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Add findLocalMin
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DmitryOlshansky committed Apr 29, 2016
2 parents d69cab1 + ce4f169 commit c110eac
Showing 1 changed file with 240 additions and 10 deletions.
250 changes: 240 additions & 10 deletions std/numeric.d
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ WIKI = Phobos/StdNumeric
Copyright: Copyright Andrei Alexandrescu 2008 - 2009.
License: $(WEB, Boost License 1.0).
Authors: $(WEB, Andrei Alexandrescu),
Don Clugston, Robert Jacques
Don Clugston, Robert Jacques, Ilya Yaroshenko
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_numeric.d)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -767,20 +767,20 @@ public:

/** Find a real root of a real function f(x) via bracketing.
* Given a function $(D f) and a range $(D [a..b]) such that $(D f(a))
* and $(D f(b)) have opposite signs or at least one of them equals ±0,
* returns the value of $(D x) in
* the range which is closest to a root of $(D f(x)). If $(D f(x))
* Given a function `f` and a range `[a..b]` such that `f(a)`
* and `f(b)` have opposite signs or at least one of them equals ±0,
* returns the value of `x` in
* the range which is closest to a root of `f(x)`. If `f(x)`
* has more than one root in the range, one will be chosen
* arbitrarily. If $(D f(x)) returns NaN, NaN will be returned;
* arbitrarily. If `f(x)` returns NaN, NaN will be returned;
* otherwise, this algorithm is guaranteed to succeed.
* Uses an algorithm based on TOMS748, which uses inverse cubic
* interpolation whenever possible, otherwise reverting to parabolic
* or secant interpolation. Compared to TOMS748, this implementation
* improves worst-case performance by a factor of more than 100, and
* typical performance by a factor of 2. For 80-bit reals, most
* problems require 8 to 15 calls to $(D f(x)) to achieve full machine
* problems require 8 to 15 calls to `f(x)` to achieve full machine
* precision. The worst-case performance (pathological cases) is
* approximately twice the number of bits.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -822,10 +822,10 @@ T findRoot(T, DF)(scope DF f, in T a, in T b)
* f = Function to be analyzed
* ax = Left bound of initial range of $(D f) known to contain the
* ax = Left bound of initial range of `f` known to contain the
* root.
* bx = Right bound of initial range of $(D f) known to contain the
* bx = Right bound of initial range of `f` known to contain the
* root.
* fax = Value of $(D f(ax)).
Expand All @@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ T findRoot(T, DF)(scope DF f, in T a, in T b)
* Returns:
* A tuple consisting of two ranges. The first two elements are the
* range (in $(D x)) of the root, while the second pair of elements
* range (in `x`) of the root, while the second pair of elements
* are the corresponding function values at those points. If an exact
* root was found, both of the first two elements will contain the
* root, and the second pair of elements will be 0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1385,6 +1385,236 @@ unittest
static assert(__traits(compiles, findRoot((real x)=>cast(double)x, real.init, real.init)));

