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Project : Legal Text Generation Using Recurrent Neural Networks

Name : Dushyant Pathak

ID : 201701062

All dependencies are directly installed in the Python Notebooks.
Strongly recommended to use Google Colab with GPU Accelerator.

1. The code contains a number of notebooks, each of which can be run independently of one another.
2. The dataset is a list of XML documents, that can be found at
3. Here are the instructions, assuming that you are using the already created train and test text files and that you are running using Google Colab: 
	A. VanillaRNN code : A Vanilla RNN implementation : dataset_1.txt file needs to be uploaded on Drive.
	B. CharRNN Approach 1 (TensorFlow code) : Run the file, dataset_1.txt and test.txt to be uploaded on Drive.
	C. CharRNN Approach 2 (TensorFlow code) : Run the file, data_1.txt should be uploaded on Drive.
	D. PyTorch Approach : dataset_2.txt should be uploaded on Drive.
	E. BERT Eval : output-1.txt and ref.txt should be uploaded on Drive, according to the Folder path provided in the code.

4. output.txt file will be downloaded during the run of B. The output-1.txt file in E, is some complete sentences extraced from output.txt, since the BERTScore function requires the two comparison files to have the exact same number of sentences.


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