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Add documentation for interfacing with Objective-C
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jacob-carlborg committed Oct 13, 2015
1 parent 4f7a325 commit d7ebd49
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Showing 5 changed files with 377 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc.ddoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ $(DIVID cssmenu, $(UL
$(ROOT_DIR)ddoc.html, Embedded Documentation,
$(ROOT_DIR)interfaceToC.html, Interfacing to C,
$(ROOT_DIR)cpp_interface.html, Interfacing to C++,
$(ROOT_DIR)objc_interface.html, Interfacing to Objective-C,
$(ROOT_DIR)portability.html, Portability Guide,
$(ROOT_DIR)entity.html, Named Character Entities,
$(ROOT_DIR)memory-safe-d.html, Memory Safety,
Expand Down
369 changes: 369 additions & 0 deletions objc_interface.dd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@

$(SPEC_S Interfacing to Objective-C,
D has limited support for interfacing with Objective-C. It supports
external classes and calling instance methods. It is only available on
OS X, compiling for 64bit.

Fully working example is available at
$(LINK2 #usage-example, the bottom).

$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 external-class, Declaring an External Class))

extern (Objective-C)
interface NSString
const(char)* UTF8String() @selector("UTF8String");

Currently all Objective-C classes need to be declared as interfaces in
D. All Objective-C classes that should be accessible from within D
need to be declared with the $(LINK2 #objc-linkage, Objective-C linkage).

The $(LINK2 #selector-attribute, `@selector`) attribute indicates which
Objective-C selector should be used when calling this method from D.
This attribute needs to be attached to all methods.

$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 instance-method, Calling an Instance Method))

Calling an Objective-C instance method uses the same syntax as calling
regular D methods:

const(char)* result = object.UTF8String();

When the compiler sees a call to a method with Objective-C linkage it
will generate a call similar to how an Objective-C compiler would call
the method.

$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 selector-attribute, The `@selector` Attribute))

The `@selector` attribute is a compiler recognized
$(LINK2 attribute.html#uda, UDA). It is used to tell the compiler which
selector to use when calling an Objective-C method.

Selectors in Objective-C can contain characters that are not valid in D
identifiers, `:`. D supports method overloading while Objective-C
achieves something similar by using different selectors. For these two
reasons it is better to be able to specify the selectors manually in D,
instead of trying to infer it. This allows to have a more natural names
for the methods in D. Example:

extern (Objective-C)
interface NSString
NSString initWith(in char*) @selector("initWithUTF8String:");
NSString initWith(NSString) @selector("initWithString:");

Here the method `initWith` is overloaded with two versions, one
accepting `in char*`, the other one `NSString`. These two methods are
mapped to two different Objective-C selectors, `initWithUTF8String:`
and `initWithString:`.

The attribute is defined in druntime in
$(LINK2 phobos/core_attribute.html, `core.attribute`) and aliased in
$(LINK2 phobos/object.html, `object`), meaning it will be implicitly
imported. The attribute is only defined when the version identifier
$(LINK2 #objc-version-identifier, `D_ObjectiveC`) is enabled.


$(SECTION3 $(LNAME2 compiler-checks, Compiler Checks))

The compiler performs the following checks to enforce the correct usage
of the `@selector` attribue:

The attribue can only be attached to methods with Objective-C

$(LI The attribue can only be attached once to a method)
$(LI The attribue cannot be attached to a template method)

The number of colons in the selector needs to match the number of
parameters the method is declared with

$(P If any of the checks fail, a compile error will occur.)

$(LNAME2 objc-version-identifier, The `D_ObjectiveC` Version Identifier)

The `D_ObjectiveC` version identifier is a predefined version
identifier. It is enabled if Objective-C support is available for the

$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 objc-linkage, Objective-C Linkage))

Objective-C linkage is achieved by attaching the `extern (Objective-C)`
attribute to an interface. Example:

extern (Objective-C)
interface NSObject
NSObject init() @selector("init");

All methods inside an interface declared as `extern (Objective-C)` will
get implicit Objective-C linkage.

The linkage is recognized on all platforms but will issue a compile
error if it is used on a platform where Objective-C support is not
available. This allows to easily hide Objective-C declarations from
platforms where it is not available using the
$(LINK2 version.html#version, `version`) statement, without resorting to
string mixins or other workarounds.

$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 memory-management, Memory Management))

The preferred way to do memory management in Objective-C is to use
Automatic Reference Counting, $(LINK2, ARC).
This is not supported in D, therefore manual memory management is
required to be used instead. This is achieved by calling $(LINK2, `release`)
on an Objective-C instance, like in the old days of Objective-C.

