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add std.typecons.Tuple.rename
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John-Colvin committed Sep 2, 2016
1 parent 2854ae0 commit 239e4c8
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions std/typecons.d
Expand Up @@ -744,6 +744,172 @@ template Tuple(Specs...)

* Renames the elements of a $(LREF Tuple).
* `rename` uses the passed `names` and returns a new
* $(LREF Tuple) using these names, with the content
* unchanged.
* If fewer names are passed than there are members
* of the $(LREF Tuple) then those trailing members are unchanged.
* An empty string will remove the name for that member.
* It is an compile-time error to pass more names than
* there are members of the $(LREF Tuple).
auto rename(names...)()
if (allSatisfy!(isSomeString, typeof(names)))
enum nT = Types.length;
enum nN = names.length;
static assert(nN <= nT, "Cannot have more names than tuple members");
alias allNames = AliasSeq!(names, fieldNames[nN .. $]);

template GetItem(size_t idx)
import std.array : empty;
static if (idx < nT)
alias GetItem = Alias!(Types[idx]);
else static if (allNames[idx - nT].empty)
alias GetItem = AliasSeq!();
alias GetItem = Alias!(allNames[idx - nT]);

import std.range : roundRobin, iota;
return Tuple!(staticMap!(GetItem, aliasSeqOf!(
roundRobin(iota(nT), iota(nT, 2*nT)))))(this);

@safe unittest
auto t0 = tuple(4, "hello");

auto t0Named = t0.rename!("val", "tag");
assert(t0Named.val == 4);
assert(t0Named.tag == "hello");

Tuple!(float, "dat", size_t[2], "pos") t1;
t1.pos = [2, 1];
auto t1Named = t1.rename!"height";
t1Named.height = 3.4;
assert(t1Named.pos == [2, 1]);

Tuple!(int, "a", int, int, "c") t2;
t2 = tuple(3,4,5);
auto t2Named = t2.rename!("", "b");
// "a" no longer has a name
static assert(!hasMember!(typeof(t2Named), "a"));
assert(t2Named[0] == 3);
assert(t2Named.b == 4);
assert(t2Named.c == 5);

// not allowed to specify more names than the tuple has members
static assert(!__traits(compiles, t2.rename!("a","b","c","d")));

* Overload of $(LREF rename) that takes an associative array
* `translate` as a template parameter, where the keys are
* either the names or indices of the members to be changed
* and the new names are the corresponding values.
* Every key in `translate` must be the name of a member of the
* $(LREF tuple).
* The same rules for empty strings apply as for the variadic
* template overload of $(LREF rename).
auto rename(alias translate)()
if (is(typeof(translate) : V[K], V, K) && isSomeString!V &&
(isSomeString!K || is(K : size_t)))
static if (is(typeof(translate) : V_[K_], V_, K_))
alias V = V_;
alias K = K_;
else static assert(false);

static if(isSomeString!K)
import std.conv : to;
import std.algorithm : filter, canFind;
enum notFound = translate.keys
.filter!(k => fieldNames.canFind(k) == -1);
static assert(notFound.empty, "Cannot find members "
~!string ~ " in type "
~ typeof(this).stringof);
return this.rename!(aliasSeqOf!(
import std.array : empty;
auto names = [fieldNames];
foreach(ref n; names)
if (!n.empty)
if(auto p = n in translate)
n = *p;
return names;
import std.algorithm : filter;
import std.conv : to;
enum invalid = translate.keys.
filter!(k => k < 0 || k >= this.length);
static assert(invalid.empty, "Indices " ~!string
~ " are out of bounds for tuple with length "
return this.rename!(aliasSeqOf!(
auto names = [fieldNames];
foreach(k, v; translate)
names[k] = v;
return names;

//replacing names by their current name

Tuple!(float, "dat", size_t[2], "pos") t1;
t1.pos = [2, 1];
auto t1Named = t1.rename!(["dat": "height"]);
t1Named.height = 3.4;
assert(t1Named.pos == [2, 1]);

Tuple!(int, "a", int, "b") t2;
t2 = tuple(3, 4);
auto t2Named = t2.rename!(["a": "b", "b": "c"]);
assert(t2Named.b == 3);
assert(t2Named.c == 4);

//replace names by their position

Tuple!(float, "dat", size_t[2], "pos") t1;
t1.pos = [2, 1];
auto t1Named = t1.rename!([0: "height"]);
t1Named.height = 3.4;
assert(t1Named.pos == [2, 1]);

Tuple!(int, "a", int, "b", int, "c") t2;
t2 = tuple(3, 4, 5);
auto t2Named = t2.rename!([0: "c", 2: "a"]);
assert(t2Named.a == 5);
assert(t2Named.b == 4);
assert(t2Named.c == 3);

* Takes a slice of this `Tuple`.
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