated .d dependency definitions that are included at the
# bottom of this file

# always building with debug information. This is stripped into the
# -dbg/-debuginfo packages by debhelper/rpm later

# I want the frame pointer. Makes walking the stack WAY easier
CCXXFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer

# I look through my LIB_SOURCES and BIN_SOURCES. Anything that isn't a wildcard
# (has * or ?) should exist. If it doesn't, the user messed up and I flag it
get_no_wildcards = $(foreach v,$1,$(if $(findstring ?,$v)$(findstring *,$v),,$v))
complain_if_nonempty = $(if $(strip $1),$(error $2: $1))
complain_unless_all_exist = $(call complain_if_nonempty,$(call get_no_wildcards,$(filter-out $(wildcard $1),$1)),File not found: )
$(call complain_unless_all_exist,$(LIB_SOURCES) $(BIN_SOURCES))

LIB_SOURCES := $(wildcard $(LIB_SOURCES))
BIN_SOURCES := $(wildcard $(BIN_SOURCES))

LIB_OBJECTS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(LIB_SOURCES)))
BIN_OBJECTS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(BIN_SOURCES)))

SOURCE_DIRS := $(sort ./ $(dir $(LIB_SOURCES) $(BIN_SOURCES)))

# if the PROJECT_NAME is libxxx then LIB_NAME is libxxx
# if the PROJECT_NAME is xxx then LIB_NAME is libxxx
LIB_NAME := $(or $(filter lib%,$(PROJECT_NAME)),lib$(PROJECT_NAME))

BIN_TARGETS := $(basename $(BIN_SOURCES))

# all objects built for inclusion in shared libraries get -fPIC. We don't build
# static libraries, so this is 100% correct


# These are here to process the options separately for each file being built.
# This allows per-target options to be set
# if no explicit optimization flags are given, optimize
define massageopts
$1 $(if $(filter -O%,$1),,-O3)

# If no C++ standard requested, I default to c++0x
define massageopts_cxx
$(call massageopts,$1 $(if $(filter -std=%,$1),,-std=c++0x))

define massageopts_c
$(call massageopts,$1)

# define the compile rules. I need to redefine the rules here because my
# C..FLAGS variables are simple (immediately evaluated), but the user
# could have specified per-target flags that ALWAYS evaluate deferred-ly
# I add the warning options AT THE START of the flag list so that the user can
# override these
cc_build_rule = $(strip $(CXX) $(call massageopts_cxx,-Wall -Wextra $(CXXFLAGS) $(CCXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS))) -c -o $@ $<
c_build_rule = $(strip $(CC) $(call massageopts_c, -Wall -Wextra $(CFLAGS) $(CCXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS))) -c -o $@ $<
cu_build_rule = $(strip $(NVCC) $(call massageopts_c, -Wall -Wextra $(CUFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS))) -c -o $@ $<
cu_build_rule += --compiler-options "-Wall -Wextra $(CCXXFLAGS)"

%.o: %.S
$(CC) $(ASFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

%.h %.c: %.ggo
gengetopt -C -u -g $(VERSION) -i $< -F $* args -f $(notdir $*) -a $(notdir $*)

# by default I build shared libraries only. We known how to build static
# libraries too, but I don't do it unless asked
all: $(if $(strip $(LIB_SOURCES)),$(LIB_TARGET_SO_ALL)) $(if $(strip $(BIN_SOURCES)),$(BIN_TARGETS))
.PHONY: all

$(LIB_TARGET_SO_FULL): LDFLAGS += -shared -Wl,--default-symver -fPIC -Wl,-soname,$(notdir $(LIB_TARGET_SO_BARE)).$(ABI_VERSION)

ln -fs $(notdir $(LIB_TARGET_SO_FULL)) $@

# Here instead of specifying $^, I do just the %.o parts and then the
# others. This is required to make the linker happy to see the dependent
# objects first and the dependency objects last. Same as for BIN_TARGETS
$(CC_LINKER) $(LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o, $^) $(filter-out %.o, $^) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# I make sure to give the .o to the linker before the .so and everything else.
# The .o may depend on the other stuff. The binaries get an rpath (removed at
# install time)
$(BIN_TARGETS): %: %.o
$(CC_LINKER) -Wl,-rpath=$(abspath .) $(LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o, $^) $(filter-out %.o, $^) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# The binaries link with the DSO, if there is one. I need the to build
# the binary, and I need the to run it.

rm -rf $(foreach d,$(SOURCE_DIRS),$(addprefix $d,*.a *.o *.so *.so.* *.d)) $(BIN_TARGETS) $(foreach s,.c .h,$(addsuffix $s,$(basename $(shell find . -name '*.ggo')))) $(EXTRA_CLEAN)
distclean: clean

.PHONY: distclean clean

########################### installation business

ifneq (,$(filter install,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
ifeq ($(strip $(DESTDIR)),)
$(error Tried to make install without having DESTDIR defined \
"make install" is ONLY for package building. \
What are you trying to do?)