Find a real minimum of a real function `f(x)` via bracketing.
Given a function `f` and a range `(ax..bx)`,
returns the value of `x` in the range which is closest to a minimum of `f(x)`.
`f` is never evaluted at the endpoints of `ax` and `bx`.
If `f(x)` has more than one minimum in the range, one will be chosen arbitrarily.
If `f(x)` returns NaN or -Infinity, `(x, f(x), NaN)` will be returned;
otherwise, this algorithm is guaranteed to succeed.
f = Function to be analyzed
ax = Left bound of initial range of f known to contain the minimum.
bx = Right bound of initial range of f known to contain the minimum.
relTolerance = Relative tolerance.
absTolerance = Absolute tolerance.
`ax` and `bx` shall be finite reals. $(BR)
$(D relTolerance) shall be normal positive real. $(BR)
$(D absTolerance) shall be normal positive real no less then $(D T.epsilon*2).
A tuple consisting of `x`, `y = f(x)` and `error = 3 * (absTolerance * fabs(x) + relTolerance)`.
The method used is a combination of golden section search and
successive parabolic interpolation. Convergence is never much slower
than that for a Fibonacci search.
"Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives", Richard Brent, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1973)
See_Also: $(LREF findRoot), $(XREF math, isNormal)
Tuple!(T, "x", Unqual!(ReturnType!DF), "y", T, "error")
findLocalMin(T, DF)(
scope DF f,
in T ax,
in T bx,
in T relTolerance = sqrt(T.epsilon),
in T absTolerance = sqrt(T.epsilon),
if (isFloatingPoint!T
&& __traits(compiles, {T _ = DF.init(T.init);}))
assert(isFinite(ax), "ax is not finite");
assert(isFinite(bx), "bx is not finite");
assert(isNormal(relTolerance), "relTolerance is not normal floating point number");
assert(isNormal(absTolerance), "absTolerance is not normal floating point number");
assert(relTolerance >= 0, "absTolerance is not positive");
assert(absTolerance >= T.epsilon*2, "absTolerance is not greater then `2*T.epsilon`");
out (result)
alias R = Unqual!(CommonType!(ReturnType!DF, T));
// c is the squared inverse of the golden ratio
// (3 - sqrt(5))/2
// Value obtained from Wolfram Alpha.
enum T c = 0x0.61c8864680b583ea0c633f9fa31237p+0L;
enum T cm1 = 0x0.9e3779b97f4a7c15f39cc0605cedc8p+0L;
R tolerance;
T a = ax > bx ? bx : ax;
T b = ax > bx ? ax : bx;
// sequence of declarations suitable for SIMD instructions
T v = a * cm1 + b * c;
R fv = f(v);
if (isNaN(fv) || fv == -T.infinity)
return typeof(return)(v, fv, T.init);
T w = v;
R fw = fv;
T x = v;
R fx = fv;
size_t i;
for (R d = 0, e = 0;;)
T m = (a + b) / 2;
// This fix is not part of the original algorithm
if (!isFinite(m)) // fix infinity loop. Issue can be reproduced in R.
m = a / 2 + b / 2;
if (!isFinite(m)) // fast-math compiler switch is enabled
//SIMD instructions can be used by compiler, do not reduce declarations
int a_exp = void;
int b_exp = void;
immutable an = frexp(a, a_exp);
immutable bn = frexp(b, b_exp);
immutable am = ldexp(an, a_exp-1);
immutable bm = ldexp(bn, b_exp-1);
m = am + bm;
if (!isFinite(m)) // wrong input: constraints are disabled in release mode
return typeof(return).init;
tolerance = absTolerance * fabs(x) + relTolerance;
immutable t2 = tolerance * 2;
// check stopping criterion
if (!(fabs(x - m) > t2 - (b - a) / 2))
R p = 0;
R q = 0;
R r = 0;
// fit parabola
if (fabs(e) > tolerance)
immutable xw = x - w;
immutable fxw = fx - fw;
immutable xv = x - v;
immutable fxv = fx - fv;
immutable xwfxv = xw * fxv;
immutable xvfxw = xv * fxw;
p = xv * xvfxw - xw * xwfxv;
q = (xvfxw - xwfxv) * 2;
if (q > 0)
p = -p;
q = -q;
r = e;
e = d;
T u;
// a parabolic-interpolation step
if (fabs(p) < fabs(q * r / 2) && p > q * (a - x) && p < q * (b - x))
d = p / q;
u = x + d;
// f must not be evaluated too close to a or b
if (u - a < t2 || b - u < t2)
d = x < m ? tolerance : -tolerance;
// a golden-section step
e = (x < m ? b : a) - x;
d = c * e;
// f must not be evaluated too close to x
u = x + (fabs(d) >= tolerance ? d : d > 0 ? tolerance : -tolerance);
immutable fu = f(u);
if (isNaN(fu) || fu == -T.infinity)
return typeof(return)(u, fu, T.init);
// update a, b, v, w, and x
if (fu <= fx)
u < x ? b : a = x;
v = w; fv = fw;
w = x; fw = fx;
x = u; fx = fu;
u < x ? a : b = u;
if (fu <= fw || w == x)
v = w; fv = fw;
w = u; fw = fu;
else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w)
{ // do not remove this braces
v = u; fv = fu;
return typeof(return)(x, fx, tolerance * 3);

auto ret = findLocalMin((double x) => (x-4)^^2, -1e7, 1e7);

import std.meta: AliasSeq;
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(double, float, real))
auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => (x-4)^^2, T.min_normal, 1e7);
auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => fabs(x-1), -T.max/4, T.max/4, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
assert(approxEqual(ret.x, T(1)));
assert(approxEqual(ret.y, T(0)));
assert(ret.error <= 10 * T.epsilon);
auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => T.init, 0, 1, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => log(x), 0, 1, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
assert(ret.error < 3.00001 * ((2*T.epsilon)*fabs(ret.x)+ T.min_normal));
assert(ret.x >= 0 && ret.x <= ret.error);
auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => log(x), 0, T.max, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
assert(ret.y < -18);
assert(ret.error < 5e-08);
assert(ret.x >= 0 && ret.x <= ret.error);
auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => -fabs(x), -1, 1, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);

Computes $(LUCKY Euclidean distance) between input ranges $(D a) and
$(D b). The two ranges must have the same length. The three-parameter
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