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Fix Issue 18319 - std.exception: enforce example does not compile
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wilzbach committed Jan 28, 2018
1 parent 408733c commit f4ccf68
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 69 deletions.
134 changes: 65 additions & 69 deletions std/exception.d
Expand Up @@ -355,31 +355,36 @@ void assertThrown(T : Throwable = Exception, E)

Enforces that the given value is true.
If the given value is false, an exception is thrown.
$(LI `msg` - error message as a `string`)
$(LI `dg` - custom delegate that return a string and is only called if an exception occurred)
$(LI `ex` - custom exception to be thrown. It is `lazy` and is only created if an exception occurred)
value = The value to test.
E = Exception type to throw if the value evalues to false.
E = Exception type to throw if the value evaluates to false.
msg = The error message to put in the exception if it is thrown.
dg = The delegate to be called if the value evaluates to false.
ex = The exception to throw if the value evaluates to false.
file = The source file of the caller.
line = The line number of the caller.
Returns: $(D value), if `cast(bool) value` is true. Otherwise,
$(D new Exception(msg)) is thrown.
Returns: `value`, if `cast(bool) value` is true. Otherwise,
depending on the chosen overload, `new Exception(msg)`, `dg()` or `ex` is thrown.
$(D enforce) is used to throw exceptions and is therefore intended to
`enforce` is used to throw exceptions and is therefore intended to
aid in error handling. It is $(I not) intended for verifying the logic
of your program. That is what $(D assert) is for. Also, do not use
$(D enforce) inside of contracts (i.e. inside of $(D in) and $(D out)
`enforce` inside of contracts (i.e. inside of `in` and `out`
blocks and $(D invariant)s), because contracts are compiled out when
compiling with $(I -release).
auto f = enforce(fopen("data.txt"));
auto line = readln(f);
enforce(line.length, "Expected a non-empty line.");
If a delegate is passed, the safety and purity of this function are inferred
from `Dg`'s safety and purity.
T enforce(E : Throwable = Exception, T)(T value, lazy const(char)[] msg = null,
string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
Expand All @@ -389,21 +394,7 @@ if (is(typeof({ if (!value) {} })))
return value;

Enforces that the given value is true.
value = The value to test.
dg = The delegate to be called if the value evaluates to false.
file = The source file of the caller.
line = The line number of the caller.
Returns: $(D value), if `cast(bool) value` is true. Otherwise, the given
delegate is called.
The safety and purity of this function are inferred from $(D Dg)'s safety
and purity.
/// ditto
T enforce(T, Dg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
(T value, scope Dg dg)
if (isSomeFunction!Dg && is(typeof( dg() )) &&
Expand All @@ -413,23 +404,40 @@ if (isSomeFunction!Dg && is(typeof( dg() )) &&
return value;

private void bailOut(E : Throwable = Exception)(string file, size_t line, in char[] msg)
/// ditto
T enforce(T)(T value, lazy Throwable ex)
static if (is(typeof(new E(string.init, string.init, size_t.init))))
throw new E(msg ? msg.idup : "Enforcement failed", file, line);
else static if (is(typeof(new E(string.init, size_t.init))))
throw new E(file, line);
static assert(0, "Expected this(string, string, size_t) or this(string, size_t)" ~
" constructor for " ~ __traits(identifier, E));
if (!value) throw ex();
return value;

import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
import std.conv : ConvException, to;

// use enforce like assert
int a = 3;
enforce(a > 2, "a needs to be higher than 2.");

// enforce can throw a custom exception
enforce!ConvException(a > 2, "a needs to be higher than 2.");

// enforce will return it's input
enum size = 42;
auto memory = enforce(malloc(size), "malloc failed")[0 .. size];
scope(exit) free(memory.ptr);

@safe unittest
assertNotThrown(enforce(true, new Exception("this should not be thrown")));
assertThrown(enforce(false, new Exception("this should be thrown")));

@safe unittest
assert(enforce(123) == 123);
Expand All @@ -447,6 +455,23 @@ private void bailOut(E : Throwable = Exception)(string file, size_t line, in cha

private void bailOut(E : Throwable = Exception)(string file, size_t line, in char[] msg)
static if (is(typeof(new E(string.init, string.init, size_t.init))))
throw new E(msg ? msg.idup : "Enforcement failed", file, line);
else static if (is(typeof(new E(string.init, size_t.init))))
throw new E(file, line);
static assert(0, "Expected this(string, string, size_t) or this(string, size_t)" ~
" constructor for " ~ __traits(identifier, E));

@safe unittest
// Issue 10510
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,35 +557,6 @@ private void bailOut(E : Throwable = Exception)(string file, size_t line, in cha
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { enforce!E(false); }));

Enforces that the given value is true.
value = The value to test.
ex = The exception to throw if the value evaluates to false.
Returns: $(D value), if `cast(bool) value` is true. Otherwise, $(D ex) is
auto f = enforce(fopen("data.txt"));
auto line = readln(f);
enforce(line.length, new IOException); // expect a non-empty line
T enforce(T)(T value, lazy Throwable ex)
if (!value) throw ex();
return value;

@safe unittest
assertNotThrown(enforce(true, new Exception("this should not be thrown")));
assertThrown(enforce(false, new Exception("this should be thrown")));

Enforces that the given value is true, throwing an `ErrnoException` if it
is not.
Expand Down

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