# I process the simple wildcard exceptions on DIST_BIN and DIST_INCLUDE in a
# deferred fashion. The reason is that I wand $(wildcard) to run at install
# time, i.e. after stuff is built, and the files $(wildcard) is looking at
# already exist

DIST_BIN = $(filter-out $(wildcard $(DIST_BIN_EXCEPT)), \
$(wildcard $(or $(DIST_BIN_ORIG), $(BIN_TARGETS))))
DIST_INCLUDE = $(filter-out $(wildcard $(DIST_INCLUDE_EXCEPT)), \
$(wildcard $(DIST_INCLUDE_ORIG)))

ifneq (,$(shell grep -qi debian /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null && echo yep))
# we're a debian box, use the multiarch dir
DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH 2>/dev/null)
# we're something else. If /usr/lib64 exists, use that. Otherwise /usr/lib
USRLIB := $(if $(wildcard /usr/lib64),usr/lib64,usr/lib)

# Generates the install rules. Arguments:
# 1. variable containing the being installed
# 2. target path they're being installed to
# 3. post-install commands
define install_rule
$(if $(strip $($1)),
mkdir -p $2 && \
cp -r $($1) $2 && \
$(if $($(1)_EXCEPT_FINDSPEC),find $2 $($(1)_EXCEPT_FINDSPEC) -delete &&) \
$(or $3,true) )

ifneq ($(strip $(LIB_SOURCES)),)
install: $(LIB_TARGET_SO_ALL)


# using 'cp -P' instead of 'install' because the latter follows links unconditionally
ifneq ($(strip $(LIB_SOURCES)),)
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(USRLIB)
ln -fs $(notdir $(LIB_TARGET_SO_FULL)) $(DESTDIR)/$(USRLIB)/$(notdir $(LIB_TARGET_SO_ABI))
ln -fs $(notdir $(LIB_TARGET_SO_FULL)) $(DESTDIR)/$(USRLIB)/$(notdir $(LIB_TARGET_SO_BARE))
$(call install_rule,DIST_BIN, $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin,)
$(call install_rule,DIST_INCLUDE, $(DESTDIR)/usr/include/$(PROJECT_NAME),)
$(call install_rule,DIST_DOC, $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/$(PROJECT_NAME),)
$(call install_rule,DIST_MAN, $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man,)
$(call install_rule,DIST_DATA, $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/$(PROJECT_NAME),)
$(call install_rule,DIST_PERL_MODULES,$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/perl5,)
$(call install_rule,DIST_PY2_MODULES, $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages,)
$(call install_rule,DIST_PY3_MODULES, $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages,)

# In filenames I rename __colon__ -> :
# This is required because Make can't deal with : in rules
for fil in `find $(DESTDIR) -name '*__colon__*'`; do mv $$fil `echo $$fil | sed s/__colon__/:/g`; done

# Remove rpaths from everything. /usr/bin is allowed to fail because
# some of those executables aren't ELFs. On the other hand, any .so we
# find IS en ELF. Those could live in a number of places, since they
# could be extension modules for the various languages, and I thus look
# for those EVERYWHERE
ifneq ($(strip $(DIST_BIN)),)
chrpath -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/* 2>/dev/null || true
find $(DESTDIR) -name '*.so' | xargs chrpath -d

# Any perl programs need their binary path stuff stripped out. This
# exists to let these run in-tree, but needs to be removed at
# install-time (similar to an RPATH)
ifneq ($(strip $(DIST_BIN)),)
for fil in `find $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin -type f`; do head -n1 $$fil | grep -q '^#!.*/perl$$' && perl -n -i -e 'print unless /^\s* use \s+ lib \b/x' $$fil || true; done
test -e $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/perl5 && find $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/perl5 -type f | xargs perl -n -i -e 'print unless /^\s* use \s+ lib \b/x' || true

ifneq ($(strip $(DIST_BIN)),)
# Everything executable needs specific permission bits
chmod 0755 $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/*

.PHONY: install

# I want to keep all the intermediate files always

# the header dependencies
-include $(addsuffix *.d,$(SOURCE_DIRS))

3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions debian/control
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
Source: mrgingham
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), mrbuild (>= 0.58), dh-python,
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dh-python,
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion rpmpackage.spec
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Source0:{version}.tar.gz#/%

BuildRequires: opencv-devel
BuildRequires: boost-devel
BuildRequires: mrbuild

Library to find a grid of points; used for calibration routines
Expand Down

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