$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 frameworks, Frameworks))

Most Objective-C code is bundled in something called a "Framework".
This is basically a regular directory, with the `.framework` extension
and a specific directory layout. A framework contains a dynamic
library, all public header files and any resources (images, sounds and
so on) required by the framework.

These directories are recognized by some tools, like the Objective-C
compiler and linker, to be frameworks. To link with a framework from
DMD, use the following flags:

-L-framework -L<Framework>

Where `<Framework>` is the name of the framework to link with, without
the `.framework` extension. The two `-L` flags are required because the
linker expects a space between the `-framework` flag and the name of
the framework. DMD cannot handle this and will instead interpet the
name of the framework as a separate flag.

$(SECTION3 $(LNAME2 framework-paths, Framework Paths))

Using the above flag, the linker will search in the standard framework
paths. The standard search paths for frameworks are:

$(LI `/System/Library/Frameworks`)
$(LI `/Library/Frameworks`)

The following flag from DMD can be used to add a new path in which to
search for frameworks:


For more information see the $(LINK2, reference documentation)
and the `ld` man page.


$(SECTION2 $(LNAME2 usage-example, Full Usage Example))

Since the only parts of Objective-C that is currently supported is
calling instance methods, this example demonstrates how the Objective-C
runtime can be used to achieve a running example.

This example will create an Objective-C string, `NSString`, and log the
message using `NSLog` to stderr.

extern (Objective-C)
interface Class
NSString alloc() @selector("alloc");

This interface is used to emulate the $(LINK2, `Class`)
type available in the Objective-C runtime. The instance method `alloc`
will be used to emulate a class method in `NSObject`,
$(LINK2, alloc).

extern (Objective-C)
interface NSString
NSString initWithUTF8String(in char* str) @selector("initWithUTF8String:");
void release() @selector("release");

This is a simplified declaration of the $(LINK2, `NSString`)
class. The $(LINK2, `initWithUTF8String:`)
method will be used to convert a C string in UTF-8 to an Objective-C
string, `NSString`. The $(LINK2, `release`)
method is used to release an deallocate the string. Since D doesn't
support $(LINK2, ARC)
it's needed to manually release Objective-C instances.

extern (C) Class objc_lookUpClass(in char* name)

The $(LINK2, `objc_lookUpClass`)
function is used to get the class definition of the class with the
given name.

extern (C) void NSLog(NSString, ...);

This $(LINK2, `NSLog`)
function prints a message to the System Log facility, i.e. to stderr
and Console.

auto cls = objc_lookUpClass("NSString");

$(P Get the class definition of `NSString`.)

auto str = cls.alloc();

$(P Allocate an instance of the class, `NSString`.)

str = str.initWithUTF8String("Hello World!")

$(P Initialize the Objective-C string using a C string.)


Log the string to stderr, this will print something like this in the

2015-07-18 13:14:27.978 main[11045:2934950] Hello World!


$(P Release and deallocate the string.)

$(P All steps combined look like this:)

module main;

extern (Objective-C)
interface Class
NSString alloc() @selector("alloc");

extern (Objective-C)
interface NSString
NSString initWithUTF8String(in char* str) @selector("initWithUTF8String:");
void release() @selector("release");

extern (C) void NSLog(NSString, ...);
extern (C) Class objc_lookUpClass(in char* name);

void main()
auto cls = objc_lookUpClass("NSString");
auto str = cls.alloc().initWithUTF8String("Hello World!");

When compiling the application remember to link with the required
libraries, in this case the Foundation framework. Example:

dmd -L-framework -LFoundation main.d

TITLE=Interfacing to Objective-C
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions posix.mak
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ SPEC_ROOT=spec intro lex grammar module declaration type property attribute prag
expression statement arrays hash-map struct class interface enum \
const3 function operatoroverloading template template-mixin contracts \
version traits errors unittest garbage float iasm ddoc \
interfaceToC cpp_interface portability entity memory-safe-d abi \
interfaceToC cpp_interface objc_interface portability entity memory-safe-d \
abi simd
SPEC_DD=$(addsuffix .dd,$(SPEC_ROOT))

CHANGELOG_FILES=$(basename $(subst _pre.dd,.dd,$(wildcard changelog/*.dd)))
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions spec.dd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ $(TOC Table of Contents,
$(A ddoc.html, Embedded Documentation),
$(A interfaceToC.html, Interfacing to C),
$(A cpp_interface.html, Interfacing to C++),
$(A objc_interface.html, Interfacing to Objective-C),
$(A portability.html, Portability Guide),
$(A entity.html, Named Character Entities),
$(A memory-safe-d.html, Memory Safety),
Expand Down

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